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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would think that a bookstore would WANT homeschooler's business. Seriously, we ARE their demographic, right?
  2. Just a "FYI"... her curriculum was out long before AIG picked it up. It's really separate, minus the fact that she sold it to AIG. I think it's good, it's not as pleasant to listen to as say... SOTW for us. Perhaps it's whatever you get use to... I keep trying to find something like SOTW, as we've listened till our ears may pop. We love it... and my son isn't tired of it... but... I could use a change. I tried Waring's for him.. and that's when he went through his "STORIES MOM!!!... You know... STORIES of THE WORLD!!!" kinda screaming thing to get his SOTW back on... well... if you're gonna throw a hissy fit... doing it to get SOTW back on isn't too bad... (And.. he wasn't actually being really bratty... he was trying to explain which cd he wanted ;) But, with older kids... or different kids... Waring's material might be just great; I didn't think it was bad to listen to... :)
  3. How far away are you? I can just pick it up!! ;) Seriously, a cupcake carrier? (something large, round, short and plastic?) Then one of the bags that you can use for "hot" or "cold" :)
  4. I think you should at least purchase the first one; there's more in there than just how to teach math. I like the way they show you how to explain things and also the games that they offer. I would do a better job if I took the time to play the games.... I think to fairly use the program, you should have all the "pieces". Seriously, I think that everyone can make it through 5A or so without any help, but the $$$ that you spend is worth it in my opinion... just to have them. :)
  5. Hey There :) So, my son has the VP cards memorized in CC order. I'm wondering what would happen if we switched to VP. I'm not sure what I want to do for next year. We LOVE SOTW, and will continue to use it for our co-op. Seriously, we LOVE history so much that we need other things to do! I have thought of doing VP, I actually like VP Scholars program... (well, the look of it) I wish...wish... wish... that I could put the cards into CC order. He knows most of the cards... and since CC put them in purely chronological order, I think that would mess him up. What history parts could I use of VP and actually "re-arrange" them to CC order?? I am not sure what we'll do as he gets older, so I want to have a strong foundation for him.... And.... The Memory Work Class on the Scholars Online Classes... Anyone know what's included in that?? Thanks
  6. Yup, waste of time and money. Perhaps requiring the school to do... what it probably does... would be good. Tour of a local community college and State College if close. Explaining the Registration process... etc... What the students and parents decide... totally up to them.
  7. Ohhh... thanks for these :) Wondering if there are any more. *Beth :) Are you using the Cybershala? I remember you were going to ... :) Thanks!
  8. Can anyone help with IEW classes for kids? Online is what I'm thinking. The age is a student 3rd-5th grade. Thanks!
  9. Can we list the spots that have some type of programming or class that uses Singapore Math? (for children) Thanks!
  10. Wow!! Thanks Marian! Lots of information to sift through on that site; I have no doubt that I can prepare my son equally well to what Public school can do. BUT, that has never been my goal for him. I have this precious child who I am just trying to figure out realistic goals for, and have him for 10 more years to help him choose the path that his educational road will be on... It's hard to figure out now... how I'll help him from "here to there" :) CCS sounds like a LCC path... :)
  11. Hey There, So, I am starting a co-op and happy about that, but reading about the school in NY and such, makes me want a high academic co-op. I really want to be WITH my child, but would be happy to have "Masters" in some subjects. I read about a co-op where they all gather 4 or 5 days a week and separate the children out into levels. They go through the different subjects, with different levels being offered. I have NO desire to "rid" myself of my son for the day, but would love to have a place where cooperatively we could "do school" for the day... and then go home, hopefully without too much "homework". I would think that it could be done for the cost of the facility and insurance and ...supplies. Has anyone heard of a school like this? Kinda a "cottage school" type thing? Or perhaps someone else has a better term for it. My son is good in Math and I'm going to guess Science. He's in 3rd grade and I am just trying to wrap my head around what a "rigorous education" is going to mean for him. Any Thoughts out in the WTMForum World?? :bigear:
  12. Wow, very happy for you... prayers for healing and for health!
  13. I would just play the cds in the van. Course... that's what I do anyway. It's amazing what little ones can remember!! ;)
  14. Thanks Stripe, I actually edited my other thread.... but... right when I pushed "send" the whole problem with the site happened... must have been me ;) Anyway, thanks for listing out your books here ;)
  15. They just don't understand :( Many people, unless it's their own kids... just don't even think about caring :( Sorry :(
  16. I'm pretty sure it can; I know my dad was using it to price compare between a bookstore and Amazon.
  17. There's nothing that shows up for "co-ops" either :)
  18. Hugs to ya! First, I was just thinking of punishments.... wanted to comment that if you end up "punishing".... my friend told me that the worst punishment is to be ground FROM your room... It's held true with ours.... not sure if that would happen to be a good thing for you or not... BUT, if you wanna say somethin' then... "YOU'RE GROUNDED!! from your room" might be good :)
  19. I really want a bar code scanner for real books ;) I have a portable MacBook Pro, and would like to just zip down all my books... and have them loaded into my computer... Any ideas?? I don't have an I-Phone... :bigear:
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