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Super Moderators
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Everything posted by admin

  1. Your user name has been changed. Administrator.

  2. Please remember that posting links to outside news sources is not permitted under board rules. Keep it nonpartisan and the thread stays open. Moderator
  3. Yes, it has been suggested many times. No, we're not planning to do it. :)
  4. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95415
  5. You have strayed waaay off topic.thread closed.
  6. People, The topic of this thread was " Best holocaust movies and documentaries for high school?" You have veered WAY off topic.
  7. You've strayed too far off topic so this thread is being closed.
  8. Guys, this thread had been resurrected by a spammer. No one had posted on it for a year, so don't be disappointed if no one responds to your questions.
  9. This has gotten too far off track and is headed for disaster. You can search the forums to find this same discussion in many other threads.
  10. Kristafish, JudoMom, Tammyla, True Blue, Shell in SC, and tibbyl starred this thread.
  11. This topic has been discussed ad nauseam and it never ends well.
  12. Please stick to the OP's topic or risk this thread being closed.
  13. This is getting out of hand now, so we're closing the thread. I sent you a PM asking for information because other than the multiple people who use the admin or Moderator title, only SWB, Heather, Bob and Kim have moderator privileges. That is no secret. None of them have been involved in any PM exchange with you. I have not heard back from you about the person you are talking about. If you were unable to block someone because the software told you s/he was a mod and it isn't one of the people listed above, then we have a problem somewhere and we need to know about it.
  14. Try replacing with welltrainedmind instead. You should have no trouble using welltrainedmind.com as your url when you visit here.
  15. Please stick to answering the OP's question. Let's not have another abortion debate.
  16. buy/sell/rep/comments discussed here: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=182057#post182057
  17. A script updating the post count runs automatically every 15 minutes or so. Just try back in 15 minutes.
  18. All WWE questions are combined into 1 thread because they are easier for Susan to find and answer that way. She doesn't have time to constantly search for all of the separate threads. In addition, when people call the office and want to know more about WWE, we direct them to this one thread so they don't have to search all over the forums. There is a "Search this Thread" option at the top of the page that may help you find something more specific within this thread. Hope that helps.
  19. Okay Everyone, as fun as this has been, I think we're done here now.
  20. We're sorry you don't like it. If you are on the board often, you likely see EVERY post made and are easily able to understand what the "update" threads are related to. For those not on the boards often, the "update" threads make no sense without context. We have seen plenty of posts in update threads that say something to the effect of "I didn't see your original post, but..." The illegal parking thread was merged in hopes of preventing more of the same arguments again. The other option was to close it altogether before our heads exploded from the round and round and round... If you read the posts in linear mode, it is much easier to find the newer posts.
  21. As of now there is no way to turn off the smilies. We may be able to address that with the next upgrade. In the meantime, I can change things around so the non-moving smilies are on the first page. Anyone who wants to see the animated smilies will have to click "More." Would that help?
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