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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. If that kid is smart, he will take a page out of Jill and Derrick's book. Run boy run!
  2. I don't know what size my fibroid is anymore. It was situated badly for removal, and insurance would not approve a hysterectomy, so the docs won't do anything but prescribe bcp. Since so have a condition that makes bcp contraindicated, I never to "live with it". Sigh. American healthcare. Not a thing. Trauma care yes. Everything else, not so much. I have no advice except to say I hope you can get the needed hysterectomy if that is your best route. I understand about humble B12. Keeping mine out of " How the hell are you still standing?" range is about the best I seem to be able to do! And the only way I do that is eating some red meat and supplementing, but then the doc gets snarky about heart healthy diet should not have red meat. Well doc? I don't really know what you want me to do with those competing problems. Oy! Congrats on the progesterone!
  3. Thanks. I was thinking about doing 14 or 15. I am trying to figure out what seems right for everyday.
  4. Heartbreaking! 😥 This country is going right to hell in a handbasket, and rapidly. I don't know if anything can be done to stop it now.
  5. I have some odds and ends of quilters cottons from.numerous quilts, and am going to make some. Out of curiosity, what is y'alls favorite napkin size?
  6. I know! This guy just seems to go out of his way hammer nails into his own coffin. I don't have enough imagination to write a novel this crazy. What's that old saying? "Truth is stranger than fiction!" Murtaugh has proved that.
  7. I have two theories. One, he might cut a deal IF he has any backbone and wants to save as much of his hide as possible. But two, I think daddy Duggar will be against a deal because it will mean pleading guilty, and that is so much harder to JimBob and Chelle to twist around to where their family is the martyr. I think a deal will be difficult because in all likelihood, it will involve not being able to be around minors, and only having supervised visits with his children which means he and Anna would not be able to live together, and he would not be able to be around his siblings' children so it presents big problem in terms of trying to reclaim their happy dappy family persona. Plus, plea deal with the feds does not exempt him from state charges. So if he doesn't go away long enough to satisfy Arkansas, they can also try him. The police officer that JB took that den Josh to for "counseling" was himself a pedophile who was convicted shortly after that on enough counts to win the prize of a 54 year sentence. So I don't assume that the law is done with him regardless of the outcome of the federal case. I think the D.A. locally is going to want a piece of his skin if the feds don't throw the book at him because when Smuggar is released, he will end up right back in their jurisdiction which is not going to make the D.A., child protective services, or local Leo's any too happy.
  8. Yes. I would not interact with this person ever again. This is an evil line in sand for me. When our son was being isolated due to a major health issue when he was six, some people we thought were good friends, invited a bunch of people over to her daughter's birthday party including us. We declined because ds couldn't be around other kids at that time, but found out later their youngest child had a raging case of step throat and had been on a antibiotics less than 24 hrs, and the oldest child had been up in the night throwing up. They didn't cancel the party or even tell the guests before they came into the house because they didn't want to disappoint their middle kid. With friends like that, who needs enemies! We never socialized with them ever again and let the relationship die on the vine. So the folks in this scenario would be the kind that if I happened to see them on this sidewalk, I would nod my head politely as I went by, but there would be NO social interaction with my family. That is wicked, disgusting behavior that has far reaching consequences, and therefore is no someone I need to allow into my inner circle.
  9. We used this one as well. I think it is reputable.
  10. Tiggy, you are a hero! I true, American Hero, and I am so sorry you have to deal with all this sh#t!!! Thank you for all you do! Side note, thank you for thinking of those children and making sure they had a chance to say goodbye to their daddy. I would like for the NFL to NOT play this year and donate all their ungodly high salaries for absolutely meaningless entertainment to first responders. If anyone should be getting millions for what they do, it is our first responders and HCWs. What a stupid culture! I don't know why people won't listen. Malignant narcissism seems to running rampant in our nation.
