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Post Five Unbelievable Things About Yourself

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I vote #2, #4, #5.


1. As a young mother, I fell completely out the door of a moving car as it came around a sharp curve.

2. I won first place in national writing contest in high school.


3. I almost choked to death in a childhood tap dancing class.


4. I once had to leave a scouting trip early because my braces were so stuck to my sleeping bag.


5. I lived for years in NY on an old, leaky sailboat.




Doran ;)

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#1, #4, #5


It took me five colleges and some CLEP tests for my first and second bachelors, and two more for my third. So I totally believe the second one, but I want to preserve that picture of you juggling kittens, so I'm sticking to number 1!


1. I can juggle any three items you hand me....balls, peanuts, records, kittens.

2. It took five colleges for me to get my B.A., and two more to get my PhD ABD.

3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

4. I can peel a banana with my toes.

5. I once spent the night hiding at Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library.

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1. I once worked a summer (our winter) in Antarctica as a cook.

2. My husband served aboard an icebreaker (ship) in Antarctica.

3. I was the President of the Altar Guild in (Espiscopal) high school.

4. My father won a gold medal in the 1968 summer Olympics.

5. My ex-husband remarried and has four children with his wife.


#1, #3, #4

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1. I placed in a beauty contest.


2. I modeled for a leather catalog.


3. I graduated from public highschool when I was 15.


4. I spent a summer in Venezuela on a short-term mission trip.


5. I have a collection of Cupie dolls that my great-grandmother started back in the 30s.


#2 (but you could have totally done #1), #3, #4

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I was up in the night reading this thread and nearly fell off my chair laughing. No wonder the thread is much longer this morning!


Okay, here are my five:




1. I can see a volcano from my balcony.





2. My husband and I wrote our wedding vows in a laundry mat.





3. I survived a rare form of cancer.





4. My second cousin's name is Sherlock Holmes.





5. I live down the road from the Roloff family (Disc. Channel, "Little People Big World).



#1, #2, #5

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I'll play!



  • I met my husband in a bar and moved in with him 6 months after we met.


  • I have performed CPR on both of my children.


  • I have an ancestor that was Karelian royalty. She arrived in the US penniless.


  • I was the youngest person to compete in the national gymnastics championships in the 1970s.


  • I have vacationed on 6 continents.


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I'll play!



  • I met my husband in a bar and moved in with him 6 months after we met.



  • I have performed CPR on both of my children.



  • I have an ancestor that was Karelian royalty. She arrived in the US penniless.



  • I was the youngest person to compete in the national gymnastics championships in the 1970s.



  • I have vacationed on 6 continents.



Ok, I think #1, #3, #4.

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These are great! Here are mine.


1. I nearly died from blood loss when I was 27.


2. I find it very relaxing to take exotic animals for walks.


3. I have visited with Dr. Phil and Robin at their home.


4. While on a hike with my 2 year old son, I got lost and had to carry him for hours through rugged bear-infested country.


5. I met my husband when his motorcycle broke down near my apartment complex.

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I pick 2, 3, and 4 (if the answers are posted already I haven't peeked)




1. I can juggle any three items you hand me....balls, peanuts, records, kittens.

2. It took five colleges for me to get my B.A., and two more to get my PhD ABD.

3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

4. I can peel a banana with my toes.

5. I once spent the night hiding at Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library.

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These are great! Here are mine.


1. I nearly died from blood loss when I was 27.


2. I find it very relaxing to take exotic animals for walks.


3. I have visited with Dr. Phil and Robin at their home.


4. While on a hike with my 2 year old son, I got lost and had to carry him for hours through rugged bear-infested country.


5. I met my husband when his motorcycle broke down near my apartment complex.


I will guess that #1, #4 and #5 are true.

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My picks for true: 2, 3, and 5 ~Doran


I was up in the night reading this thread and nearly fell off my chair laughing. No wonder the thread is much longer this morning!


