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Everything posted by sweet2ndchance

  1. Never underestimate what spite will drive people to do.... Especially in a litigious situation.
  2. We lived in a duplex and rented one side about 10 years ago. There was a detached house with a garage across the street that was always empty. We really wanted a detached house so we started asking around about who we could talk to about renting it and that we were willing to make repairs if necessary. Turned out the house was condemned because there had been a meth lab in the basement from the previous renters years before we moved there. It was a nice enough neighborhood that you would not have suspected a meth lab but you just never know about people sometimes. The owners didn't have enough money to gut the house and rebuild or completely remove the house, basement and all with hazmat gear, and build new. So it just sits there empty for 25+ years now.
  3. Last I knew, no sunscreen under 6 months old and sparingly until they are a year old was the recommendation. Shade or avoiding extended amounts of time in the sun was the alternative to sunscreen. That may have changed, my youngest is 7.5yo now.
  4. I cut mine myself and have done so since long before the virus. When my hair gets long enough to be in my way, I cut it by putting it in a ponytail and cutting several inches off by just holding the pony tail and cutting straight through the ponytail. Look up "DIY ponytail haircut" on youtube and you'll see what I mean.
  5. Travel here too. I would love to just road school even and stick to the Americas. I got a taste for travel schooling when we lived overseas and I would love to go back for seconds.... and thirds lol.
  6. Ds had a seizure in the grocery store. We called 911 because his breathing was funny and he was a non-verbal toddler and couldn't tell us anything. Last summer, at age 6.5yo and plenty verbal, I drove him to the nearest hospital when he burned himself badly. He still rode in an ambulance as he was transferred to children's hospital several hours away. When dh was young, about 10yo, he got a badly broken leg playing pop warner football. His femur was snapped in half and his foot was stuck in his helmet. 911 was called but they were told that all available ambulances were attending other emergencies and they might consider transporting him themselves. So he was loaded into one of the parent's minivans where he could be laid down instead of made to sit up and that's how he was transported to the hospital even when an ambulance technically would have been safer. Luckily, it was only about a 15 minute drive to the hospital.
  7. I hate our current storm door which is exactly like the one above. It's completely exposed (which is part of the problem) and lets water in like crazy. The latch has never worked right on it. I like storm doors in general but I hate the full glass one we have. I'm probably going to make a wood and screen storm door by hand when we put our porch in....eventually.
  8. I made it to 37 weeks with pre-E. Baby had no nicu time. I had a placental abruption in the second trimester in a different pregnancy that wasn't expected to make it past 30 weeks but we were able to buy 6 extra weeks, a week at a time, She also had no NICU time at 36 weeks. Every week was "we'll induce next week" but when things were stable they would put it off to the next week. With my pre-E baby it was different because there are so many pieces to the puzzle and it can be safer outside the womb than in sometimes when pre-E is involved.
  9. Babysitting from the age of 11, then a grocery store cashier at Winn-Dixie at 16. I made $4-$5 an hour at each job in the early 90s. I also tutored, mostly English at the time then math and computer science later on. I also tried waitressing but didn't care for it.
  10. What you actually think doesn't matter. As you said, the question doesn't deserve an answer, so a non-answer it gets. Saying that ds is married is handing her the spoon to stir the pot and that is on you. Any non-answer would have worked fine. We are definitely just going to have to agree to disagree.
  11. What? I don't really understand how asking about two young people living together is like asking about domestic violence. Totally not even on the same plane in my opinion as a survivor of DV. But how do you not see that she was baiting you with that question? She's not a poor, lonely old woman. She sounds manipulative and evil. If she is as manipulative as everyone says, she was totally baiting you to get a reaction out of you with asking you about the girl your son was living with and you took the bait hook, line and sinker which gave her the desired soapbox to go off the deep end about not being invited to the wedding and that just started a domino effect. She set up the whole conversation and depended on you to be the catalyst to set her whole crazy tirade so she could go off on her son, your xh, and blame you for it. She set you up and you fell for it. Or as my husband put it, she set out the dog shit and you stepped in it then dragged it around the house trying to get it off. As to how I would have answered that question, "Oh yes, she's lovely. Would you look at the time? Sorry, I have to go. Good night, xmil." Click. You can totally have some of my toxic people in my life too if you need some practice not answering the phone. Unfamiliar numbers are what voice mail was made for IMO. Just because someone wants to talk to me doesn't mean I'm always available to talk, they can leave a message if it is important and if it's not important enough to leave a message, then it obviously wasn't important enough for me to answer either.
  12. Her third would be $450 a month correct? For her to afford that rent, IMO, she would need to make 3 times that at least in a month. So we multiply that rent by 3 and get our original $1350 of course. Divide that by 4 weeks in a month, that comes out to $337.50 a week she needs to bring home. Most campus student jobs are capped at about 20 hours a week, give or take so she would need her student job to pay almost $17 an hour AFTER taxes to be able to afford this apartment without having to dip into her savings significantly every month. Twenty dollar an hour student jobs (not TAs or RAs) are pretty hard to come by at least last time I was working student jobs a little over 5 years ago. I think I would be encouraging my child to look elsewhere or plan on helping her pay for the apartment if I could.
  13. I make a tomato free chili. I'll probably go ahead and make some and freeze it and then just have dh heat it for me and maybe put it through the blender for me. Thanks!
