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What are your childrens' hobbies?

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I've decided that my kids need more to do. Not school. Just things to occupy them on a cold February day when they have no friends available to suck up their time. This isn't about punishment. It's about enjoyment, and sanity (mine).


FWIW, mine are 11 and 13, both girls. But,they are not especially girly. Knitting has gone over with more of a whimper here. :D On the farm, there were always chickens. And, visiting owners. Trees to climb. And, chores. Here in town....well...there's shopping (ack!).


Part of the problem is that the teen is all teen. She has suddenly abandoned imaginative play. Board games bore her, and card games are only fun when someone other than her sibling is there to play with her. Poor little one. I hate this for her.




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My 15yo son writes and draws comic books, plays Guild Wars online and makes Lego movies on the computer


My 13yo son skateboards, plays basketball, reads and collects comic books, still plays with GI JOE's


Both my boys play Airsoft


My 13yo daughter draws (a lot), beading, knits (but only with Knifty Knitter), listens to music on her iPod, works with clay, plays DDR Max on Playstation and plays the Sims on the Wii............I forgot that my daughter got a digital camera for her birthday last month and she is a budding photographer and really enjoys doing digital editing and posting to her Myspace

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His number one choice would be Internet time or playing on the Wii. Outside those two things, he likes uploading pictures from our digital camera into the computer, then adding funny captions (well, funny to HIM, anyway!) and making comic books.


He also likes setting up complicated war scenes with his plastic soldier guys, in fact, he's doing that now.


He talks on the phone with friends. He bugs our cats.


Probably none of these would interest a girl, though.

Michelle T, who is also always trying to come up with hobbies for her Ds

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Which could be nothing:). But what about photography or movie making ( if you have a camcorder you would be comfortable with them using ). My two are girls also, but are only 10 and 7. However my oldest really loves photography and what works well for us is she can work on it herself doing nature photos or using photoshop elements on the computer. BUT she also has a very willing model in little sister so this can keep them busy doing something together. I don't know if that would be something your girls would enjoy or not. My girls also would like to make movies, but I really haven't let them mess with the camcorder yet.


My girls also enter lots of things in our county fair - from crafts and photographs to baked goods - and that seems to give mine something to work towards with their hobbies ( my youngest loves to cook ). Whether they are trying new recipes or a new craft, coming up for ideas for the next year's fair entries keeps them trying different things, and it is a great way to figure out what they like and don't like.

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and loves to read. She's a girly girl. For the teen...how about fashion design? Photography? Scrapbooking? Have her re-design her room (if she has her own!) by making a list of what she'd like to make for it, how to rearrange furniture (draw a picture of the before and the wished-for after). Any interest in drawing/sketching/painting? Perhaps she could learn face-painting (it's fun and a very lucrative field to get into!). Just some thoughts...

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Mostly, my dc enjoy music, playing with eachother and their pets, sports, and some crafts. . .


DD11: violin & harp; everything animals/household pets; knitting; reading; sculpey clay; cooking; other sewing; coin collecting; writing in journal/stories/imaginary things with siblings; basketball, skiing & soccer

DS8: guitar; listening to music on ipod; knitting; sculpey clay & other crafts; coin collecting; imaginary writing/journal/etc with sibs; basketball, skiing & soccer

DD5: violin; knitting; clay, etc; playing with sibs; basketball, skiing & soccer

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My DD, age 12, enjoys drawing, arts, crafts, some video games, riding her bike, playing with the dog, cooking, baking, reading (only at night and only books published after 1998), playing board games, talking on the phone, listening to the Jonas Brothers cds, shopping, playing with the makeup she is not allowed to wear otherwise, nagging all of us, practicing karate, teasing her brothers unmercifully, watching The Simpsons, Heroes, and Animal Planet, and making huge messes.


DS1, age 13, plays video games and World of Warcraft, reads, writes books, draws, makes animated cartoons on the computer, loves The Simpsons, Heroes, and Dilbert, likes karate and going to movies, and enjoys playing with Legos and K'nex.


DS2, age 13, plays video games and World of Warcraft, reads, writes books, messes around with Photoshop and other computer programs, watches The Simpsons and Heroes, and loves swimming, karate, and going to movies.


DS3, age 13, loves drawing, writing books, chess, eating, everything about baseball (studying, watching, playing, videogames, Red Sox message boards), and The Simpsons and Heroes.

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My boys love to build with Legos, K'Nex, Lincoln Logs, etc. My oldest has taken an interest in guitar, woodworking, and photography lately. His interests are very sporadic though. I think he's still experimenting and trying to find what really inspires him. I think the new MAKE magazine we subscribe to may be his ultimate inspiration. The new edition just came out on-line, and he's talking about making DIY combustion engine...I don't think so.

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Art- Drawing, painting, clay work

4-H-Rocketry and archery

Sports-Basketball, fishing, skateboarding, biking, hiking

Pets-Rats and breeding guppies

Music-Violin, piano, harmonica, recorder, drums

Model airplanes, lego building, fly tying (for fly fishing), making their own power bait

Catching and keeping (for a couple of days) local animals.

