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Everything posted by wintermom

  1. Yes, the Cliff bars do have a different texture, but it's an interesting one, and hopefully pleasing to the boy in question. I know that my dc devour them. I'm partial to them, too. ;)
  2. Big hugs to you. This sounds like a very challenging situation. :grouphug: I can completely understand the thought that any food must be better than no food. It's just so tough when the "any food" items could also be contributing to the problems. I guess the thought is to do anything to try to slow down the weight loss. Good luck to you all.
  3. I've heard people of Indian decent refer to themselves as "brown" not black.
  4. Cliff bars can be bought as single items, and they come in a range of flavours. Check out a sport store (a running store or something similar) or up-scale grocery store in the health food or vitamin section. Once you find a few flavours he likes, you can buy a box and save some money. You can try out a few types of different protein bars as they are usually all found in the same place in the store.
  5. So the "therapist-time snack bag" is something you put together? I misunderstood your OP. I though that these sugar-laden treats were given to your ds by the therapist. I think there is way too much sugar and way too little protein and fat in most of the stuff you listed. Sure, it's fun to eat sugar, but how is this contributing to the type of behaviour you are trying to achieve?
  6. I'm very confused here. Isn't "black" considered people of African decent? While there are many people of Asian decent that may have darker skin than a "black" person, they do not typically refer to themselves as black. Rather, they would be in general terms Asian, and in more specific terms from their heritage country (e.g., India, Pakistan, Mayasia, Sri Lanka, etc.).
  7. Thanks for explaining what chaparral is. I had no idea. I'm still not exactly sure what it looks like, but I'll do a google search. I love hiking, and all its associated forms (i.e., snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, orienteering, rock climbing, bush-whacking, canoeing/kayaking). Mountain biking is pretty fun, too. I'd like to try something sort of similar, too, cave hiking/exploring or spelunking.
  8. Cliff bars, protein bars, and similar are good tasting and provide a lot of protein. They are expensive, though, which may be why the therapist doesn't give these. You could check with the facility to make sure these are alright for your ds before going out and buying any.
  9. It's sunny and warmer today, which is so refreshing after yesterday's wind. I'm playing tennis for 2 hours tonight, so no skiing today. I'll ski tomorrow for sure!
  10. Oldest - hopefully a part-time job and head start course at local university Next - hopefully a summer entrepreneur program to start a business Next - hopefully cadet summer program Youngest - hopefully playing a lot of tennis with me!
  11. It got suddenly very cold and windy here (-30 C with the windchill). I decided to take the dc skating at the rink this afternoon, as we'd ditched this sport in favour of skiing for the past 2 months. The skating trip was really fun! The rink had only about 12 people max at any one time, and most of the people were homeschool children. Myself and another lady were the only adults skating. She wasn't a mom, just a member of the public, and she was cool with all the kids' activities. They were playing tag, frozen tag, man hunt, and just skating around. I got to skate my laps in the direction I wanted for the entire 1.5 hours. My legs are feeling it now, and the dc are wiped out.
  12. Nope, I wouldn't do it. The dirt is only one issue. The scratching and chewing could be a problem. I'm thinking animals here, but some children may come under the same category. ;)
  13. Maybe you could throw an educational party and invite her. Include a ticket price. Maybe she'll get the point then. ;)
  14. I love it when you throw out special topics for your lounge! I ride, but not much because I can't afford to (and the pain afterwards is bad!). My dd LOVES horses and rides fairly regularly. She just finished an internship at an equine centre. It included a lot of poo slinging. :laugh:
  15. If it's a tear, usually arthroscopic surgery is the best option. The little bits of meniscus need to be physically taken out.
  16. I use mine for scraping the batter bowl to get every last drop of yummy stuff out. I'll also use it for making scrambled eggs on my rounded bottom fry pan, when a straight-edge utensil would miss the corners.
  17. It's quite funny hearing all the expressions cycle through over the years. I'm sticking with my oldies-but-goodies like cool and brilliant. They seem to be classic lines that never go out of style. :laugh: Just like fashion styles fluctuate and yet classic styles are always appropriate. ;)
  18. If this is a good friend, just be honest. Say something like, "You are a good friend and I'm so happy that your business is blooming. I'm feeling quite pressured to pay for these events when you keep inviting me. If you need me there for moral support, I'll come when I can but I'm not paying." Or you can just keep ignoring, deleting invites, etc. She'll figure things out eventually, but you will drift apart. You may drift apart anyway due to her sales pressure tactics.
  19. Just press delete and ignore these invites. You are probably just on a group mail list. If she asks in person, you can be polite and say you're busy. You are under no obligation to attend - even as a bestest of best friend. I wouldn't attend every event if this was my dh. If there's a very, very special function with extra interest for you, then go. Otherwise, don't take every invitation as a personal call for friendship and love. She's obviously doing very well and doesn't need you there for every event.
  20. How do you feel about actually eating your first egg? I think I'd be too protective of it. :laugh:
  21. Could you give an example of it's use now? All I can think of is sailor-speak. ;)
  22. I've noticed the same thing. My energy level is over the top. I'm back to my "Energizer Bunny" ways like in the summer. Getting outdoors and being active everyday is amazing!
  23. There had better be life! I'm turning 50 next month. I feel far from dead. ;)
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