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I've lost 2 waist inches and 2 hip inches

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in 2009! Only 7 pounds, so I'm pretty amazed by the tape measure. I made dh help me to make sure I wasn't cheating. I'm using Leslie Sansone DVDs and others I borrow from the library or rent from Netflix. Apparently, it helps even if I can't complete all the reps those youngsters do!


YAY, Sparkpeople!

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Can you say which Sansone DVDs you use? Are you watching what you eat too, or was it just the DVDs? You're inspiring me to get going!!



I went from one mile to two mile to two mile with weights or belt or whatever. And I've started some toning DVDs like 10 Minute Solution: Target Toning for Beginners. I tried some Pilates (and would like to get back to it), but it wasn't really beginner enough for me.


I am watching what I eat, too. I usually have oatmeal for breakfast with coffee or yogurt or nuts, a granola bar for snack, and a can of soup for lunch. I eat whatever the family eats for dinner, but limit myself to one serving. Not like I used to do! I'm just trying to be more conscious of my eating instead of eating mindlessly. I have dessert sometimes, but tell myself ONE small piece of cake or FOUR Girl Scout cookies. You know. Instead of the whole bag. :tongue_smilie:

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That's great!


I started using the sparkpeople diet in January, and then a few weeks later, added doing the WiiFit. I've lost inches, too, but sometimes I wonder if the SP diet has too many carbs. Do you find that you eat a lot of carbs and not so many veggies? Maybe I have things set wrong or something.

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