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Everything posted by HSmomof2

  1. Our closest private school doesn't have part-time attendance for homeschoolers. He could attend public school part-time. He's not really athletic, at least not team sports, but he could be in band and/or PE. I don't know if he'd want to do this or feel too out of place, but it would be a possibility.
  2. We hadn't planned to send him in middle school, probably high school. But three more years with the struggle the last five have been socially for ds is a long time. Dd is much quieter, easygoing, and content to do things on her own or with a friend. I truly think she'd do fine in any school setting.
  3. I'll try to keep this a brief as possible. My dd will be in 4th grade next year, and ds in 6th. Sixth grade here starts middle school. We've had a tough time finding friends throughout our time homeschooling, despite being involved in many groups and activities. We have lots of acquaintances. Ds had two close friends, both of whom have moved to different states. Ds is very friendly, outgoing, and extroverted. During the school year, he has some type of activity every day--with many of the same kids. This summer, though, he's telling me how lonely he is. We went to a BBQ for his taekwondo school. I overheard him talking to a new boy there, and when this boy asked ds where he went to school, ds said the middle school. I didn't say anything to him at the time, but asked him about it later. He said he's embarrassed to say he's homeschooled and feels like people will think he's weird if they know. He says he would like to go to school next year but is afraid. He briefly attended a private school in 4th grade and had a pretty severe situation of being bullied by two boys. I have really mixed feelings about what to do. On the one hand, I see why he is feeling lonely. I see the numbers of homeschoolers his age dwindling as they go to school. I really don't know if I can provide for his social needs at this age. On the other hand, middle school is such a tough age. Would going to school be a bad choice at this age? From what I've heard, our local middle school is pretty good, has a very involved and firm principal. Academically it's ok. I feel kind of between a rock and hard place. If he goes to middle school, I think this would be the year to start, since the sixth graders are feeding in from five elementary schools. He may not feel like the new kid as much. But, if we do try school, and it's a bad fit for him, we will have lost our place in our co-op and other homeschool classes---all the co-ops/classes here have waiting lists. Any suggestions or experiences welcome.
  4. Is Science in the Beginning enough for a 6th grader? If possible, I'd like to combine my 4th and 6th graders for science next year. My 6th grader is very strong in science. He probably would have no problem doing Apologia General Science for 6th grade, but I'd prefer to keep them combined one more year and buy only one science program for next year.
  5. Following.....I'm looking for my 6th grader as well.
  6. I was feeling this way and found out my ferritin levels were very low, even though my hemoglobin was on the low end of normal. I'm feeling much better after four months on iron supplements.
  7. It wouldn't hurt to consult an attorney, but I think may be difficult to prove fraud
  8. We have an 11 year old Trane that has had no problems. Just had it cleaned, and the technician said it still looks great, probably has at least 10 more years in it.
  9. Hoping you got an offer. :-) ....we're in the same situation with a contingency on another home. Ours was just listed yesterday, and I'm totally stressed.
  10. Agreeing with pp that just a casual, "Thanks for the invitation, but we're busy with activities at our church." If you continue to get invitations, then something more along the lines of theology differences that your dc aren't going to be able to attend their church. My dd has a good friend that doesn't attend church at all. A couple years ago, we just sent over a flyer about our church's VBS, in case she wanted to come. She didn't attend, and I haven't done any additional invites to church-related activities. I wouldn't worry about one invite at this point.
  11. A pug. Ours is seven years old now. We got ours as a puppy when dc were 3 and 5. She's very sweet and patient, low maintenance grooming, doesn't need a big yard, doesn't eat a ton of food, just the right amount of energy for our family, and sociable without being needy. She's really just a happy, fun little dog that's been a great fit for us.
  12. When I was pregnant with ds, I had no nausea at all. With dd, I had constant nausea for about the first 14 weeks. Never actually threw up, but was nauseous all day.
  13. Agreeing with others, I would put reading lessons aside, at least through the summer. Just continue reading to him. My dd had a harder time learning to read than ds. I used CLE's Learn to Read program with dd during her first grade year, and it helped her a lot. She was still not what I would call a 'fluent' reader at the end of first grade. She turned 7 in May of that year. We did no further reading instruction over the summer. I read aloud to her, and she picked out books at the library. When school started in September, something just 'clicked' for her, and she was able to read really well. She went to ps for part of that school year, and she was sent every day to the third grade class for reading. I do think the phonics program was beneficial for her, and it definitely shows in her spelling.
  14. I'm sorry your ds is sick, hopefully it passes quickly. I, too, can't believe your guests would still want to come over. I could see maybe if he just had a cold. But I would never even consider coming to someone's house when there's puking going on.
  15. I completely agree with this. Your cabinets look to be in good condition, they won't make or break a sale. We're getting ready to list our 20 yr old home and just had a realtor come look and let us know what would be worth upgrading. We have tile counters with light oak cabinets. He didn't suggest doing any major upgrades before listing. I would recommend having a realtor come look at it before you put a lot more time and money into upgrades.
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss. A death in the family does seen to bring out the worst in some people.
  17. I don't have any advice, but we are in the same boat here.....bickering, whining, complaining with each other. Neighbor kids in and out all day. I told dh last night that I was going to find a full time job for the summer and send the kids to day camp, so I wouldn't have to be home all summer. :)
  18. I had an expander, but still ended up needing 4 adult teeth pulled before braces. I just simply didn't have room--small mouth and big teeth. :) My ortho sent me back to my dentist for the teeth to be pulled. I was just numbed, it was one molar on each side, top and bottom. It wasn't a big deal, no problems with it at all. Had braces on for about a year and a half, and my teeth are still straight 25 years later. :) ETA: I would get a second opinion, however, before proceeding. My ortho removing my adult teeth was a last resort after trying other ways of making space failed.
  19. Agreeing with others to set her to Restricted, not just acquaintance. Then she isn't unfriended, but she can only see posts you have set to Public.
  20. We can have 100 items checked out. Our fines are $ .15/item/day. New releases can't be renewed, and other items can't be renewed if someone else is waiting.
  21. That was hilarious.....How I wish interviews were really like this. :-)
  22. I've had one, too. Truly no big deal....agree with others that lack of caffeine will be the worst part. :)
  23. I don't think that's frumpy at all.....that skirt is cute.
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