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Kids bathing together

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If your kids were girl -6, boy- 3, boy- 1, would you bathe them together?


Also, at what age does your husband stop bathing his daughter and what age does your dd start showering on her own?


We've always bathed the younger kids together and I think we're getting to the point where it may be a better idea to do it separately. I'm lazy though. Bathing my dd separately from the boys would be a huge pain. I'm trying to teach her to use the shower with a little help from me, hoping that at some point within the next year she'll be completely self sufficient in the bathroom. She will be 6 on Friday.


What do you think?

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6,3,1 ? Sure, why not? They're still all just little kids, so as long as they're having fun together and not totally soaking everything in sight... :lol:


Bathing the kids has mostly always been my area, so I haven't really got a dh answer for ya...


As for baths to showers - I think that one should be left up to thechild in question. My dd12 still prefers to have a bath versus a shower. She knows *how* to have a shower, she just likes a bath better. So do I, for that matter. It's hard to read in the shower without getting the book wet. :tongue_smilie:

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If your kids were girl -6, boy- 3, boy- 1, would you bathe them together?


Also, at what age does your husband stop bathing his daughter and what age does your dd start showering on her own?


We've always bathed the younger kids together and I think we're getting to the point where it may be a better idea to do it separately. I'm lazy though. Bathing my dd separately from the boys would be a huge pain. I'm trying to teach her to use the shower with a little help from me, hoping that at some point within the next year she'll be completely self sufficient in the bathroom. She will be 6 on Friday.


What do you think?


I would keep my boys together if I were you. Yes I had the lazy going on too!! As far as the girl I would start by herself soon. It is a pain I know. I started at about 6 with my oldest too. I started this way teaching her to use the soap and rag letting her doing the washing while I watched. I still washed her hair though probally till she was about 8 almost 9. I don't know about all kids but my daughter would have nothing to do with showering. She said the water falling on her head scared her. LOL. So it was not until she was almost 11 that she would shower up till then it was bathtime. Good luck

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Yep, she showers with me sometimes and yes of course I do supervise them when they bathe. I was just thinking that if she's getting too old to bathe with the boys, but not old enough to do it all by herself, then I just doubled the time it will take to bathe the little ones and well......I'm kind of a slacker mom, so of course I'm trying to find a timesaver here. Ideally she'd bathe with the boys until she's old enough to do it all on her own, including her hair.

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When I think of all that little boy dirt, I'd want to bath my 6 yo dd separately! :D


But that's not what you meant, eh? Why do you think it would be a huge pain to do the dd at another time? I can see it would be if there were two baths in a row, but couldn't you just do different days? (Or do you bathe them daily?)


I give my dd8 a shower by turning on the water and letting her go in. We took showers together at first, then she tried it on her own (she was about 7). She practiced washing her hair in the tub before we tried the shower.

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Your dd6 may be old enough to bathe herself. Mine is 5 & has been bathing herself for over a yr. At first, I'd just go in & do her hair for her, but now she's got that, too. Now it's mostly bringing a towel or spot-checking once in a while.


That's how we've managed to separate the bigs & not make too much extra work. At this point, dh still goes in to help when she needs it. Or if dd5 & dd1 are bathing together, dh might bathe dd1. Iow, there are no privacy issues between dh & dd5 yet. I have no idea when that happens, but I guess it can't be too far off.


Fwiw, dd5 will be 6 next mo. I guess I'd say when either she or dh is uncomfortable, she's too old. Hmm...I guess what you're saying, though, is it would be better to stop *before* anyone gets uncomfortable. Hmmm...maybe I'd better watch this thread to see what others say. LOL

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If your kids were girl -6, boy- 3, boy- 1, would you bathe them together?


Also, at what age does your husband stop bathing his daughter and what age does your dd start showering on her own?


