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Outdoorsy Type

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Everything posted by Outdoorsy Type

  1. I must be a weirdo, because the one time I had nitrous, I had a horrible experience. 😬
  2. When I'm in the mood for Bee Gees I also listen to Abba.
  3. I agree. I have also watched some things go horribly south and people lose their life savings. 🙠But being harsh usually only makes them defensive. I have actually gently said that certain ideas were not sound investments. Most people who are not good won't make much money, and will either get better or quit.
  4. I think it's a balance of passion and profession. I've read agonizingly horrible stories, and I've seen ugly art, sometimes people are terrible singers. Yet, I know to be kind and nod. If nobody is forcing me to pay for any of those things, I can be happy for the person enjoying their hobby. My response would be along the lines of "Wow, you have a real passion for photography! Have you thought about classes?" And I would include much encouragement. The world sucks enough without people trying to kill your joy. JMO.
  5. Dollar store tests are a cheap way to feel better about messed up cycles. Mine did get weird in my 30's, but for me my cycles have gotten closer together. Hormones are strange. 😑
  6. My huge cheat: I use the Greek dressing with dill from Trader Joe's in a pinch. â¤ï¸
  7. Long E The short e/crick is only used for saying "I have a crick in my neck."
  8. I give breaks to hop on the rebounder every half hour or so, and it does help with hyperness and complaints about being tired.
  9. I totally get this. I want mine to play outside, but they claim that the only fun active out there is throwing ice laden snowballs at each other's faces. Ugh!
  10. Maybe a photo wall with 4x4 or 4x6 photos in cheap frames of some sort?
  11. They do look a lot like chiggers. Ooooh I hate those things!
  12. Instant pot is awesome! I made a delicious potato soup in less than a half hour after skiing all day. I don't leave the house with it going, but I'm not scared of it.
  13. Sometimes I wash something with urine once alone to start getting the smell out, then wash with other things to really get it clean.
  14. I'm convinced that Sirius Black was a member of the BeeGees - I can't post photos, but the style from the movies is awfully reminiscent of Barry Gibbs from the early 80's 😂
  15. I might give it another try because I stopped at that scene.
  16. It sounds like the employers want to take current employees and get cheaper coverage if none have certain markers. Too much to lose with that going wrong, and I agree that it shouldn't be the employers business. Boo. 👎ðŸ»
  17. I'm really just being silly. I have lots of enjoyable days, but the last time I had a day that didn't involve my kids in some way, other than the hospital, was maybe last June. I did go hiking with DH and the kids stayed with my inlaws overnight.
  18. My last real day off involved being in extreme pain at the hospital.
  19. Ohhh I want to get this for my grandma! Very cool.
  20. I have snacks for the trailer and in the house, thanks for reminding me to put Kleenex etc! I usually have instant coffee, mugs, crackers, etc.
  21. Thank you everyone! I bought plenty of fruit, an easy dinner for the day he gets in, which is also when I'll be very busy, and I have a plan. The bathrooms were deep cleaned two days ago, and I'll get them again tomorrow. I think I can get things under control. Somehow, company always ends up seeing whatever the biggest mess in my house is at that time, but I'm going to ignore what I can't possibly fix and scrub the kitchens/bathrooms/living room. My main issue with cooking is that I cook very simply for my every day meals. I do stir fry, spaghetti, baked salmon, etc. I don't do many sides, and I'm often exhausted, so cooking is my only goal from 4-5pm. When I have guests everything is thrown off course, and I forget what I'm doing. I'll realize mid recipe that I omitted something because I'm tired or distracted. I basically have one day to finish getting ready, which is why I feel anxious and am trying to prioritize. I do appreciate the encouragement.
  22. I'm having out of town company over this weekend. It's someone my husband knows but hasn't seen in a long time. I feel extremely anxious over this. My house isn't decorated well. Not many pictures on the wall, dirt stains on the couch arms. It's not disgusting, but I'm tired a lot and it embarrasses me that all my drawers are packed with junk. He will be staying in our very clean travel trailer, but come inside to eat/visit. I have two dinners and two breakfasts to make. I'm not a good cook. At all. I mean i have a good chance of at least one thing being ruined every meal. 😫 Having people over is painfully stressful to me. I get exhausted cleaning and preparing, /and pretty much collapse. I love people, but I'm not a natural hostess. Give me some tips or easy meals please. 😬
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