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Guest Katia
It's the picture of a night elf from world of warcraft. It's my favorite character on the game.


BTW, I'm surprised you find it freaky. I think it's absolutely beautiful and wish I had a larger picture to hang in my home. :)


I like it, too! I had honestly never heard of WoW until I read about here on these boards....but I have a dd and ds that love to watch anime and play video games with these types of characters...so I find it appealing as well.


Nice choice!

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While this lady definately crossed the line, I think by posting a link to her blog and discussing this here prior to speaking to her, you've handled this really poorly.


Walk down to your neighbors house and have a conversation with a living person. Tell her your feelings instead of posting about them here.


Really? The OP came to an online place she's familiar, cozy and comfortable. A place she knew she'd get perspective from evangelical Christians on whether this woman was inappropriate. She came here, online, to discuss something posted publically, online by the Missionary mom.


I don't think our OP did anything wrong at all.

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While this lady definately crossed the line, I think by posting a link to her blog and discussing this here prior to speaking to her, you've handled this really poorly.


Walk down to your neighbors house and have a conversation with a living person. Tell her your feelings instead of posting about them here.



I think asking for advice from us to clarify her own feelings before approaching the neighbour was a sensible thing to do.



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Ok, I'm a bit curious. How did you ever find her blog or even think of looking for it? Not that it matters, I just never would have thought to look for someone's blog....Sometimes I'm surprised, even when I find out that one of my friends has a blog.



My neighbor alerted me.

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Really? The OP came to an online place she's familiar, cozy and comfortable. A place she knew she'd get perspective from evangelical Christians on whether this woman was inappropriate. She came here, online, to discuss something posted publically, online by the Missionary mom.


I don't think our OP did anything wrong at all.

I don't think so either.:iagree:

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I don't think that what other people are willing to give up for their beliefs is relevant to the issue here. You, or this lady, or whomever, can believe as deeply as you wish (or not believe, as the case may be). What one cannot do is leapfrog over the big gray area of 'living your belief' and into the deep black no-man's land of 'I'll raise my own kids, thank you very much.'


Christopher Hitchens is a well-known atheist who believes that, not only are religious beliefs untrue, they are harmful to those who believe. He gets death threats all the time, but continues to write and speak on the subject. Clearly, he truly believes this and has the courage to back it up.


Would you consider him speaking privately and persuasivly to young children about what a great thing atheism is to be the same expression of deep love and respect? If not, what is the difference?


We have to always understand the others point of view and where they are coming from and why they are where they are at. I would be furious if someone was telling my small child that her Mommy was teaching her the wrong thing and that there was no God and that all the other atheist stuff like evolution being true and all that. So, I think the OP should keep her child home. The child will believe what she wants to when she is an adult and able to research and explore other trains of thought. Nothing should be put in a childs head as a result of fear. Especially the fear of Hell. Thinking of Hell scares me, I can't imagine a child having to deal with that image.

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While this lady definately crossed the line, I think by posting a link to her blog and discussing this here prior to speaking to her, you've handled this really poorly.


Walk down to your neighbors house and have a conversation with a living person. Tell her your feelings instead of posting about them here.


The woman's blog wasn't a secret. It's a public forum. I don't see anything wrong with posting her blog address. And, I see nothing wrong with discussing the situation here and getting perspective from a vast variety of people.


JMO, YMMV, etc.

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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but if it were my child discussed on the blog I would want it removed. I really think it would be a good idea to ask her to remove the info on the blog about your child. It's too much information about a child to have on a public blog. Not a good idea in regards to safety issues.

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Really? The OP came to an online place she's familiar, cozy and comfortable. A place she knew she'd get perspective from evangelical Christians on whether this woman was inappropriate. She came here, online, to discuss something posted publically, online by the Missionary mom.


I don't think our OP did anything wrong at all.


Well I do. While I agree that this lady acted inappropriately, she is also Jamkats neighbor. They live down the road from each other and will likely do so for some time to come. Their children play together regularly. What kind of relationship are they going to have now? How will their children be affected by the likely bad feelings that's going to come from this? I'm not sure she modeled the most adult behavior for her children.


It was all so unnecessary. She could have posted and asked a general question without the link to the blog and gotten the support and perspective she wanted without creating the emotional upset this will surely cause.


It's all well and good to have a cyber place to come for support and information, but sometimes there are negatives to exposing yourself and others in cyber space.

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I did not read all the posts so I am sorry if I am just repeating what others have said:D. I am a pretty passionate Christian and yet I would of asked your permission before speaking about such matters to your child. I would like to respectfully point out though that I do believe she is doing all this without any real desire to somehow harm your child in any way. I was raised by missionary parents and can tell you that in many countries like Mexico and others there are many children that are always in the streets and whose parents don't know and don't care where they are or who is talking to them. I know many missionaries who introduce the gospel to these children and have different ministries to reach out to them where they not only feed and clothe them but give them love and try to teach them about their faith. Your child is obviously NOT such a child, but this woman may be innocently including her in such a ministry since they are missionaries and are there for that purpose. I really hope you can get all this sorted out.:grouphug:

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.....And I have to say I have no sympathy for her criticism when she publically blogged about converting my daughter.