Okay, here are my five:

1. I can see a volcano from my balcony.

2. My husband and I wrote our wedding vows in a laundry mat.

3. I survived a rare form of cancer.

4. My second cousin's name is Sherlock Holmes.

5. I live down the road from the Roloff family (Disc. Channel, "Little People Big World).

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I'll play!


  • I met my husband in a bar and moved in with him 6 months after we met.

  • I have performed CPR on both of my children.

  • I have an ancestor that was Karelian royalty. She arrived in the US penniless.

  • I was the youngest person to compete in the national gymnastics championships in the 1970s.

  • I have vacationed on 6 continents.

I'll guess #1,3 and 5...

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Oooh -- good ones. I think I may have led a dull life! :D


I vote for 1, 2, and 4 ~Doran


1. For the first leg of the Brain Drain tour, I was a roadie for The Ramones.


2. I married a virgin.


3. I have a tattoo of Karl Marx on my left shoulder.


4. My grandfather was the lead engineer in the design of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.


5. My great-aunt was Emma Goldman.

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Let's see, Pam -- I'd pick 1, 3, and 4


1) My family didn't have indoor plumbing until I was ten years old.

2) Paul McCartney once kissed me on the cheek.

3) I once wore a dress inside out to a college class.

4) I went riding around Pittsburgh in the middle of the night in a Silver Cloud Rolls Royce.

5) I went through the windshield of a car when I was six years old.

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i'm going with 1, 2, and 4


If you've answered elsewhere, I didn't take time to look for it (obviously?).




1. I once worked a summer (our winter) in Antarctica as a cook.

2. My husband served aboard an icebreaker (ship) in Antarctica.

3. I was the President of the Altar Guild in (Espiscopal) high school.

4. My father won a gold medal in the 1968 summer Olympics.

5. My ex-husband remarried and has four children with his wife.

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1. I once worked a summer (our winter) in Antarctica as a cook.

2. My husband served aboard an icebreaker (ship) in Antarctica.

3. I was the President of the Altar Guild in (Espiscopal) high school.

4. My father won a gold medal in the 1968 summer Olympics.

5. My ex-husband remarried and has four children with his wife.


I vote for #1, #2, and #4


1 and 2 go together and 4 seems sooo unlikely that it just might be true.

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1. I can juggle any three items you hand me....balls, peanuts, records, kittens.

2. It took five colleges for me to get my B.A., and two more to get my PhD ABD.

3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

4. I can peel a banana with my toes.

5. I once spent the night hiding at Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library.


#1 would be AWESOME, but highly doubtful

I choose #2, #4, and #5

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1. As a kid my uncle took me drag racing down the I-5 through LA at speeds of 100 miles-per-hour


2. I shared a subway ride home from the 76 World Series pinned in-between a lady of the evening and her manager (both dressed in that 70's classic Shaft style).


3. Had to walk six miles to a gas station in the southern New Mexican wilderness after running out of gas, thankfully it was at night.


4. I won a state level ice skating competition but broke my ankle so I could not go onto the Nationals.


5. Spent a few nights sleeping on the floor of a mall bookstore. It was cold and hard.


Wow, these are hard!

I think #1, #2, and #3 are true.

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1. I placed in a beauty contest.


2. I modeled for a leather catalog.


3. I graduated from public highschool when I was 15.


4. I spent a summer in Venezuela on a short-term mission trip.


5. I have a collection of Cupie dolls that my great-grandmother started back in the 30s.


I guess that #1, #2, and #5 are true.

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1. I was the only blond haired kid in my class for several years in elementary school.


2. I met my husband on the first day of Student Orientation at college.


3. I swam butterfly for the swim team in high school.


4. I got married the day after I graduated from college.


5. I learned to make Danish kringla cookies from my great-grandmother.

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I'm going with 1, 2, and 5. Five is just...well...who'd make that up? :rolleyes:






I have had a blast reading these.....I'll play.


1- My very first car was a RX7.

2-I dated to my dh's brother before I dated dh.

