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Beth in SW WA

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Everything posted by Beth in SW WA

  1. Me, either. I'm certainly an odd-man-out making my kids "suffer" through Latin studies while the rest of our homeschooling/unschooling friends are done w/ schoolwork by noon. I go back and read LLC by Drew (Plaid Dad), SWB's section on Latin and watch the Climbing Parnassus video by Tracie Lee Simmons AND I come her for affirmation. I know it is our destiny, at this juncture anyway. Latin has taken center stage in our homeschool -- and I like it that way. Thank you all for your feedback regarding LL. I ordered all the LL materials from Pullins yesterday (they matched Amazon's price for the CD) so I will be set to go next week. As for the Oerberg list, it is wonderful. I feel like I'm eavesdropping on geniuses having these truly intellectual discussions -- and I have no idea what they are saying. Homeschoolers are joining the Oerberg list and many conversations do apply to specific homeschool issues. Thanks again, gang. Have an awesome Saturday! :)
  2. Great, I own an old copy of this from 1942 -- w/ my dear Gramma's handwriting in the margins. It must have been her's from high school back in the old days...
  3. You don't know how much I needed to hear this today! Thanks for sharing :)
  4. Wow, a real "live" person who uses LL by itself! You are making me feel much better after sending the rather large check to The Potters School yesterday. Do you teach it yourself? What is your Latin background? You might regret responding to my query -- as I will probably be stalking you w/ more questions :) Thanks!!
  5. This is in my Amazon wish list -- I'm dropping lots of hints for my birthday :) Am I a nerd or what?
  6. Lots of great advice here! Thank you all! I downloaded it from Lit2Go so I will keep pressing on so I'm able to discuss it w/ the kiddos later on (much later?). War of The Worlds is going great. We also listened to the audio show from Orson Wells. Very cool! Happy Friday!
  7. How's it going? We are registered for Mr. Spotts class in the Fall. He says discontinue all grammar/translation methods w/my kiddos so they can transition to the "direct" method more seamlessly. Thoughts? Thanks!
  8. Great article about Fagles: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/29/books/29fagles.html?_r=1&ref=obituaries&oref=slogin
  9. Yes! Lit2Go is free at ItunesU. I love audio books! And I agree w/ True Blue -- you are awesome!
  10. You must read The Magician's Nephew first!! You won't see the Professor in the proper light if you don't. Just my humble opinion :)
  11. Try this link from the old boards. It might take you awhile to read through it -- but it was a great conversation regarding Omnibus. Be sure and follow the link to the other conversation at the bottom. Enjoy! http://www.wtmboards.com/K8currOct232007/messages/199.html
  12. That's great! We are starting Intro to Logic w/ Nance this Fall -- and we'll do TL the following year. I love hearing these testimonies -- of hard work that has paid off :)
  13. My ds is registered for Mr. Etter's secondary readings Omni 1 class. The primary reading class is full, I believe. I think there is still room in the secondary. We chose secondary for the reason Julie in GA mentioned. My ds will be 13 at the time of the class and he would not be ready for the level of reading in the primary set. We'll do that the following year perhaps. The secondary class will be a great intro to online education. I've heard Mr. Etter is fantastic. I am pre-reading the secondary books right now. Fascinating stuff!!
  14. Play? What's that? :) You are so right. I needed to hear this today. My baby is almost 13 and I don't know where the years have gone... Thanks, Lisa. This exhortation is well-received!
  15. Jan, Pullins Publishing sells all the materials (as well as Amazon). There are quite a few elements to the program. Are you thinking of starting Lingua Latina? Plaid Dad, LisaNY and MamaLynx know a lot about the program.
  16. Nan, We'll be doing Lingua Latina soon and it gears students up for reading in Latin fairly quickly. BTW, I totally understood your question regarding the Latin timetable. I've thought about this a lot lately. How is Ecci going for you? Thanks!
  17. Hilary, Is that the book w/ the black cover? All this Campbell talk had me thinking & researching. After a google search, I learned that Dr. Campbell died a few years ago -- at such a young age. Brilliant man! I read through many of his bios online. Here is an article about him after his death: http://www.newsroom.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=903
  18. My sentiments exactly. Doc Mosely is wonderful! What's not to love about CD (besides the marathon-length lessons)?
  19. I downloaded the first 5 chapters from Lit2Go but it didn't help raise the "tolerance" level. Great advice, though, Brenda. Thanks!
  20. Eliana, What books would you suggest? He loves action -- so the more blood and guts the better :) But not very introspective. All his free-writes are about gladiators, mythical battles and Roman centurions. Go figure.
  21. How funny, My ds made it to chapter 7. I'm curious how your dd does w/ it. Keep me posted :)
  22. Thanks, gang. I'm SO setting this book aside until a much later date (if ever) :) I have my old high-school copy of War Of The Worlds and I downloaded the audio from Lit2Go today -- so he/we will start that tomorrow. Ds likes action, action and more action. Red Badge was way too much commentary for his liking. Thank you, hive mind!!
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