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Everything posted by cuckoomamma

  1. I echo what some others have said. Our kids know not to take a bunch of stuff out. They also know to help clean up when everyone is done playing. We left a group because my kids were on the older end of the ages and we were cleaning up all the younger kids' toys before we'd leave. They weren't even playing with the toys anymore because they were so old, and the parents of the younger kids an their kids who had destroyed the room (not my house) wouldn't clean up. In my mind, helping clean up is part of being a good guest. If I or my kids couldn't help clean up, I'd be very honest about that and help out in a different way (provide the refreshments or something else).
  2. Dh, dd and I all have tmobile pre-paid phones. As the pp mentioned, once you put $100 worth of minutes on the phone (once) you can roll the minutes over. We add $10/year to keep rolling them over each year. We all use our phones only for emergencies or to text when dd is away all day at dance. We've been very happy with them.
  3. I agree that this is a no-shame situation, but also highly concerning. It's incredibly difficult to walk the line of being friendly online while still protecting yourself as is the other person is a predator and not at all who you think they are. It's difficult for adults, nevermind a 13 year old. Developing a sense of who to trust/who not to trust is really difficult in person. On line takes it to a whole different level. My inclination would be to find a real world substitution for what your dd is involved with online so that she could wean off of it. I'd let her know that the pms and secret tmblr account were the issue and not the content, so much (even though it may very well be a concern for you!). While I agree with the concept that standing up for one's limits/beliefs is the important part (refusing to participate in certain dialogue), I think it may be beyond her ability at that age. A few more years of maturity may make it significantly easier. Good luck!
  4. Stepping out on a limb, I'm guessing that there's a lot more to your little one's question than what is actually said. It isn't the card, it's the whole lack of acknowledgement that I'm assuming goes with it. There are many considerate, loving people who don't send cards. I'm guessing that's not what the OP is referring to. It just happens to be the lightning rod for the 8 year old's question. We have a similar situation here, and my error was in compensating for the family member's lack of interest. I helped to create good feelings for my inlaws that were undeserved, so when they took the step to completely cut off my children over night with no explanation, the girls were devastated. It's something that has radically effected them and continues to effect them, as my inlaws sold their home across the street from us and moved around the corner from their cousins. I tried to create this family situation that didn't exist because I wanted it for my children and thought the adults could grow. I was really wrong and only added to the ultimate negative impact. The only thing I've found that helps is to de-emphasize references to these people in our daily lives (it's family on both sides, not just my inlaws). We're able to laugh at the crazy if it isn't part of our regular diet. My heart breaks for your little one, but it's better to have the hurt that there aren't more people in your lives than the hurt of those who are in it. Many children don't have the utmost love and care from one parent...your children are already ahead it that arena :-)
  5. I dreamt that my sister-in-law was pregnant before I knew. They were not planning on having more children and ended up with twins. I also had a dream while I was pregnant that I lost the baby and couldn't find her. A few days later we found out that the baby had passed away.
  6. Our girls have dairy allergies among other food allergies and don't drink any type of milk, just water. Provided your little one is given a varied diet from foods that are as close to their natural state as possible, she should be fine.
  7. Maybe she already made her aware that she wouldn't be available?
  8. We love Forbidden Island, as well. I wish the newer Desert version was one of the fames on sale, but I'll just keep my eyes open for Christmas!
  9. There are a couple of other composers available for the $1.99 price now - Chopin, Sousa and Foster. Hoping they'll reduce some more!
  10. I have two girls 12 and 8, and think it might be a difference in family culture. Coming from a home with siblings who looked and still look out only for themselves, my number one priority as a mother was to raise my children as very close siblings. When we are with cousins who are an age range, the rule is that anyone who wants to play is allowed to play. Both our girls go to the same dance school, and there are many days when my younger is hanging around waiting for a class with my older and her friends. She naturally feels a bit left out as they chatter among themselves but I'm very appreciative that they all include her. I've even seen older dd's friends playing with younger dd alone at times. If it were our family, there would be no way we could stay if younger dd couldn't be included. It's one thing if the younger doesn't want to be included, another if she does. I'm sorry for your situation. It sounds like someone's feelings will be hurt either way!
  11. We use TMobile. We purchased the phones and a refill card. If you put $100 on the phone, your minutes will roll over. We add $10 a year and the minutes just keep rolling over. Neither dh nor I use our phones often. We also purchased a phone for dd when she turned 11 and was spending all day at a ballet intensive. This doesn't include a data plan, just phone and texting. We used to pay $30/month for a plan for dh and me and never used the phone. We've saved sooooo much money this way.
  12. Our girls were given one that had belonged to a friend who is now 17. They love it and it's held up perfectly, but again, the doll is more than a few years old so I'm not sure if the quality is the same.
  13. I agree that there's no guarantee she'll help you out in the future or not charge you for her employee discount.
  14. You all make me feel so much better. I find them so distracting in a FB update. One person I know strings way more hashtags in her update than words. They definitely make me grumpy!