Cooking-Meals, breads, desserts



Lots of reading and reading often leads to a new project or hobby.:)

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° Several of you have listed musical instruments as being among your kids' hobbies. Our oldest plays classical guitar, youngest plays piano. But, I can't say that these qualify as "hobbies". They practice, and sometimes play for fun...but not in the real time consuming way that I think are indicative of true "hobbies".


° They each participate in some sports -- karate, gymnastics, rowing -- but again, these are not things that can occupy them on a chilly February day.


° One reads voraciously.


° One loves photography.


° Both enjoy some screen time (online games, Webkinz, no GameCube/Wii here)


° Artistic pursuits are chosen now and again. They each have a sketchbook which they enjoy, and occasionally they tackle some other craft, like painting or collaging.


On the surface, it doesn't look as though they lack for enjoyable things to do. But, at home, especially in winter, it seems that they do. Particularly the youngest who does not love to read (audiobook are great for her, but she doesn't always have one) and who leans more on others for entertainment. Now that her sister is less willing, dd11 is at loose ends more often than I'd prefer. I just can't figure out what to suggest for her to do all the time!


It is winter. And, we have been housebound for a week with illness. Last week, ALL our activities were canceled due to sickness...so we're all probably just more stir crazy now than usual.


Thanks and keep the thoughts coming.



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They are both into performing of various types. They have both done community theatre and various drama classes.


My daughter sings pretty much constantly and will spend hours in her room listening to CDs and learning songs from whatever musical has currently caught her attention. She currently sings and performs with two ensembles: a choir and a pop a capella group. She also reads quite a bit, does some creative writing, taught herself HTML last summer and enjoys desktop design and publishing. In terms of "hands-on" things, she likes beading jewelry and making and furnishing room boxes. (Think dollhouse, but single rooms.) She got a digital camera and photo editing software for Christmas and has been enjoying experimenting with that.


My son takes several hours of dance classes each week and also sings with a choir. In fact, he just returned a couple of hours ago from a weekend at the beach with the group. They did a concert on Saturday evening and then sang for the church's services this morning, but managed to get in a couple of sun-and-surf sessions while they were there. He is currently in rehearsals for a junior production of Pirates of Penzance and may get to be in the children's choir that performs with our local opera company next month. He has performed with the ballet company in their productions of The Nutcracker for the last three years and is currently preparing for the school's annual recital. He and his dad belong to a model rocketry club that meets once a month, and they spend a few hours in between building new rockets and preparing. He also reads a lot, enjoys dreaming up and sketching all kinds of kooky inventions, and loves almost nothing better than getting his hands on some large sheets of cardboard out of which he builds all kinds of interesting structures.


They have also both taken lessons on assorted instruments--piano (both kids), classical guitar (my daughter), Scottish snare drum (my son)--although we're down to just my son's piano lessons at the moment.


That's all that pops into my head at the moment.



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Inside hobbies? The girls play piano, and both love to practice, knitting, sketching, writing. Everyone plays chess and Risk. New game called Cash Flow that takes all afternoon to play.


Outside it's the horses. The boys like to hunt and shoot. Lately they're obsessed with finding a hawk nest to watch. Or a cougar to stalk (or be stalked by).

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Do you have a camcorder? Let them loose with it. Suggest they make a movie using stop action techniques. My ds loves to do this, and he's filled hours of tape. (He's now taping over old stuff to make new creations). He also enjoys drawing comic strips.


My 11yodd reads, beads, draws, and sews little clothes for her Webkinz. She has also enjoyed weaving, crocheting, leatherwork, needlepoint, embroidery, making pop-up books (we got a book from the library that showed how to do this), origami, making little Klutz fairies (it's a kit), and countless other crafty things.

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I've decided that my kids need more to do. Not school. Just things to occupy them on a cold February day when they have no friends available to suck up their time. This isn't about punishment. It's about enjoyment, and sanity (mine).


FWIW, mine are 11 and 13, both girls. But,they are not especially girly. Knitting has gone over with more of a whimper here. :D On the farm, there were always chickens. And, visiting owners. Trees to climb. And, chores. Here in town....well...there's shopping (ack!).


Part of the problem is that the teen is all teen. She has suddenly abandoned imaginative play. Board games bore her, and card games are only fun when someone other than her sibling is there to play with her. Poor little one. I hate this for her.





My teen is the same way- not particularly girly, wants nothing to do with the sibling. Her current hobbies are macrame and making friendship bracelets. She has also like using a knitting loom to make hats for herself and her cousins, teaching herself to embroider so she could decorate her jeans, and building a MySpace page.

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My 13yodd saved up and bought a digital camera. That is her hobby now.


She goes to PS and usually has a few big projects going on. Flute and choir practice are biggies. Right now the girl's varsity basketball team is in first place and my dd is in the band so she is traveling quite a bit to the games around our region.


She also spends way too much time on the phone and text messaging, much to my anguish. At least part of that time she is messaging her big brother who lives in Virginia, though.


In a couple of weeks both my dd's are going to be in a play, Robinson Carusoe. That is extrememly time consuming.


Our 2 golden retrievers take a lot of time and care as well, and we are all involved in that.

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