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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm actually going to be at the cancer center, today. Anyone who wants to read the tidbits we've gathered, just pm me with your email address ;) Please let me know if it works for your family, too :) Tap,Tap,Tap... you too. Wouldn't that be great? Spectrum is one brand that has the cold pressed, Virgin Organic oil. I know they sent three coupons when I called... There are other good brands, and I'll ask my mom what she's using, when I see her this morning :)
  2. Prayers for a good outcome! I really hope this comes through for your family!
  3. I posted this because I'm thinking so much about my mom and her chemo. Right now she's at the Cancer Center of America We were just talking about the fact that the info isn't out there, although the center has found it to be very beneficial. It's a center that uses chemo but with the benefits of things like Vitamin C intravenously and other things that aren't necessarily used in other centers. I'm not sure about the dose for dogs or babies. Here's some info for the pup; it seems to be used in their "spa" treatments... http://www.spadiggitydog.com/ingredients.html Sesame Oil -A rich, nearly odorless oil derived from tiny sesame seeds, Sesame oil has been used medicinally for literally thousands of years. Sesame Oil is a natural anti-bacterial (Protects against staphylococcus and streptococcus), anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and a powerful antioxidant (quickly penetrates the skin and will neutralize oxygen radicals). Sesame oil heals and protects areas of minor scrapes, cuts, abrasions and irritations. Here's the # for the Cancer Treatment Center, if you want to see if they can give you a dose amount for babies/todders. 800-931-9299 The "Cancer Club" isn't one that anyone wants to belong to, but having some hints along the way can help!! I'm also pm'ming you Momtoamayalilal2 with my email and an email about some things we've learned... that may be interesting to you.. Good Luck to both of you... Let me know how it works! ;)
  4. Hey There :) To increase the (oops.... edited to correct, the platelet count) white blood cells count for during chemotherapy, you can take 1 TBS of cold pressed-Virgin Organic Sesame Seed Oil and also rub on your abdomen... each day. (Your cell counts will improve with just a week of this, although just the first week, the difference will be measurable.) Ok, so... just wanted to share in case anyone is doing chemo. At the cancer center treatment spot, they encourage their patients to orally consume and also massage into their skin. It's been the pattern there that it dramatically increases the patient's (oops.... platelet count) white blood cells count... With my mom, it's very evident that when she is doing it she's been better, and the weeks she lagged, so have her (oops platelet) White Blood Cells count. So, there it is.... Just wanted to put it out there, in case anyone could use the info ;)
  5. Oh no! I thought she was getting better! I really thought that the last post I said... was that she was better. Did I miss some serious posts? I am SOOOOO sorry for her family! ;(
  6. But "a student" to me would be meaning "a student of his"... not just any student. I mean... the person, age wise, was AT LEAST college age. As long as it wasn't HIS student, I'm not thinking it's the same... at all. NOW, whether I'd want it for my 18 year old... not at all. BUT, I don't think it's statutory rape or anything. (because it's not) and it's not unethical... because... neither of them had anything to gain. (grade wise) I think he's totally right about it not being the same....
  7. That's funny! My step daughters are Margaret (Maggie) and Katherine (Katie) I do have to say that your child's whole life people will think... and call... her something longer than Maggie... Cute name though :)
  8. The article said her mom signed. I think it's crazy, but I think lots of stuff is crazy. He'll die when she is young, probably. But, nothing's guaranteed. Hope he's a nice daddy :)
  9. Did you like it? What ages do you think you could use it for? Thanks!!
  10. Any ideas? I'm frustrated; I can "like" stuff on my other computers, and also comment, but on my MacBook Pro... it's a "no go"... I've restarted my computer... looked for any updates on the computer... etc.. :confused:
  11. How about Juliette and Aubrielle? I think those look like they go together.... and a similar first sound with Awww brielle being how you say Aubrielle. Juliette Elise and Aubrielle something Aubrielle Renee..... hmmmm don't know... I actually like Aubrielle Renee... but it matters what names you're trying to use... are any of them special?? K... Aubrielle and Juliette... gotta admit... those are cute together :)
  12. SO happy you're home. Try Lambies/lambskin if you have problems with skin/bones issues. (they have them from small to large) I know they're great for when you're healing... (soft and either offer warmth or coolness as your body needs...) Now's the time that your body is healing..... Give yourself lots of rest!! Your prescriptions should extend to resting and giving yourself lots of breaks. Enjoy being calm.... even when your family is buzzing around! ;) Wishing you health!!
  13. I'm outside PDX, and have to say it's stupid. Isn't urine suppose to be sterile, and it's a cup or so of water...
  14. I love my mama, but I love my husband's mom, too. We don't see her much, but I would visit at least 2x a month if I lived around her. I've stayed with her weeks at a time; we're different, but she's a good woman and I've love my kids to know her better.
  15. You can freeze them in a garbage bag, whole, and then take out and slice as needed. :)
  16. Hi There, We're doing a Writing Class in co-op and the person who is putting the writing together, has suggested Jenson's. I noticed just recently that it's for High School, and am wondering if I can get feedback from those who have used it or are using it. If not Jenson's or IEW, what would you suggest? Thanks!!
  17. The All American History might be good AND it's available on audio... somewhere... I'd have to ask my friend... she found it.. :)
  18. Hi There, There was a Christian preschool program that does one letter a week, trying to brainstorm what it is... Please?
  19. I like pinto beans with butter and salt... cornbread if my mama makes it ;)
  20. Three weeks... he was suppose to be 6 weeks, but he came 3 weeks late. I put br**st milk in his nose, I think. It was a horrible trip because of the length, but nursing and disposable diapers.... and a carseat... worked. :)
  21. Oh wow.. that is so sad! For sure praying for her and strength... and the kids...
  22. You want "diaper service quality" diapers. In this way, you'll have diapers that actually absorb. It's not too bad... and a diaper service should be less than disposables, if you want to go that route. Otherwise, wash at home in extremely hot water... :)
  23. Yup, releasing can release "city diseases" to the country. What I've heard is that when you catch in the city, you need to be prepared to put the animal to sleep, so as to "spare" the country animals :(
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