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Vida Winter

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Everything posted by Vida Winter

  1. :grouphug: For your peace of mind and your daughter's safe return.
  2. But classics? I'm not sure about that. I guess it depends on how you define "classic."
  3. that has about 7 new vocab words. We talk about them at mealtimes. The whole family is exposed to them that way. I get the words from a book called "Vocabulary for the College-Bound Student." Sometimes I learn a new word or two this way along with the kids!
  4. and there are some that I listen to with the kids on trips. For myself, my favorites on audio are The Thirteenth Tale and Memoirs of a Geisha Both are excellent books, and the readers make the books a unique experience. I have listened to them many times. Another favorite is "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson. Hilarious. I have also listened to this one several times. I also enjoyed "Lonesome Dove" but I'll tell you, it was loooong. About 36 hours of listening. I did like it though. Not a family audio. Another "not for the family" audio that I liked was "Middlesex" - although I have not found myself able to "re-listen" to this one as I have with the others. For the family, Cheaper By the Dozen read by George Guidall The Bagthorpes: Ordinary Jack Because of Winn Dixie Winnie the Pooh The Thief Lord A Single Shard A Wrinkle in Time The Indian in the Cupboard The Witch of Blackbird Pond Hope this helps; I have listened to many others but these are the standouts.
  5. Oh, Oh, Oh. How sad. She was such a wonderful lady. I have this book too, and I love the way it shows how simply she lived. It seems like she should have been living in an earlier century. What a legacy she has left, though. Her beautiful books and illustrations will live on.
  6. Such an intelligent man. I wish he were running as the Republican candidate instead of McCain. have fun!
  7. I just wanted to say...this is beautiful. My hands are small, and rough, and despite that can hold tiny hands, tickle feet, and wipe tears from small eyes. Thanks for putting my worn-out hands in perspective.
  8. Your daughter's preparedness certainly had a lot to do with it. She sounds like a resourceful young woman!
  9. (((((Peek)))))) Prayers for your family. May you find strength in your sorrow. :grouphug:
  10. Hugs to you from me. I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. I know what it's like to have my best friend (dh) away from home - he works away from home a *lot*. And to tell you the truth, this spring/summer has been one long unpleasant surprise after another. One after another, our summer plans are changing unexpectedly. If you want to PM me we can commiserate and share a toast to "The Dude."
  11. I decided we've got too many clothes, too many books, too many toys. I'm getting rid of a bunch of things at a church garage sale in August. The nice thing is that I can take things to the church any time I want. I've got a carload waiting to go right now. An added benefit is that all the money we raise goes to charity. Last year we raised over $800 and this year hopefully a lot more than that. Yesterday I tackled the moster - my closet. It is so beautiful today I don't even want to touch it! I took away many beautiful outfits that I haven't worn in years, probably never will again. I'm taking those to a consignment shop because they won't do very well at a garage sale. It is so true that when you don't have as many things, it is much easier to keep the house orderly. Why is it so hard to realize this and act accordingly?
  12. I could tolerate a low-dose pill when I was younger but as I grew older my body grew intolerant of all kinds of bc pills. They bring on migranes and nausea/vomiting. I am thinking it must work for some people because it was always the first thing the gyn would suggest for pre-menopausal symptoms.
  13. I thought the changing clothes phenomenon was limited to girls! I stand corrected. Maddening, isn't it?
  14. Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series; only the books come out so infrequently it hardly seems like reading a series. I thoroughly enjoy the #1 Ladies' Detective series. When I was in college (ages ago) I loved reading Perry Mason mysteries (Erle Stanley Gardner). More frequenly than reading a series, though, I will get hung up on a single author and read everything I can that they wrote.
  15. of the visit we will have this summer with my in-laws' beach house. I resolve to have my own agenda for myself and youngest child. We will find our own fun and my dh will have to deal with the older dc. I am bringing my own shopping lists and pre-made dinner plans with me. I am not going gourmet this year. Hot dogs is about as complicated as I want to get. It's no use to kill myself cooking, believe me. I am going to make my own birthday plans including getting my hair and nails done. I refuse to let my MIL make me cry on my birthday. If I wish to have a birthday cake, I will order it ahead of time and pick it up myself. Hmph. Maybe I need to just type up a "bill of rights" for myself before this vacation to bolster my spirits. I get so worked up over this; it's stupid, really. I just wish I didn't take things personally; I wish I didn't care. :grouphug: to you, Jennifer. Hope your visit goes well.
  16. have not heard any indication that this type of thing is going on. Maybe this is the case in some schools, but not ours, as far as I can tell.
  17. It works best with unbleached white flour but I have successfully used 50% wheat flour (which I grind). It is so easy to make this bread that I have started baking the communion bread for our church and usually bake a big batch of bread for the coffee hour after church as well (the morning of our church service). Since I started using this method I do not knead dough - ever. I also no longer bake in a pan; all my loaves are free-form. I did have to invest in a baking stone and pizza peel (super peel to be exact). Very good bread; excellent method.
  18. If I'm teaching sunday school, my kids are with me; if I'm not we're together at the church service. Even with ss, we are there for at least half of the service. Either way, we are involved and love our church and church family. What others do is fine with me.
  19. It's our 10 yr marriage anniversary but we have been together a lot longer; it will actually be 18 years. Happy day! I hope you have a great one!
  20. I recently had a mystery rash during a visit with my parents in Arizona. It turns out I had "hot tub folliculitis" - which apparently is very common. It took a while to go away, the bumps were painful, and I treated it with hydrocortizone cream. When there is not enough chlorine in a hot tub this can happen. My folks did not want to kill us with chlorine and I think they put less than the recommended amount in the hot tub when they filled it earlier this season. I was the only one of us who was affected although many of us went into the tub.
  21. LOLOL. You know, my head is spinning now, Grace! Yes, carry on. Tally-ho!
  22. but I think Honda would be fine as well. After giving other brands a try, I love Toyota. They run forever. We have my first new car sitting in the garage right now, a 1986 Corolla, with 229K miles on it - it got 45 mpg on the highway recently. My SIL has had Hondas and loved them. I think they hold their value very well, too. Mind you, we buy cars new and then drive them forever.
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