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A Celebrity's Warning Has Upset Me This Morning...

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[quote name=Sahamamama;8369621 Thessalonians 5:1-4 says' date=' "Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, 'Peace and safety,' destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief."





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how much I appreciate the civility of this discussion. Sharon & Bill, if there were rep to give, you'd get lots of it from me!


All of you here have made this a very interesting and thought-provoking read. I appreciate it!


Thank you Auntie M :001_smile:

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If I am not mistaken, isn't David Wilkerson the one that published in one of his books way back in the 70's that the Second Coming of Christ would occur before a certain year in the 80's, which was being based on Israel becoming a nation in the 40's, and the Second Coming being expected to occur in the same generation as Israel becoming a nation(because of a scripture referring to Israel in relation to the Second Coming) , or was that in someone elses book ? Does anyone remember ?Sorry that this is not clearer.It's a little jumbled in my memory now. It's been many, many years,close to 30, since I've read any of David Wilkersons books. He is such a sensationalist.


The Bible instructs us NOT to set dates or times for the Lords Second Coming. We are just to be ready at ALL times and look for His coming.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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I don't think it was David Wilkerson....During the 1970s David Wilkerson was at the height of his fame for "Cross and the Switchblade." Hal Lindsey was publishing a lot about the Second Coming during that time, though.


Mr. Wilkerson's blog post never said to get ready for the Second Coming. He just said that God's judgment was about to hit the United States. I read in one of his books some years ago that Americans are so spoiled that we might *think* the world will end if we get judged but in reality it happens to other nations all the time.

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He is even suggesting that everybody gather a month's supply of non-perishable foods and supplies. How on earth would I do that? It doesn't seem possible.


The rest of this has been discussed thoroughly enough. :D


But as far as the food issue goes, I recommend to folks who do not have resources or storage space for lots of extra food to at least have something stored away for whatever may occur. Choose something the family will eat over time--a 50 lb. bag of something stored inside an aluminum garbage can to deter rodents or bugs (never let the food touch the aluminum, though, or it can take on a aluminum-like flavor which is GROSS).


Do you use oatmeal? Do you grind your own wheat? These come in bulk, and would store easily enough. If the transportation system had a glitch in it, the "just in time" Wal-Mart store and the local grocery shelves could get rather empty until they get it figured out. A family might be very satisfied eating oatmeal 3 times a day if that was the only option.


I use to be able to buy 50 lbs. of oatmeal for $15. I'm sure it has gone up now, but it should not be a budget breaker for most folks.




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Guest Virginia Dawn
God says not to worry about material things, food, etc. He never says you shouldn't buy the things you need, or that you shouldn't prepare for emergencies. He also says if you don't work, you don't eat. I think it's an erroneous perception of Scripture to say that working, buying provisions, meeting material needs is an indicator of a lack of faith. It's really an act of obedience.


I totally agree with you. However, there have been many individual Christians and church doctrines through the ages that focus on certain passages and take them literally, instead of taking all scripture as a whole and percieving the intent behind it.


All I'm saying is I can understand how it may seem to people who hear or read certain passages and are not familiar with others that balance them, especially if they have heard contradictory interpretations.

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how much I appreciate the civility of this discussion. Sharon & Bill, if there were rep to give, you'd get lots of it from me!


All of you here have made this a very interesting and thought-provoking read. I appreciate it!


:iagree: I am completely impressed by this discussion and how kindly and respectfully you guys have had this discussion! I'd be passing out major rep, too! Actually, the topic is fairly relevant here at my house this morning and has been a blessing to me to read. I really needed to think through the issue of worry vs. preparation today, for several reasons. I feel better already!



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I don't have time to read all the posts here right now so I will come back later and do that. But for now after reading the thread starters post I want to say it's not about being anxious and going crazy that the world is coming to an end. Things as we know them are about to come to an end that is obvious. I think he is warning to be prepared. Seriously, when people are having to stand in line to buy toilet paper, you'll know what they were talking about. Remember the USSR?? We are so much closer to that than you think.


Oh and while I am at it I wanted to share this:





Edited by browneyedgirl
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I can't thank you all enough for your voices of reason and helpfulness! I have been thinking about preparedness for these last few days almost constantly, and I think my dh and I have a definite place to start. The 'warning' that had first concerned me to the point of being fearful, has now become a starting-point from where we can make some definite changes in the way we see things. I don't want to assume that everything I need will always be so readily attainable, for whatever reason. We have a basement that is nice and cool, and nice big shelves for storing things. I already use wheat and make most meals from scratch anyway. I have searched the internet for meal lists and have been offered suggestions from kind friends here. We plan to begin, for any kind of 'situation in the future', with obtaining individual bottles of water...enough for our family to drink for a 2 week period. Beyond that, I am making a list of 2 weeks of regular family meals, and a shopping list for those meals. Assuming that everything should be non-perishable, I will plan those meals to use stored food. Those items will go on my basement shelves, in a nice order so I can find them, with colored stickers alerting me of their expiration dates. Every time I go shopping, I plan to buy just a few more goodies for the shelves. Now one note of concern I currently have is this: I had the thought *seeds* pop in my head. I have been searching the internet since yesterday for organic, heirloom seed packages, and EVERY SUPPLIER I have looked at has said basically the same thing. "Due to the current economics turndown, all orders are suspended or drastically behind until furthur notice." That really has me wondering what is going on?? I guess I'll run to the local hardware store and see what they have. I just feel so behind...how did everybody else know? :D Anyway, I thank you all so very much for your maturity, your helpful suggestions, and your wisdom. Blessings and happy preparing if you should so choose!