  11. If you son is coming home to stay with you and coming from a higher risk environment, then that actually increases your risk. If he were not coming home, then maybe you could wait. But if he is, I would think that if his immunity will be waning, he could easily bring covid home with him. If you have already had your booster, then you have that layer of protection. Part and parcel in all of this is stopping spread regardless of personal risk factors, so anything to reduce the chances of getting it and then asymptomatically spreading or in that window before coming symptomatic spreading while at Target or out walking with your friend etc. is important. Masks are good, but they only go so far when viral load is high. While vaxed folks can be carriers, they are at far lower rates than unvaxed persons. So in my not expert opinion, and I do not play a doctor on t.v. or in real life 😁, I think that it is important for as many people as possible to keep their immunity up as much as they can for the sake of public health even if personal risks are perceived to be low. I will also say that I have zero evidence for this, but I think there may be unknown genetic factors at play which makes determining actual risk difficult. I have seen it just wipe out whole families just about, then in others be easy peasy to kick, and this is across ages. I have seen people with multiple conditions that should have made covid a killer who barely had the sniffles, and then young folks that were "healthy as a horse" die or get long covid. Someday I truly think they will discover genetic factors at play that could not be considered in the risk calculation as most people have never had their genomes sequenced. I am not sure anyone can truly make any kind of accurate estimation of their real risk value. But again, not w doctor, and so have never had a role on "House"! 😂
  12. We mix cumin, onion, cilantro (finely diced), garlic, black pepper, sea salt, oregano, and coriander to taste. Dd makes it up to taste for our son in law so I don't have measurements. We tend to be " a little of this, a little of that" people. We use chicken broth for the liquid, and let it simmer. He loves rice, so we always serve rice and beans with it. Salsa is on the side on the non allergy side of counter for those who want the tomato flavor too.
  13. Kitty, kitty, here kitty kitty!!! 😻
  14. This is what I am waiting on as well as JnJ for my two JnJers. My mom is getting her Pfizer this week, and my two Pfizer boys aren't eligible yet. The second we can, we will!
  15. Very true. Sociopaths snap when they perceive they can't control their prey. And they just found the body of the missing young woman in Florida. So much violence. It is hard to process.
  16. Thank you for confirming what I suspected, hysteria that an optional, private business would have "rules", and that is somehow the end of the universe, the Nazis are coming. Sigh. We have proof of vaccination here in Michigan. Several sports teams are requiring it in order to enter their stadiums. The Detroit Symphony Orchestra is requiring it in order to attend concerts in person, live stream subscription will still be available. No one has a basic human right to attend sporting events or concerts. This is just ridiculous hyperbole from the anti-vax community.
  17. This is very true. I think families who do not camp for.vacation do not understand this.
  18. It feels like another game of bingo! Potential squares, "Murtaugh claims devil made him do it", " Aliens", "the CIA framed him", " The maid was really his secret daughter", "The Russian Mob",.....
  19. That poor girl! I can't imagine. Yes, technically innocent before being proven guilty, by honestly, I think Landrie has convicted himself without a trial
  20. We have most everything now, but we haven't ironed out what experience will be the main gift for all the adults. A lot depends on covid levels during that time because it will dictate how many other humans we are willing to have contact with so at the moment playing it by ear. We do still have some meal planning to do, and haven't made the assignment list for who is cooking and when. Dd and I are not doing everything. Youngest ds has offered to do a taco meal twice, and he knows how to do it in line with dsil's allergies, so we will be taking him up on it. We have Danish Smorgasbrod ironed out, and my mom and dh are doing Christmas day.
  21. Salsa, I would put a mild salsa on it. Very tasty.
  22. Cold turkey on caffeine would turn me into THE GODFATHER and that just is NOT good! So knowing the Mr.Hyde would rear his ugly head, I did not go off caffeine, but just lowered the amount a bit after getting rid of the UTI. Some things recommended by medical professionals are insane! This is one of them. A lot like the vet who told us to soak an injured feral cat we rescued in epsom salt bath three times per day. I calmly looked the man in the eyes and said, "Let me see you do that first." The cat was never soaked. Even crazy people enter healthcare! 😂
  23. Absolutely this! That is the first step. But so also think that changing your participation in the holiday to be not about food, is very wise, and will masker it less stressful. Again let the naysayers pound sand. Just show up later with a bottle of wine or something visits play a game, something like that.
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