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Everything posted by Kidlit

  1. Thanks, prairiegirl! I'm assuming that you don't finish your science and history curricula in one year, then. Am I right? Or do you compensate for the lost weeks somehow?
  2. Has anyone done this? What I'm thinking about doing is taking a break from SOTW 1 and Elemental Science (maybe even --gasp!-- everything!) and rowing a FIAR title. I'm thinking this would give us a nice break. Too, my girls are still so young-I don't want to miss the opportunity to snuggle with them and read good literature. Will this make our history and science studies too disjointed? I'm thinking of making the units last a week.
  3. I blog for the creative outlet and connection with like-minded people. My blog started out a couple of years ago as a hodge-podge of stuff--homemaking, scrapbooking, and books, mainly. Now it has evolved into primarily books and homeschooling. I post reviews of almost every book I read, I participate in (and host!) reading challenges, and I connect with other readers. Now that my children are older, it has also become more and more about homeschooling--but it's still mainly about books. I even host a weekly meme called Read Aloud Thursday in which bloggers and readers share what their families are reading together. Anyone is welcome to join in!
  4. Library and errand day today, so I finished mine up last night. Link here. :001_smile:
  5. I just posted my first Day in Our Life post. I'd love to read others! :001_smile:
  6. I use my crock pot about once a week, and my most-used recipe is beef roast. Several pps have already posted recipes similar to what I use. However, I wanted to share this honey chicken recipe. It is delicious over rice!! I've got to run now and get ready for school tomorrow (and then GO TO BED!!), but I'll try to come back and post a few more recipes we really like.
  7. We've been using Hymns for a Kid's Heart volume 1, and essentially all we've done is listen to the hymn, read the bit about the composer one day, and then read the devotional bit another day. I'd like to add something to this because my girls enjoy it so much. I'm fresh out of ideas, though. My girls are 6 (1st grade) and 4 (K-ish). Any ideas?
  8. My Weekly Wrap-Up x 2 is up! It's a long one, but it does contain some mini-reviews of some great books for the younger set (and the not-so-young, too)!
  9. Although I have nursed two successfully until 11 mos. and 15 mos. respectively and am currently exclusively nursing my 2 month old, I'm no expert. There are LLL ladies on these boards, though, so maybe they'll chime in. I just wanted to offer :grouphug:.
  10. Our group meets 3 Fridays each month Sep.- April. It's smallish by design and the other moms are amazing--so loving and supportive.
  11. I know of a Lydia Ruth and think it's a beautiful combination. :001_smile:
  12. I always assumed it meant to look for the word(s) in the books we read, but like Paige, I like your ideas, too! :D
  13. Thanks for the link and all the replies! I've borrowed this book from our homeschool group library, but I haven't tried to implement it. :hurray:
  14. Another vote here for Elemental Science! We just started Biology for the Grammar Stage, and so far, it's a hit! I blogged a little about our first week with it here.
  15. I haven't read all the responses, so this might be repetitive. We studied the human body last year for my dd's K. I blogged the resources we used here. She LOVED doing this! HTH!:)
  16. :grouphug: I'm two months postpartum and still a little weepy at times. I agree with the previous poster who said she blames it on lack of sleep. It's tough, but we'll get through it!!! :grouphug::grouphug:
  17. Here's mine, finally! It's a marathon of a post, but there are some good booklinks and some fun pictures, so it's not too bad. :D
  18. My girls, ages 4 and 6, listen to audiobooks daily. This week, they're enjoying a couple by Alexander McCall Smith. We're getting ready to leave right now, but I'll come back later and post more details. :D
  19. I have one, thanks to my sweet dh. So far, I like it. There are a few things I'd like to change about it, though. For one, instead of having pre-labeled subjects, I'd like to put in my own so that I can put them in the order I prefer. For example, I'd put Bible, then reading, and then math. As it is, reading isn't even on the list (just language, but I need both categories), and so it ends up at the end. Another thing is the fact that the space in which to write is pretty small. I can't imagine using it for more than two children. Overall, though, I do like it.
  20. :hurray::hurray::hurray: tranquilmama, I'm sorry that you're having to stop in mid-stream. That's tough! Maybe you'll be able to get your momentum back quickly once your company leaves!:grouphug:
  21. we're off to a GREAT start!!! :D:D:D We started school on Monday, and granted, we're just doing 1st grade and K-4 (for lack of a better descriptor), but I was REALLY nervous since this is our first time schooling with an infant in the house. The girls are learning, we're getting *almost* everything on the schedule done, and I'm NOT going crazy! :tongue_smilie::D Anybody else having a good first week?
  22. Starting tomorrow here, too, with a two month old thrown into the mix this year! Prayers are appreciated!:D
  23. Count me in as another mostly straight, fine-haired girl who is jealous! :D Beautiful, ladies!
  24. I'm here! I lurk mainly, but I actively participate every once in a while!:D
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