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If I am not mistaken, isn't David Wilkerson the one that published in one of his books way back in the 70's that the Second Coming of Christ would occur before a certain year in the 80's, which was being based on Israel becoming a nation in the 40's, and the Second Coming being expected to occur in the same generation as Israel becoming a nation(because of a scripture referring to Israel in relation to the Second Coming) , or was that in someone elses book ? Does anyone remember ?Sorry that this is not clearer.It's a little jumbled in my memory now. It's been many, many years,close to 30, since I've read any of David Wilkersons books. He is such a sensationalist.


The Bible instructs us NOT to set dates or times for the Lords Second Coming. We are just to be ready at ALL times and look for His coming.


As another poster pointed out, this is not the same author. You may possibly be thinking of Hal Lindsay who wrote The Late, Great Planet Earth at close to the same time Mr. Wilkerson wrote The Cross and the Switchblade.... Totally different person. He may at one time projected a possible date, but I hope you don't throw out the whole idea of the second coming of Christ and the rapture of the church because of one person's error. Many of us do believe that we should be watching and praying, preparing our hearts and ministering to those in need. (Matthew 25 comes to mind, with the parable of the ten virgins that Jesus taught.)




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how much I appreciate the civility of this discussion. Sharon & Bill, if there were rep to give, you'd get lots of it from me!


All of you here have made this a very interesting and thought-provoking read. I appreciate it!


:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:


Thank you all for such a great discussion thread.




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Just curious, but why did you choose individual water bottles? and do you know how many cases you plan to keep on hand? i'm curious because i was just discussing this with dh last night and we were talking about water, and what kind to get... i thought individual bottles would be nice because we USE them regularily, so they'd be easy to rotate from storage to use and then just buy a new case each week to put at the back of the storage, however, I thought that might be cost prohibitive, figured we'd just buy gallong containers... though i haven't actually DONE the math. Just curious :-)




I can't thank you all enough for your voices of reason and helpfulness! I have been thinking about preparedness for these last few days almost constantly, and I think my dh and I have a definite place to start. The 'warning' that had first concerned me to the point of being fearful, has now become a starting-point from where we can make some definite changes in the way we see things. I don't want to assume that everything I need will always be so readily attainable, for whatever reason. We have a basement that is nice and cool, and nice big shelves for storing things. I already use wheat and make most meals from scratch anyway. I have searched the internet for meal lists and have been offered suggestions from kind friends here. We plan to begin, for any kind of 'situation in the future', with obtaining individual bottles of water...enough for our family to drink for a 2 week period. Beyond that, I am making a list of 2 weeks of regular family meals, and a shopping list for those meals. Assuming that everything should be non-perishable, I will plan those meals to use stored food. Those items will go on my basement shelves, in a nice order so I can find them, with colored stickers alerting me of their expiration dates. Every time I go shopping, I plan to buy just a few more goodies for the shelves. Now one note of concern I currently have is this: I had the thought *seeds* pop in my head. I have been searching the internet since yesterday for organic, heirloom seed packages, and EVERY SUPPLIER I have looked at has said basically the same thing. "Due to the current economics turndown, all orders are suspended or drastically behind until furthur notice." That really has me wondering what is going on?? I guess I'll run to the local hardware store and see what they have. I just feel so behind...how did everybody else know? :D Anyway, I thank you all so very much for your maturity, your helpful suggestions, and your wisdom. Blessings and happy preparing if you should so choose!


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Just curious, but why did you choose individual water bottles? and do you know how many cases you plan to keep on hand?



We usually buy individual bottles, too, since they are so handy to grab a few before running errands. We get them very reasonably at the Aldi's we shop at. Last night I watched an informative video online of a lady who REALLY knows how to plan her storage. She had a combination of many, many water bottles as well as huge plastic barrels of water, too. We don't plan to get barrels at this time, but the small bottles we can do now. We plan to get 5 cases, one for each member of our family, and then repeat that each time we go for groceries. I guess we'll stop when we run out of room to stack them! Here is that link in case you want to watch the video. (The page loads a bit slowly.) Blessings~



http://myfoodstoragedeals.com (has some nice free planning sheets to download)

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I totally agree with you. However, there have been many individual Christians and church doctrines through the ages that focus on certain passages and take them literally, instead of taking all scripture as a whole and percieving the intent behind it.


All I'm saying is I can understand how it may seem to people who hear or read certain passages and are not familiar with others that balance them, especially if they have heard contradictory interpretations.



:) I wasn't disagreeing with you; it was more of a "springboarding" from your post.

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We usually buy individual bottles, too, since they are so handy to grab a few before running errands. We get them very reasonably at the Aldi's we shop at. Last night I watched an informative video online of a lady who REALLY knows how to plan her storage. She had a combination of many, many water bottles as well as huge plastic barrels of water, too. We don't plan to get barrels at this time, but the small bottles we can do now. We plan to get 5 cases, one for each member of our family, and then repeat that each time we go for groceries. I guess we'll stop when we run out of room to stack them! Here is that link in case you want to watch the video. (The page loads a bit slowly.) Blessings~



http://myfoodstoragedeals.com (has some nice free planning sheets to download)


WOW!!! good stuff! thanks so much!!

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Guest Virginia Dawn
:) I wasn't disagreeing with you; it was more of a "springboarding" from your post.


Thanks for clarifying. I find my self becoming defensive too often in this format. Sigh.

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