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What's the best out there for female cramps?

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DD14 got some really bad cramps today. I remember having bad cramps before kids as well. But since it's been so long, I don't know if what I used "back in the day" is out there anymore. Is just plain advil the best or are the ones that claim to target the area better?

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My GYN told me about the anti-prostiglanden properties of ibuprofen, and recommended the following:


If you catch the cramps early, an anti-inflammatory dose of ibuprofin (600-800 mg) will nip it in the bud -- not just numb or block the pain, but actually stop the contractions that cause the cramps. I get very sharp cramps regularly. I start with 3 Motrin (600mg). After an hour, if the cramps are still bad, I take one more (200mg). After that, I just take 2 Motrin (400 mg) every four to six hours, as needed. I usually don't need more than one dose, after the initial anti-inflammatory dose.


Neither Tylenol nor Mydol (which contains acetaminophen) even phase my cramps.

Edited by Suzanne in ABQ
I meant to write "numb", not "dumb" (sheesh)
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I had dysmenorrhea until I had my first baby. It was awful. I started back down that path about a year ago. Taking ibuprofen on a regular schedule as you would take an antibiotic for the first 2 days has helped a lot.


I also think the rice bags/sacks that you heat in the microwave are much better than heating pads.


I also took prescription Aleve back before they offered it in nonprescription strength.



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I remember those days...I used to be so sick that I would not be functional for two days. Doing so much research because I didn't want to live on over-the-counter medicine for the rest of my life, I learned that cramps were caused by the lack of calcium in the body which caused the spasms. Try giving her calcium tablets with magnesium when the cramps first start (two tablets at first) and then if they still persist, one tablet every other hour. I say within two hours she should be okay. I learned this many years ago when I read Adele Davis's books "Let's Get Well". This has worked for me for about twenty years. When I was younger I used to pop (4-5) Ibprofen tablets daily to stop the cramps, now I'm happy to say I only need one calcium tablet if my cramps get extremely bad. I didn't like Ibprofen because of the stomach ulcers that could result. Anyway, good luck to her and I do sympathize!

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DD14 got some really bad cramps today. I remember having bad cramps before kids as well. But since it's been so long, I don't know if what I used "back in the day" is out there anymore. Is just plain advil the best or are the ones that claim to target the area better?


Ibuprofen was my life saver. I had horrible, horrible periods, so bad that in my early teens before Motrin/Ibuprofen came out, my mom used to give me half a prescription Codene and I routinely slept the first 48 to 72 hours of my "time" each month. I'm not exaggerating. Then came that wonderful day when my doctor prescribed Motrin and my I got my life back. What my doctor told me was ok to do was at the first sign every month, take 800 mgs of Ibuprofen followed by 400 mgs every 4 hours on the dot for 2 or 3 days. When I stuck to this regime I did fine. A heating pad is helpful when waiting for med to kick in.

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I remember those days...I used to be so sick that I would not be functional for two days. Doing so much research because I didn't want to live on over-the-counter medicine for the rest of my life, I learned that cramps were caused by the lack of calcium in the body which caused the spasms.


Calcium did nothing for me.

Mine were so bad I was vomiting and couldn't keep down a motrin. After some reading, I found out this trick:


Low dose Naproxen or motrin (the OTC size dose) twice a day with food for the 3 or 4 days BEFORE the period (you have to have tenderness or some warning). Then, the cramps were never so bad I needed more than 400 mg motrin once, and NO vomiting.


Good old Merck Manual. I only suffered for 15 years before I read this.


The other thing I did, prior to discovering this trick, was to do non-pregnancy preventing BCP. I'd had my tubes tied and was celibate at the time, so I didn't worry about the BC part....I took the ultra low dose once every three days....just enough to keep from spotting. Worked like a charm on the cramps. I did it, BTW, to be CHEAP, not because I was frightened of the Pill!


And here's hoping, regarding the above quote, that you live long enough to reach menopause, rather than having menstrual cramps "for the rest of your life". :)

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Ibuprofen (I always took the highest dose). Drinking a diet coke or diet pepsi with the IB seemed to help, too.


What helped much more was cutting out--eliminating-- saturated animal fats. Once I did that I had no more cramps, which was something of a miracle as I had laid up in bed for 1.5 days every month. It really did work for me.

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