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My 1 yo dd doesn't care for milk... any suggestions?

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She just turned 1 on the 1st, so we've only been working on milk (organic whole in a sippy cup) for a few weeks. She still nurses a few times/day, and I also offer her water in a cup (which she likes), but when she takes a sip of milk, she just pushes it away.


She loves cheese and yogurt, and I feed her both regularly... but is that enough?


I'd love any suggestions :) Also... how much dairy is enough? And how much should a 1 yo be consuming on a daily basis (both now while she's nursing and afterwards)... thanks!

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Neither of mine (also both nursed) would have anything to do with cow's milk until much later, and then only in cereal or with something like Oreos. There's conflicting research on the value of milk anyway--some believe that the calcium in dairy is not readily absorbed, etc. I made sure mine had lots of yogurt and healthy cheese (i.e., not American--mine like cheddar, gouda, others). With the yogurt, just watch out for the sugar. Even the organic ones have so much :glare:


My ped was content with them not drinking milk as long as they were consuming lots of other dairy (they were) and eating veggies that have calcium (broccoli, peas, many of the leafy greens). Now that they're older and pickier, I give them calcium supplements and a multi, and I feel OK about it.

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Both of my dds were lactose intolerant, so neither ever drank milk as a beverage (actually, first dd did, which is how I came to know that she was lactose intolerant. :-o)


In any case, there's no reason to worry about your dd's dairy intake.


Millions of perfectly healthy people in the world do not consume cow's milk. They don't live in countries with ginormous dairy industries...

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Mine snubbed milk at that age. In fact, they snubbed it until I started getting raw milk. Now, we go through 2 gallons a week.


They've always eaten plenty of homemade yogurt, cheese, whole grains and leafy greens, though, so we've never worried too much about calcium. (The boys also nursed until 3 1/2)

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She doesn't need dairy.

Think about it - what are the cows eating to get all that calcium and protein into the milk......grass!


Cow's milk isn't really meant for people. It also causes osteoperosis. Yup.

Osteoperosis is not a calcium deficiency - it's actually a result of too much protein.

We can't digest the Ca in milk because it's bound to the protein that only a cow's 4 chambered stomach can digest properly. And when you have too much protein you use up your own minerals to digest it. Soooooo, cows milk actually leeches minerals from your body.


That said - I still use it in cereal and if I need a quick shot of protein.

My dd never drank it. Only uses it in cereal and once in a very blue moon for chocolate milk.


I wouldn't worry too much.

Maybe Rice milk or almond milk? You can make your own I hear......

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My dd didn't like milk either, so I put a little Ovaltine in it. About 4 months later, she started liking "white milk" and now she loves it.


My ds just fully weaned 2 days ago ...:-( Someone told me about starting with skim since it was closer to breastmilk than whole. Worked like a charm! He did skim for one week, 1/2 skim+1/2 whole for a week and then whole. He loves it and drinks from a sippy cup. He never did like bottles.

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She doesn't need dairy.

Cow's milk isn't really meant for people. It also causes osteoperosis. Yup.

Osteoperosis is not a calcium deficiency - it's actually a result of too much protein.

We can't digest the Ca in milk because it's bound to the protein that only a cow's 4 chambered stomach can digest properly. And when you have too much protein you use up your own minerals to digest it. Soooooo, cows milk actually leeches minerals from your body.



:iagree: My tot drinks a bit of fortified rice milk but gets the rest of her calcium from green leafies, miso and we're just starting to get involved with sea weed.





Edit: Here's a site with info on non dairy sources of calcium, the table starts about half way down the page so just scroll down: http://www.soystache.com/calcium.htm

Edited by Rosie_0801
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She just turned 1 on the 1st, so we've only been working on milk (organic whole in a sippy cup) for a few weeks. She still nurses a few times/day, and I also offer her water in a cup (which she likes), but when she takes a sip of milk, she just pushes it away.


She loves cheese and yogurt, and I feed her both regularly... but is that enough?


I'd love any suggestions :) Also... how much dairy is enough? And how much should a 1 yo be consuming on a daily basis (both now while she's nursing and afterwards)... thanks!


Honestly, she is probably getting plenty in nursing still. Our ped. told us not to push the milk. If she didnt like it, she probably had a reason. Turns out he was right. Dairy upsets her stomach. You should have seen her eat broccoli though!

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