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Ready for next year ...


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Today I finished up all my curriculum picks for next year. I wrote up a weekly schedule and a daily schedule. I'm all set for next year and very excited about it ... and then I remembered that I've got four more months until "next year" starts!


Anyone else more excited about starting next year than finishing this year?



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Today I finished up all my curriculum picks for next year. I wrote up a weekly schedule and a daily schedule. I'm all set for next year and very excited about it ... and then I remembered that I've got four more months until "next year" starts!


Anyone else more excited about starting next year than finishing this year?




Which is why I have decided to WAIT on buying next year's curriculum!

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I am excited for next year and I have 85% of my curriculum already. Lesson plans. NO. LOL I actually only do lesson plans the week before. We change things so often around here that if I do them more in advance than that, I end up having to change everything all the time. I will make our first week lesson plans as we start to finish up things and know where we will be and when. Since i will be schooling over the summer (at least until we finish the curricula that we started later in the year), I am not sure yet where we will be in what by the time we start. Clear as mud? LOL

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then I remembered that I've got four more months until "next year" starts!../Anyone else more excited about starting next year than finishing this year?


Four months? Mmm, no, we don't start our school year in June. I also don't spend time creating daily or weekly schedules so there isn't a great deal of prep work on my end. More a matter of doing the next thing. This fall, the next thing will involve having a high schooler; I don't want to rush that!;)

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I have almost all of my stuff. I still have to get spelling but have to see how far in AAS we get so that I know if I'll need Level 3 and 4 or just level 3, and I still need to buy Science but I'm waiting on the publisher for that one. I don't make out plans for the whole year, I'm more of a month by month planner, so I'll wait until later to start making up those. I change stuff around to much to make plans for a whole year at a time. I also have to make up sheets for WWE level 2, but I'll work on that over the summer.


I am very excited about next year, but after doing some re-evaluation about this year I've changed a few things which are making it exciting as well. I can't wait for Feb. to be over though it just seems to be the month of blahs for us every year.

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Yes and no. I'm not ready quite yet, but looking forward. I still have Rome to cover, and that'll be a biggie. Part of me is a bit anxious about moving away from the animal study he loves to stars and earth. Part of me will miss the ancients because I love them so much (I'm listening to the Teaching Company's Peloponnesian War today). Part of me worries it will be a lot more work on my part, and maybe I'm reaching my limit. But mostly, I love kiddo getting older. I like to talk to him. Babies are cute, but I like talk.


The other day hubby was grumbling about something, and finally spread the grumble to me and said "I can't understand what you say. You can't understand what you say." I looked at my son and mouthed, with a smile "Do you understand what I say" and he silently nodded, grinning back. Then we both laughed, which made the grumbler laugh as well.

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Mmm, no, we don't start our school year in June.


We start our new year at the end of June. We go year round, but our summer schedule is lighter.


I also don't spend time creating daily or weekly schedules


Well, mine are pretty broad. We also do a lot of "do the next thing," but I do like to have an idea of where I am starting and where I am going and where I will be there in between.



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I'm still in the planning phase although I get closer and closer every day. I won't be buying anything until probably April or May. The only thing getting me through this year (which I'm not totally in love with...some parts are really good and other are just "ok") is that I'm excited for next year.


We do a lot of "the next thing" or the curriculum is laid out where it is easy to see without a whole lot of planning effort put in so I plan weekly.

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Good for you! It's always exciting to think about next year. :) I've been looking over options but haven't really pinned down what we'll do for science, art or writing yet. I do find it inspiring to look around and research....it totally reminds me why I'm doing this!

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I have everything bought for next year except some science and art supplies. I've got our basic year figured out and our day to day schedule will be pretty close to this years. I'll start entering lesson plans into Tracker at the beginning of March. That's the plan anyways. :tongue_smilie: But I'm really not anxious for this year to be over since I have to go through our first evaluation in June and turn in our first portfolio.

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A recent thread asked how much people spend each year to homeschool their kids. I added up all my curriculum expenses for the coming year. If I buy the books that our library doesn't have (which I probably won't, I will most likely find substitutions), I will spend $286.59 for first/second grade (son/daughter). This does not include the cost of paper, printer ink, art supplies, etc. This is just straight curriculum/supplemental books.



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I have most of my items for next fall. I'm still deciding on a few subjects and waiting on a few items. I'm have tentative plans for scheduling, but nothing printed yet.


I am adding a week vacation at the end of February to our schedule for next year. We are having in-service days today and tomorrow, but a whole week off about now would be nice for planning and such.


My goal is to have most of my planning done before summer. I have some personal goals to accomplish over the summer and I don't want the added pressure of planning school.

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I am excited about next year! I will have both kids at home next year.


I have already planned out the year for most part. It's all in my excel.


I still need to:

Order IEW (I have the lesson plans so I've got the daily plans inserted)

BUy Singapore and break it down to daily plans

Figure out what poems to use (one area where the Ambleside isn't doing it for me lol)

Make a supply list for science and crafts, etc so I can start gathering those.

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I also don't spend time creating daily or weekly schedules so there isn't a great deal of prep work on my end. More a matter of doing the next thing.


Oh thank goodness! I was beginning to believe that I'm the only one that does not do lesson plans. I tried for awhile, but I found it's just not that necessary for me.


The one think I do is look at our history and science a couple weeks in advance to get the books from the library. At least that's what I did before the baby was born. ;) Since then we've just been listening to SOTW on audio and skipping the extra reading.


I haven't even begun to think of next "school" year! I can barely get a shower in most days.

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