3-I am the youngest of 8 siblings.

4-I lived in 2 different countries before I was a yr old.

5-My father used to eat breakfast with someone who is beatified.

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1. I was the only blond haired kid in my class for several years in elementary school.


2. I met my husband on the first day of Student Orientation at college.


3. I swam butterfly for the swim team in high school.


4. I got married the day after I graduated from college.


5. I learned to make Danish kringla cookies from my great-grandmother.


Unless you were living in some very strange place, I can't believe number one is true. Dh and I are both brunettes, but all of our kids but one have been blond until about age 12.


I going with 2, 3, and 4......and yours made me laugh. I could have posted I got married the day after I was no longer a teenager and it would have been true!!


Hope I haven't offended great-grandma by not choosing her. ;)

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1. As a young mother, I fell completely out the door of a moving car as it came around a sharp curve.

2. I won first place in national writing contest in high school.


3. I almost choked to death in a childhood tap dancing class.


4. I once had to leave a scouting trip early because my braces were so stuck to my sleeping bag.


5. I lived for years in NY on an old, leaky sailboat.




Doran ;)


I love number 4, so I am definitely choosing it!! HMMM, the others are harder, 2, and 5 (b/c the other choices are scary!)

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The first one for sure (not too far from my own story!). The other two...I'll take 3 and 4. :) ~Doran


I'll play!


  • I met my husband in a bar and moved in with him 6 months after we met.


  • I have performed CPR on both of my children.


  • I have an ancestor that was Karelian royalty. She arrived in the US penniless.


  • I was the youngest person to compete in the national gymnastics championships in the 1970s.


  • I have vacationed on 6 continents.


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Gosh, Jenne, these are tough.


Number one is so far fetched that it just might be true. So, I'll pick


1, 2, and 4


1. I was the only blond haired kid in my class for several years in elementary school.


2. I met my husband on the first day of Student Orientation at college.


3. I swam butterfly for the swim team in high school.


4. I got married the day after I graduated from college.


5. I learned to make Danish kringla cookies from my great-grandmother.

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Originally Posted by Aubrey

1. I placed in a beauty contest.


2. I modeled for a leather catalog.


3. I graduated from public highschool when I was 15.


4. I spent a summer in Venezuela on a short-term mission trip.


5. I have a collection of Cupie dolls that my great-grandmother started back in the 30s.


This is so hard to follow in this format! I have to say I think all of Aubrey's must be true. Who would say the Cupie thing unless they collected them. Then again, wouldn't a collector know that they are Kewpie dolls? (I'm pretty sure that's right.) I guess I'll go with #5 and #2. And now I've got to quit looking at this thread or I won't get anything else done today!

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1. I survived spinal menginitis when i was 2 and I have two holes in my skull where they had to drill to relieve the pressure.

2. I spent 5 years working at McDonalds age 14-19:confused:

3. I went to Pensacola Christian College and only survived 1 semester.:rolleyes:

4. My parents moved our family to S Fl when i was 13 and I hated every minute of it. I am so not a beach person and life was pretty much perfect in Mass. My dh rescued me and got me out of there. :p

5. My first car was '76 chevy Nova:eek:

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1. I can juggle any three items you hand me....balls, peanuts, records, kittens.

2. It took five colleges for me to get my B.A., and two more to get my PhD ABD.

3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

4. I can peel a banana with my toes.

5. I once spent the night hiding at Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library.


I want all of these to be true!

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1. I mummified a cat when I was in high school.

2. I've hiked the complete Appalachian Trail in segments.

3. I once belonged to what some would consider a cult.

4. I have slaughtered and processed chickens--and I thought it was pretty cool.

5. I was one of the top athletes in my high school.


Ha ha! This list makes me sound like a total nut job if you put several of the things together. Maybe I am. I'm not sure any of these is unbelievable enough though.


Not that I think #5 is unbelievable, though. I can't wrap my brain around #1.