We've always bathed the younger kids together and I think we're getting to the point where it may be a better idea to do it separately. I'm lazy though. Bathing my dd separately from the boys would be a huge pain. I'm trying to teach her to use the shower with a little help from me, hoping that at some point within the next year she'll be completely self sufficient in the bathroom. She will be 6 on Friday.


What do you think?

At our house the 6 and 3 yo were recently removed from the communal bathing pool due to an increased curiosity in body parts and those body parts functioning normally but this only added curiosity.


In retrospect I think we separated them later than we should have. But like you it was convenient.


DH stopped bathing with the children after dd #1 @ 14 months found a 'handle' and would't let go. He was embarassed and that was the end of that for all kiddos. Occasionally for newborns inthe shower in the morning, but rarely.

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For us, the 7 year old year was the year of transition. The girls learned to shower on their own during the sixth year, but started showering more and not taking baths so much during the 7th year. It is also then that Dad no longer helps or sees. ;) My youngest DD will turn 8 in a few days and we are there now. Mostly showers on your own and no Daddy in the bathroom.


As far as the boys, Her age isn't as important as theirs. I'd make sure there were no more "naked together" times by the time the BOYS are 5ish or when SHE feels uncomfortable - which ever comes first. She may get to the point where she decides that the younger boy can see her but not the older one. And then there's a period of time where she sees them in the tub, but she's not naked. I usually cut that out about age 5. We try not to make much of a deal about any of it and if someone accidentally sees someone naked - oh well, that's life.

Edited by katemary63
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Guest janainaz

I would have your daughter take a bath/shower by herself (or with you around). I would still let the younger boys bathe together. I stopped letting my ds take a bath with his little brother when he turned 7. They have an almost 5 year age gap and we just felt it was time for him to shower alone.

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At six, three and one I'd have no problems with it. My five year old boy, three year old girl and one year old girl still do regularly. Even though the bigger two of that set won't let the other see their undies during the rest of the day. *snort*


In our house they get bathed by either parent until they're old enough to take their own shower or bath. By six it was just washing hair and back, they could do the rest.

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I think my kids were either 5 and 7 or 6 and 8 when they requested to stop bathing together. Before then it wasn't a big deal, but then they suddenly got a case of modesty and that was the end. When my kids did become aware of their "nakedness" it wasn't an interest in each other's, but more they didn't want people to see their own.


Same with washing themselves, and with taking a shower. When each kid felt ready to do it alone they just let me know.

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Reading this thread makes me miss the days when the littles bathed together. We had a similar experience to CalicoKat's dh's when #1 dd was a toddler and took notice of dh's different "plumbing." That was the end of showering with dad, except for the occasional newborn. Our dc bathed together until it either got too wild and the floor soaked too often, or until someone seemed to be taking too much notice of someone else. We were watchful and took our cues from them as far as modesty kicking in. DD, 8, bathes alone now, but I thought she would never become modest and close the bathroom door, lol. Ours tend to prefer the bathtub until around 10 yrs. and that works well for keeping the water inside the curtain and avoiding slips and falls.

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My daughter (5-1/2) bathes on her own. I bathe the 2-year-old (girl) and 3-year-old (boy) together, but will probably stop when DS turns 4 (that's when our oldest daughter started taking separate baths from our oldest son). Youngest boy (17 months) HATES baths, but sometimes sits in the tub with his beloved oldest sister for a few minutes. :)

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I would do whatever is most convenient and works for you, and not worry about the gender issues for a while yet- if it's not bothering your kids. My now 14yodd and 13yods bathed together - and slept in the same bed, then the same room- for many years (finally got their own rooms about ages 10/11), and now have a very healthy modesty. We never made a big deal out of it.

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Within the next year I'd pull DD out of the bathtub. Let the boys play in the tub together and grant DD the privilege of growing up and bathe alone. Kids will put up boundaries naturally, but when the choose to do so depends on their preferences. (My 11 y/o dd stopped bathing, dressing with others in the room at 5y/o. DD#2 and #3, 9y/o, would still run down our street nekked if it were allowed!:))

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