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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. But I was happy to hear that there is a new medication for myasthesia GRAVIS/ i
  2. It isn't only that. It is really hard to get news from non-major news sites. For example, we just yesterday the crazy story of a guy from Arkansas who decided to come to my city (And Arkansas is at least 4 hours away) and do a bank robbery. He was caught heading back in Iuka, MS - at least 2 hours away depending on construction delays. Melissa Louise, sorry that you live so close to rabid Nazi-types.
  3. Yrs. He (they?) tricked some, I guess, Jewish people to be friends or whatever on the site and went with genealogical relatives from there. I saw the story on Yahoo - and can't remember its source. 23and me isn't saying stuff in emails not to spread panic.
  4. I giot migraines from smells and now asthma too. You can smell the artificialness.
  5. It is one of the considerable differences in my upbringing in the 60s and 70s, and now. I was reading the Washington Post daily and watching Brinkley and Huntley -on the nightly news, reading lots and listening to what adults said, and looking around. Like I knew that people in Iran didn't like the Shah of Iran because there were posters up on telephone polls. Cause I was curious and a good, fast reader< I found books that were controversial at an earlier age. But nothing like what you can find on the internet now, and that is available on your phone.
  6. IF they are coming for a closing inspection tomorrow and they are so picky, I would offer some money.
  7. My dd3 had her work computer fail. And they couldn't get her another because of the global crisis. And she had just such a very hard time. Getting Covid 2, surgery, almost dying from anaphylaxis. Thankfully, working in a much better place now. Married, has a great husband, and life is better.
  8. Yeah, there was the 23 and Me hack looking for Jews, apparently. Well, maybe they found me. I am something like 3% Ashkenazi Jew, genetically. My son figured out a few years ago that my last name means that a long, long, long time ago- like before the 15th century, we were Jews who voluntarily converted to Christianity, (How voluntarily, I have no idea). But why I say the 15th century is because on the trip to Poland in 1974 my parents took me, we actually saw a church built then that was funded by my great, whatever grandfather - no idea how many back.
  9. I got potassium iodide packets here and got them for my family, too, not because of fear of a nuclear war but because I live fairly close to a nuclear power plant. As a child, I remember seeing the air raid shelter signs that were still around. I remember how my father had to pack a suitcase to work because he was going to be evacuated if DC got bombed (he worked for VOA, and apparently, news to the outside world was very important), and unfortunately, I do not remember if it was during the 67 war or the Yom Kippur War or something else entirely. I was interested in history and saw that an older book in my area (Arlington, VA) showed concentric rings of what the effects would be of a nuclear explosion over the Washington Monument. I knew I was in the fry zone and decided I couldn't do anything about that. As it is, I live in a wonderful city now, but certainly, in a nuke war against the USA, it would be one of the first targets. I see no purpose in worrying. We traveled to Poland as a family on a long vacation in 1974, and there were still areas of Warsaw in rubble from the war. To this day, people still have to evacuate areas at times because of WW2's unexploded bombs in Europe and probably other areas as well.
  10. https://news.sky.com/story/stansted-airport-raf-jets-intercept-kenya-airways-flight-diverted-to-london-airport-12983307 The plane was first intercepted by French authorities and then by UK. Met by armed police.
  11. I didn't clickbait anything. No, I do not speak Arabic. And no, I cannot understand what he says and have to rely on translations. And I am not canceling anything. But I do go on social media and other media to see reality. I am greatly heartened by the people who are decrying the anti-semitism and the horrific acts of terror. As I said, I am a realist and have an interest in crime and criminals since I was a small child. When 9/11 happened, I was horrified., But it was not a complete surprise for me- the plot to fly airliners into tall buildings, important buildings was mentioned in reporting on Ramzi Yousef back in the early 90's who is in prison for the 1993 WTC bombing.
  12. Yes, that is it. But also, be aware that other Hamas and Iranian pronouncements of just these last few days are basically Christians and everybody is a target. Do you think they like Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc? They hate LBG etc people. They hate moderate Muslims, who condemn the attacks. The Pulse attack was an anti-gay one by a Jihadist. Just this year, we had a lone wolf Jihadi ambush on Police officers in Fargo, ND. More locally, a number of years ago, we had a lone wolf who shot and killed military recruiting places in Chattanooga,.
  13. I know that Hamas is not representative of a specific religion. In all the years of watching terrorist attacks, one of the most moving docudrama films I watched was about these monks in Libya and all the Muslims who tried to save them. I am not a black-and-white thinking person. And since I am a more analytical type of thinker< I know that Hamas was not just killing Jews- they called a Philippina nurse and an Indian nurse. They beheaded a Thai gardener. My original degree was in economics, but my subsequent degrees were in CJ, and since I am so disabled, one thing I can still do is read and watch. In fact, I watched a very good documentary on Netflix about the Nov 13th, 2015 attack in Paris--outside a soccer stadium, lots of restaurants and cafes, and ending with the Bataclan massacre. It is called Nov 13 attack on Paris. When anybody says they cannot believe what happened, I keep thinking I can. Since I was little, I remember thinking about how pounding rain sounds like soldiers marching in - my parents and one grandparent were extremely lucky to survive the gulags they were put into during WW2. Almost all the Polish whom the Russians captured died. And the later 60s and 70s were full of horrible terrorist attacks.I have just kept informed all of these years- including criminal behavior- which is horrific. One job I applied for before becoming an Immigration Inspector was a coroner's investigator in San Bernardino County, CA. I was one of the very top candidates, but I am glad I never got the job- it involved helicopter rides at times, and I have never been on one and think I may have freaked out about it.
  14. Yes, I am very concerned about the anti-Semitism. I have seen the videos of the protests in Sydney. But with this call out to JIhadists, it is all the more scary.
  15. I can't use my left arm the way I can use my right arm as of February when I had my neck surgery. Anyway, I have regained lots of use of my arm. I don't have problems getting dressed anymore and can use my left hand very well, But my left shoulder subluxated and never came back. It is never in it's socket. It does hurt some but not enough for another surgery.
  16. I changed the title because more world problems are ongoing and important news is sometimes not a problem.
  17. Dh andi went to a Mardi Gras [arty in Mobile. It was great fun/
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