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Here's my list


1. Once I drove up the side of a mountain to see the volcano erupting.

2. I was a page on Capitol Hill in high school.

3. I've backpacked through Europe.

4. Harvey Korman owns a piece of my work.

5. I can milk a cow.




I'll go with 1,2, and 4. #4 doesn't seem like something you would make up. #5 doesn't seem like something one would think was that unusual if one milked cows on a regular basis. 3 could be true (and I would be jealous,) but I had to leave out something!

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1. I mummified a cat when I was in high school.

2. I've hiked the complete Appalachian Trail in segments.

3. I once belonged to what some would consider a cult.

4. I have slaughtered and processed chickens--and I thought it was pretty cool.

5. I was one of the top athletes in my high school.


Ha ha! This list makes me sound like a total nut job if you put several of the things together. Maybe I am. I'm not sure any of these is unbelievable enough though.


Let's see here - I'll guess #2,#3 and #4.


#1 - False. This is way too creepy to be true.

#2 - True. Who'd bring that up if it wasn't true, anyway?

#3 - True, but you finally saw the light and came back home where you belong.

#4 - This is creepy too, but I bet there is a lot of chicken slaughtering in rural the midwest and you live in Kansas.

#5 - False. Too tame, so it's got to be false.

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1. I worked as Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland as a teen

2. I moved to Alaska for a year all alone when I was 19

3. My husband and I hated each other for the first year we knew each other

4. I sky-dive as a hobby

5. My kids all look like clones of my husband


Those are all good.


I think either one or two could be true, but it's unlikely that both are true. I can't picture Alice in Wonderland in Alaska, I guess.


I'll go with 2,3,and 4 as true.

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1. My first marriage proposal came from a complete stranger in a grocery store.

2. Two people have confessed murders to me.

3. My great aunt kept four of her dead relatives in urns on her mantelpiece.

4. I once thumbed a ride from a guy who said, "Pardon my haircut; I just got out of jail."

5. While traveling in France, my car broke down and nuns repaired it.


I say 3,4,5 are true. I just don't want those first two to be true!

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1. I have met and spoken with Barbara Bush

2. I was born in England

3. I played the flute with a major symphony orchestra

4. I can type 60 wpm

5. I first husband was Tony Orlando





1. Sure, why not. I say true.


2. True. I bet your dad was in the Air Force and you were a military brat.


3. I could believe that, I bet it's true.


4. and 5. are both lies.




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1. As a young mother, I fell completely out the door of a moving car as it came around a sharp curve.

2. I won first place in national writing contest in high school.


3. I almost choked to death in a childhood tap dancing class.


4. I once had to leave a scouting trip early because my braces were so stuck to my sleeping bag.


5. I lived for years in NY on an old, leaky sailboat.




Doran ;)


My guesses for true are 1,3, and 4- no logic, just a wild guess.

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1. As a young mother, I fell completely out the door of a moving car as it came around a sharp curve.

2. I won first place in national writing contest in high school.


3. I almost choked to death in a childhood tap dancing class.


4. I once had to leave a scouting trip early because my braces were so stuck to my sleeping bag.


5. I lived for years in NY on an old, leaky sailboat.



Doran ;)


1. You are too young to not have had a seatbelt on. Don't know about your state, but we've had laws in place for a long time about this. I say False. (BTW, my sister did this once when we were kids. It scared me to death! She had on her marching band uniform and I can still see that picture in my mind after all these years.)


2. True. That's why you are such a great HS mom!


3. True.


4. True. Gosh, you were accident prone, weren't you?


5. False. Anyone with sense would not live in a leaky boat for years!


How close am I? ;)




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1) I have a defect that causes the roof of my mouth to curve downwards, instead of upwards.

2) I was on the cheerleading squad, in high school.

3) I've been in two bank robberies.

4) My parents were teenagers when I was born.

5) I'm a distant relative of Woody Guthrie.

Hmmm....I'll say 1, 4 and 5 are true. These are hard!

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