  14. I already have Klonopin and Xanax I can take as needed. Is there a better anxiety meds for this?
  15. All of these ideas sound good. Thanks everyone! @Danae Savory cheesecake sounds awesome but it also reminded me that I forgot to mention I do have food allergies of tomatoes and shellfish. I've just lived with it so long I forgot others don't know that about me if I don't tell them. I can eat some imitation crab though so I might try it with that. @PeterPan yes, dh and his grandma between them won't let me move a muscle of the couch. I promised dh the next time I got an abscess I would go to the dentist. I usually treat them at home and have done so since I was 12 (which not so coincidentally is the same age I had my last dental trauma, I mean appointment before this week. I'd say that's not bad for 30 years between traumas, I mean appointments) This is the first time it went from abscess to bone infection in 3 days it took to get an appointment.
  16. Forgot to add that I'm a fairly adventurous eater, not afraid to try anything once. But we do live in the boonies and only crawl out from under our little rock to civilization once every couple of months so Walmart and a mom and pop grocery store are all I have to choose from usually.
  17. Some time in the next two weeks or so I'll have an appointment to get all my remaining teeth pulled. So liquids and soft foods it is for me for the foreseeable future. It all started with a horrible abscess that I've been battling since last weekend so I'm technically on a soft foods only diet until the surgery as well. Sigh. It will be the first surgery I've ever had and I'm terrified so I'm trying to keep busy and not think about it. So sandwiches have been hard for me to swallow because everything is so tender and no ability to chew very well. Smoothies have been ok. I love Campbells Chicken and rice and have been stocking up on that. I've got a lentil soup recipe to try and a good potato soup recipe that I like. What other kinds of soups that feel like meals should I try? Any tricks or tips from someone who has had to live on a liquid or soft diet for a month or two?
  18. For ground beef that I buy in large ten pound packages (of course not anymore because now I can only get 2 1/4 lb packages and two them cost more than then 10 pound package did...sigh) but anyways when I ground meat in any size larger than a pound, I break it up into 1 lb portions, wrap it in plastic cling wrap, then in foil and put it in the freezer. Double wrapping it this way helps immensely with freezer burn. When I'm ready to cook with it, I don't thaw it at all. Straight from the freezer to the pan. It cooks on one side at medium heat and then I flip it over, scrape the cooked meat off with a spatula and let the other side cook. I keep stirring the scraped off meat and flipping and scraping the frozen meat until even thing is cook and no pink remains anywhere. You can add onions or whatever spices toward the end of you need to cook something with the meat. I took HomeEc. in 7th grade. The only thing I remember cooking in class was cookies. We had to meal plan for an entire week but it's easy to meal plan when money is no object because you are only focusing on well rounded healthy meals and not having to take into account that lots of ingredients makes a meal more expensive or the store being out of something you needed and having to substitute on the fly. It is easy to pick recipes out of a cook book for a lovely meal plan when you don't have to pay for all those ingredients or worry that the store is out of this or that.
  19. I often babysat a neighbor's little girl that had issues with failure to thrive due to being underweight. She was about 2 years old at the time. The doctor had told them to make every bite count calorie wise so serve every finger food with a dip. Veggies or crackers with ranch dip or humus. Fruit with yogurt or cream cheese fruit dip. Nutella is also a fun and dip for things.
  20. I also make roux from butter and flour and then slowly add chicken broth to make chicken pot pie. No cream or milk at all in my recipe. I have made it from vegan butter before and it turned out fine.
  21. It is possible to have a good verbal working memory but for that to not crossover to numbers. I have a great verbal working memory, much like you describe. But I usually have to write down numbers to keep them straight. I understand place value perfectly, I just make silly mistakes if I try to do it all in my head.
  22. Here's what I came up with by I'm half asleep so someone check me... Find the missing width measurement 40 * W * 20 = 19,200 cm^3 800 * W = 19,200 W = 24 Find the volume of the tank without the ball 40 * 24 * 15 = 14, 400 cm^3 Find the volume of the ball 19,200 - 14,400 = 4,800 cm^3
  23. I used the same method and got the same answer Square did; 6400 cubic centimeters is the volume of the iron ball.
  24. Here is a precise scone recipe that I adapted to be like American biscuits (basically I omit the sugar so they aren't sweet). I didn't have any milk at the time and I wanted some scones so this recipe uses yogurt (which I did have) instead of milk. 2 1/2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup (one stick) of butter, very cold 1 cup plain yogurt (Greek yogurt is what I usually use) 1 egg, beaten Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl (chill the bowl if you have time in the fridge or freezer) Cut in the butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs (I use my KA mixer and the paddle attachment also chilled if I have time) Stir in the yogurt and egg until dough forms (I do this by hand, too easy to over mix in the mixer) On a floured surface, roll out dough to 1/2 inch thickness. Cut the dough into eight equal pieces (or use a circle cutter or just put into triangles or squares with a knife. My family really doesn't care what shape they are) Place pieces on parchment paper on a cookie sheet (I use dollar store parchment paper) Bake at 350 degrees for 15 - 18 minutes or until golden brown on top. Brush hot biscuits with melted butter after baking if desired (this makes them nice and soft instead of getting hard as they cool and adds more butter flavor...and yummy calories lol) To make sweet scones instead, add 1/4 cup of sugar to the flour mixture at the beginning.
  25. Most of the books in Five in a Row picture books have some kind of message like that. I would think volume 4 would be most appropriate for the age group you are wanting and of course my copy of volume 4 is not on my shelf so I can't tell you exactly what message each has but here is the list of books if you want to take a look at them. The Raft by Jim LaMarche (This one I remember, it's about making the best and enjoying the situation you are in) Hanna's Cold Winter (I remember this one too, the theme is charity and giving even when you think you have nothing to give) The Pumpkin Runner by Marsha Diane Arnold Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin The Gullywasher Grass Sandals Albert Roxaboxen Mailing May The Hatmaker's Sign Higgen's Bend Song and Dance Arabella Cowboy Charlie The Hickory Chair Paper Lanterns The Bravest of Us All You're on Your Way, Teddy Roosevelt Angelo
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