I hope you did not post a link to her blog here in order to "invite" others to publicly criticise her.

You have a personal issue with her, and it seems that in the long run it would make more sense for you to speak to her personally.

You need to take control of the situation and either keep your child away from a situation you are not comfortable with or find out if arrangements can be made ( such as setting up visiting rules with the neighbor) regarding the visits that would be acceptable to you.


It seems that it would be a good idea to have a conversation with her and ask her to take all comments regarding your daughter off of the blog.

But it's not going to help anything for you to be disrespectful towards her publicly. Isn't "respect" what you are angry about ?


It seems to me that if you try to incite others to publicly "disrespect" this woman, that you are doing something very similar to what she has done. (in regards to the issue of posting personal information without consulting the other person first )That is , if I am correct in thinking that you feel disrespected by her.

But then, perhaps you are not trying to incite others to be angry publicly at her ?

It is never pleasant for there to be animosity between neighbors.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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Well I do. While I agree that this lady acted inappropriately, she is also Jamkats neighbor. They live down the road from each other and will likely do so for some time to come. Their children play together regularly. What kind of relationship are they going to have now? How will their children be affected by the likely bad feelings that's going to come from this? I'm not sure she modeled the most adult behavior for her children.


Actually, when this Christian woman overstepped major boundaries, she already put the neighborly relationship in jeopardy. I respect the OP to do what she chooses, but it it were me, there'd simply be no more communication between us other than a nod and polite hello should we meet in the street.

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I am not responsible for what others may or may not do on her blog. I honestly never imagined anyone would post there when I made the OP. And I have to say I have no sympathy for her criticism when she publically blogged about converting my daughter.



Two things come to mind:


1) no matter what religion a mother holds, I believe that if she has a problem with another person she should do all possible to sort out the mess with the offending party. We all sin in many ways. I know that when I sin, especially the times when I wasn't thinking clearly, I want to hear directly from the other mother, not a bunch of strangers who are hearing the account second hand.


2) Right, you are not responsible for what others are posting on this woman's blog. However, I think everyone who posted agrees with you that it is never proper to blog about a child without her parents' permission. Now instead of drawing attention away from where your child lives, what she looks like, what kind of bike she rides, what school she attends etc. etc. . . . there is now more attention drawn to her. You have no idea who reads that blog.

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It seems to me that if you try to incite others to publicly "disrespect" this woman, that you are doing something very similar to what she has done. That is , if I am correct in thinking that you feel disrespected by her.

But then, perhaps you are not trying to incite others to be angry publicly at her ?

It is never pleasant for there to be animosity between neighbors.


There are many differences. Our OP did not post without permssion about the minor children of another parent. The OP did not mentally and emotionally violate a child in the name of "God" or "salvation". The OP did not launch a campaign to covert a non related child to her spiritual beliefs.


The only similarity I see is that some of it played out online.

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Oh my! I just went back to look at the comments left and I'm stunned that someone from this board would accuse the OP of being clueless of where her children are. They were at the neighbors house. These neighbors do know each other. The only unknown is that the woman chose to talk about God when the little girl's mom and siblings weren't around. The OP trusted this neighbor. Now she's found out the woman isn't to be trusted. Guess logic says that all non-Christians such as myself should never trust anyone Christian. That's a pretty sad inference.


And both GothicGyrl and I used the names we post under. Well, I didn't use Night Elf but I sign my posts with Beth M. The anons shouldn't be afraid to post their name to stand up for what they believe in. It shows a sneaky side, an untrustworthy side. But of course the attitude mirrors the Christian woman's sneaky conversion attempt. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised!

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I've been up since 3am (DH's mother is dying) and I'm going to post this and go to bed.


I never in a million years imagined that people would go to her blog and post anything there but I have to be honest and say now that it has happened, I'm not sorry. Maybe it will make her think a little. Maybe in the morning I'll feel sorry for her. Who knows. I did not post here trying to converse with her or post online instead of talking to her - I was too angry this morning to converse with her in person (and I'd never post on her blog) and came here to see if anyone could help me understand what was going on in her head. Aubrey and others helped me to see that. i'm still quite angry but not as much but still need to get my thoughts together before I confront her.


I don't know. I'm overtired and not thinking all that clearly tonight. I honestly thought that when I posted I'd get a lot of posts showing me how her actions could be "right" and really never imagined so many would be alligned with my POV. Hence the title "HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS MOM" (and not, "Help my demonize this mom"). Ok?

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