  15. Our cat does this with our girls who have hair down to their bottoms. She licks the hair up by their forehead, though, and not the hair that's further away. And it's clean hair!
  16. I think your mom knows that she handled it poorly when you were young and feels awkward. However, rather than admit that to you and ask for your understanding, she's just making a mess with the current situation. My mom is very similar. I've found it best to very clearly say, "that's an incredibly inappropriate way to let me know that the man who sexually abused me is around. Thank you for letting me know, but next time I would appreciate if you say, 'Honey, you may not want to socialize with the Smith and Jones families this week as X is in town and staying with them'". I find my mom to be like a young child who makes a mistake and then just keeps making it worse and worse and worse... The key is to say whatever you have to say firmly and succinctly and then move on or get off the phone. After you hang up, go have a good cry.
  17. Thanks so much for your responses. I saw the option of the portfolio, but felt really insecure about what to include. The option of including another out of level exam result sounds great. She did get accepted to CTY years ago. I know that isn't enough on its own, but maybe it would help as part of the portfolio. I thought that kids without the two scores weren't being accepted, but maybe it's worth a shot. It's just my insecurity about what to include. I'll try calling our state university tomorrow to see if I can get her tested through them. Thank you all so much for your suggestions!
  18. We just received dd's EXPLORE test results and would like to submit an application to Davidson. All the testing options I've turned up will cost around $1200-$1500. Is this typical? I was hoping to find a grad student who is able to administer it for less, but I don't know where to look. Help!
  19. I used even an earlier version with my older dd and loved it. Now I'm looking at this newest version to use with my 8 yo dd and can't quite figure out what I'm looking at. The older version had very detailed questions. Does this new version come with questions for the student to answer or are they just questions to "think about"? I'd really like to avoid purchasing the TG. Their forum isn't working right now, and I'd love to hear what others have found out.
  20. My dd 7.5 has a great deal of difficulty with retaining information. Her hearing tests come back fine, but there are times when we'll wonder if she missed part of a conversation by the questions she asks. She also has difficulty retaining information. She'll "know" the information one day and completely not know it another, and just keep going back and forth. She also has some issues with word pronunciation. It's gotten significantly better over the years so I've held off on bringing her in for a speech/language eval, but I wonder if it's part of the whole puzzle. Her older sister is extremely bright, and I deep down believe that she is as well. I think that something is standing in her way. I don't see signs of dyslexia, and she can follow multi-step directions. Of course, there are times that I tell her to put something somewhere and she doesn't. I'm not sure if she's not paying attention or if it's part of an LD. Last week we were talking about adopting a kitten, but the foster mother decided to keep it. We had several conversations about it, and she was asking about fostering (what that meant). Yesterday, she asked us if we were getting the kitten - as if those conversations had never taken place. And, she had no recollection when we tried to prompt her memory about the conversations. How do I begin to try to figure this out?
  21. I have two girls who have used Singapore. My oldest was finished and on to algebra in 4th grade. She couldn't really do the mental math at the lower levels. Now my younger is finishing 2a. She's fantastic with straight computation...can't really get the mental math. I've decided that my kids just can't handle the mental math until later. I was an elementary school/middle school teacher before having children. Homeschooling has taught me just how different kids are and how differently they mature. The mental math will come when your little ones are ready. I'd just keep going!
  22. We have two beds (one from IKEA and one from AG), lots of clothes and a wheelchair. My girls have asked for some of the food sets, but when they saw them at the store, they were disappointed and didn't want them any longer. We have tons of play food from the toddler years that they do use. They've even asked for new specific food sets (kitchen play) to supplement. So, I think it really depend on your dd. Mine read the books but are more flexible about what they play with. They even re-name the dolls. We have two horses, and they never get played with, ever. As you see your dd play, you'll get a better idea of what she likes.
  23. We have two beds (one from IKEA and one from AG), lots of clothes and a wheelchair. My girls have asked for some of the food sets, but when they saw them at the store, they were disappointed and didn't want them any longer. We have tons of play food from the toddler years that they do use. They've even asked for new specific food sets (kitchen play) to supplement. So, I think it really depend on your dd. Mine read the books but are more flexible about what they play with. They even re-name the dolls. We have two horses, and they never get played with, ever. As you see your dd play, you'll get a better idea of what she likes.
  24. We have two beds (one from IKEA and one from AG), lots of clothes and a wheelchair. My girls have asked for some of the food sets, but when they saw them at the store, they were disappointed and didn't want them any longer. We have tons of play food from the toddler years that they do use. They've even asked for new specific food sets (kitchen play) to supplement. So, I think it really depend on your dd. Mine read the books but are more flexible about what they play with. They even re-name the dolls. We have two horses, and they never get played with, ever. As you see your dd play, you'll get a better idea of what she likes.
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