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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. It was an older couple driving a very expensive Bentley going to a KISS concert in Canada, Not terrorism, unlike the stabbing in Dublin today.
  2. Dh cioked a tasty eggs and ham on the grill for breakfast and we watched the Macy's Tday parade. The. Dd1 and dsil1 came over for a few ninutes. Rhen at 3pm, we are going to a Chinese restaurant w ds, ddil, dgs, dgd, dgd. Then football watching.
  3. Thankful I live in here. That arexnew cabinets in our main kitchen are beautiful. That I see 2 out f 3 chikdren today. That dh has di d a great job of adjusting to using a grill forcour cooking - our oven is gone and the ekwxtrician hasn't cime yet to install our new appliances. Glad I just got allergies and not am sick.
  4. Good afternoon! I slept 13 hours and that wasn’t good. Took shower and got dressed and we met ds, ddil, dgd1, dgd2, and dgs who turned 2 today at brunch. Dgs liked brunch- particularly the mushrooms from my steak and mushroom omelet. Dgd2 was not behaving well. To do fold laundry Try to reserve access bus foro Tuesday Land's End Return Duplixent shot not sure what else
  5. We went to Sherwin Williams to pick out stain for our kitchen cabinets that are being made by a carpenter.
  6. I cook and bake anything. However, I haven't gone through most of the Cordon Blue cookbook either. And we don't like fried chicken sow we don't make that. But brownies, lasagna, gravy, pie crusts, biscuits, etc. Unfortunately, I can't cook or bake much nowadays since my kitchen is barely functional and has been since mid June and the way it is going, it may be Spring before its done finally.
  7. we had great troubles getting our oldest 9n a correct medication for his major depression but this was before genetic testing was widely available. He was considered a medication fallure depressive. Fast forward 9⁹years later and dd2, who also had failed many antidepressants, was returning from study abroad in New Zealand in late November, which was spring time there but later fall her. She not only suffered from SAD, but also had a bad break-up w a boyfriend. I was so scared and fortunately myown psychiatrist ordered the genetic test. It turned out that she (and obviously ds too) had contradictions to all the newer classes of antidepressants and one older one too. Oh, and both kids had violent reactions to some and plain were useless with others. It turned out that the only group that worked were the tricyclic group, the oldes5 category of anti-depressants.
  8. Good morning! I am waiting for dh to wake up to take my shower. I feel a lot better this morning. To Do take shower done Make coffee done Help dh make breakfast and with dishes done Breakfast at home w dd1 and dsil1dOne Laundry 1 load done Lands End return Have fun w dd2 and dsil2 Watch college football
  9. Good morning! Tired and annoyed this morning. Dh complaining that I a, not in a good mod, That's right, I am not. I don't have anything much to look forward to in the future except more surgeries and more family dilemmas. Done made brunch reservations for birthday grandson, two dgd, ds, ddil, dh and myself Called rheumatologist office and left mesage to please call in a prior authorization for my Enbrel which is moronic since I am successfully on it already. Found out we have no idea when demolishes are actually coming. To Do download brochure for 2024 benefit choices Laundry Lands End Return
  10. I go to a ,lot of specialists. I am Ms. autoimmune and Ms. Zebra. I have had to have tests done that ended up just confirming my suspicions that the. symptom was autoimmune but the things they were ruling out were congestive heart failure, failing kidneys, and other very serious conditions. I was happy that those conditions were ruled out.
  11. @Idalou, obviously we have different opinions about how to choose candidates. LibertarianS generally believe that the government should stay out of private behavior as long as no one (or no animal) is being hurt. Am I for threesomes and open marriages in my life - no. But if I had to choose between a candidate who supported policies I agree with or a fine, moral family man who I believe would worsen economic conditions in my country, I would choose candidate 1. I am most concerned with policy. I am often left voting for people I don't like. I am not voting in Argentina. If you are a citizen or dual citizen of Argentina, I apologize for saying that neither of us is voting there. As to Spanish, I do understand it much better than I speak it. Let's just say we disagree about the election in Argentina.
  12. Selling organs is a sensible solution to a big problem And a typical libertarian solution. The Nation is a very left publication. They even smear Milton Friedman- whose great economics program on PBS when I was in high school is what caused me to go to University of Chicago and study economics. As to the BBC calling him far-right, this is the same BBC that doesn't want to call the Hamas and Islamic Republic "terrorists '. Again a left leaning media source. Argentina is dire straights. We will see who wins. My wager would be on Milei because he has sensible solutions for the hyper 8nflation, regardless of onddities. As to not liking the Pope, I know plenty of Cath9lics who don't lie him either. He's a very leftist Pope. Anyway, it isn't my country nor yours and the Argentinians will decide.
  13. In this case, the base police who should have been notified of his threats to shoot up the base., should have communicated with the local police where he lived. And the mental health facility should have testified in any hearing.
  14. I am so happy. I did do the medical and charitable deduction work even though I was in the worse brain fog I ever had.
  15. Good morning Make appointments with a number of physicians and Psychologist Print up a list of Tricare dentists Who would make dh A new sleep apnea appliance Sign up for telehealth counseling Call expressscripts For 2 reasons, First to confirm Enbrel Shipment and secondly to ask about both methotrexate And arava to find out if methotrexate Would be okay for me due to my liver problems. And also is it actually more likely to Cause me to get infections Check both close I r s and alabama taxes that we paid this year To see if we need to refill after I do my part of the taxes, Normally, i'm in charge of making sure medical expenses and charitable expenses are correctly noted for the taxes. This year, however, I was so out of it That I don't think I did it, Do some laundry Figure out food orders from different grocery stores Set up Access Ride for next Tuesday Buy presents from my grandson Go on Lands End Website and try to Start return process
  16. They have a yellow flag law. But it is unclear whether the mental health people were allowed to communicate the danger due to HIPPA laws. Also, was he released after he was better w/ medication and then stopped taking and there was no follow-up to make sure he was continuing his treatment.
  17. This guy should never been out of the mental hospital and should hav4 had his guns confiscated. This recent summer, he was in a mental hospital or ward saying he was hearing voices telling him to shoot up the army reserve base where he was did his reserve duties. He was a certified firearms instructor. Apparently poor comunication between entities Is a big part of the problem.
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