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Good Self Reliant/Preparedness books?

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Here's a list I have started:


Storey's Basic Country Skills


The Self Sufficient Life


Encyclopedia of Country Living


Crisis Preparedness


Emergency Food Storage: Survival Handbook


Making the Best of Basics


Gardening When it Counts


All New Square Foot Gardening


When Technology Fails


I also have a well thumbed copy of the Emergency Essentials catalog. Website: beprepared.com


Anyone have another other required reading that I should add to my list?

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That's pretty complete! LOL The only thing I would suggest, if you feel you would benefit, is a book on how to COOK with your food storage. There is a book called Pantry Cooking and several others...I'd just check on Amazon and find the one(s) with the highest ratings and see if your library has them before buying. I know that it would be helpful for me to know what to DO with all the bulk foods that I'd like to buy and store for an emergency! :)

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I am not sure exactly what I have in mind when I say this, or what you have in mind on this topic, but do you want things about being prepared or self-reliant only in emergencies, or taking care of yourself and doing things as part of everyday life? I think a lot of people maybe consider these skills to be only used in extreme situations or when camping. Like, "I know how to bake bread and slaughter a chicken, but I won't cook for myself unless there's a power outage."

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I am not sure exactly what I have in mind when I say this, or what you have in mind on this topic, but do you want things about being prepared or self-reliant only in emergencies, or taking care of yourself and doing things as part of everyday life? I think a lot of people maybe consider these skills to be only used in extreme situations or when camping. Like, "I know how to bake bread and slaughter a chicken, but I won't cook for myself unless there's a power outage."


I am thinking more along the lines of the first situation. I do know how to fish, slaughter a chicken, dress a deer and such but I don't want to make it a part of my daily life. I acutally grew up a good ole' country girl: think outhouse, no running water, living off the land, raising our own lifestock and such. It has been a long time though. I am planning on starting a garden and learning more about processing and cooking with whole grains, baking my own bread, cooking without electricity and such as part of my daily life.

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Interesting topic. I have The All New Square Foot Gardening and I'm looking forward to our first with it.


My library doesn't have much to offer.


Yeah, I noticed that as well. I belong to three different library systems, one pretty darn big, and they didn't have about 1/4 of the books at any of them.

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Vision Forum sent me an email recently about a set of books and dvds on this very subject. Their sale ends today I think. The dvds cover bread, soap and candle making. They have 2 books about "basic" living. I honestly am not buying them. I still have several of my books from the Y2K scare (does that make me feel old!!)

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Sounds like you have it pretty well covered! I know of one book that is pretty comprehensive - Reader's Digest Back to Basics: How to Learn and Enjoy Traditional American Skills. You might see if your library has it.



Oh, this is a good one. I used to have it. I will add it to the list.

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Can I whine???


Not one single book listed here is at my library.




I cant afford to buy all these books, I really wanted to see them, read them and buy the one's that are really important to our family. BUMMER!


That being said these are good (I did buy these):


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0394512618 -- this tells you how to dehydrate your own food, and gives great recipes usign dehydrated foods.


Just in Case http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1603420355

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Can I whine???


Not one single book listed here is at my library.




I cant afford to buy all these books, I really wanted to see them, read them and buy the one's that are really important to our family. BUMMER!


That being said these are good (I did buy these):


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0394512618 -- this tells you how to dehydrate your own food, and gives great recipes usign dehydrated foods.


Just in Case http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1603420355


If you have any books you don't want you can try http://www.swaptree.com/

and see if they have any of the ones you're looking for. Then if you don't like them, you can swap them back to someone else.


edited cause I put up the wrong link....

Edited by wulfbourne
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