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Prayer thread for those in financial distress due to the current economic climate

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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!

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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!



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I hope you don't mind an agnostic asking for good thoughts, wishes, and prayers. :001_smile:


We are not as in dire of straits as many, but dh did get laid off earlier this week. Some other contacts in his company did scramble to do what they could & he was offered a (much lesser) position. So, our income has been dramatically reduced, but at least we still have healthcare benefits. However, this is a stressful situation (esp. since we went through a layoff lasting 1.5 years about 7 years ago) & we could certainly use a few positive thoughts.


And, I'm happy to offer positive thoughts & wishes to others. I know there are many previous co-workers of my dh who weren't so lucky this week & are suffering in the face of this layoff.


Thank you.

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I hope you don't mind an agnostic asking for good thoughts, wishes, and prayers. :001_smile:


We are not as in dire of straits as many, but dh did get laid off earlier this week. Some other contacts in his company did scramble to do what they could & he was offered a (much lesser) position. So, our income has been dramatically reduced, but at least we still have healthcare benefits. However, this is a stressful situation (esp. since we went through a layoff lasting 1.5 years about 7 years ago) & we could certainly use a few positive thoughts.


And, I'm happy to offer positive thoughts & wishes to others. I know there are many previous co-workers of my dh who weren't so lucky this week & are suffering in the face of this layoff.


Thank you.


Stacia, it will be my joy to hold your family (and your dh's coworkers) up in prayer! Thank you for posting.

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I can definitely use prayers too. Our situation is a little different than many on the board as the job loss is not the result of the poor economy. I would like prayers for DH's health. That God would give him the health and strength needed to work. DH was in the construction industry prior to becoming ill and due to his illness and the medication he is now on he can no longer work in that industry. He just started college this past Jan. but has no clue what degree he wants, because as he puts it he really wants to continue his job he had before. Please pray that God offers guidance. Lastly, I would like prayers for myself. Right now is a stressful time in our household and I find myself exhausted at times and becoming short tempered. Please pray that God will give me strength and patience. I believe in the power of prayer and am thankful this thread was started.

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You can add my family to your prayers. DH was laid off mid-January, just got his final severance yesterday. If you could pray for his spirits as he searches for a job and for our family as we try to be very frugal in the meantime. He's in healthcare so that is a plus and there are lots of companies all over hiring for marketing/product managers, they are just very specific in the candidates they are looking for.


Thanks so much for this Sharon!

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Our family would really appreciate your prayers, too. DH's income has dropped by 2/3 over the last few years. He is self-employed. We do not make enough money each month to cover our mortgage, health insurance, and office rent. Our expenses have been cut to the bone. The next thing to go will be our health insurance, which we are required to have by law in Massachusetts.


Thank you,


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Thank you for starting this thread!


My husband lost his job over a year and a half ago. Nothing to do with the economy; he is by trade a full-time minister of music. At the time he was working in a large church in a large city. Caught in the midst of the traditional vs. contemporary music battle, my husband was hired because he could do both kinds of music very well. The church swung mostly traditional, but had a pastor that wanted to make the church all contemporary. When he saw the traditional service growing under my husband's leadership, he became determined to get rid of my husband. To make a very long story as short as possible, in the end he lied about my husband to the elder board, and the board fired him without asking him in to tell his side of the story.


I'm sorry; I never know how much of our story to share! It sounds like sour grapes when I tell the truth, but I don't know how else to share it without explaining why my husband was fired from a church position :001_unsure: After twenty years in the ministry we have certainly learned that churches are far from perfect places to work, but we are working hard at forgiveness, and are anxious to get back into a new ministry position already. My husband loves leading the Lord's people in worship! And is uniquely and wonderfully gifted to do so.


No unemployment benefits as my husband was in a ministry position. We did have some severance pay, but it was gone long ago. My husband has been interviewing all over the country ever since then, and has been very close three or four times to getting something new, but for whatever reason the Lord has not chosen to bless us with a new position yet. I have my book business, but it barely supports itself at this time. I have not gone to work yet as we are still desperately trying to keep me home to homeschool our youngest two. My youngest one especially has anxiety issues that would make putting her in public school (for the first time) especially difficult for her.


We are so grateful for the many ways the Lord has provided for us over these past months. Our families have helped us so much. Even our friends have helped from time to time as they have been able to. The financial aid for my daughter in college has been incredible, and we've been so grateful that she's been able to start her freshman year.


Still, we are in desperate need of prayer right now. My husband has only found one part-time job, and it only pays about 1/4 of our monthly bills. We lose our health insurance next month. The winter is a very slow time for churches to post job openings; new job openings are starting to pop up right now and my husband is sending out new resumes all the time. Still, going through the interview process with each church takes an average of three months. We are still a very long way away from having any kind of job.


We live in a very expensive area of the northeast. We haven't been able to afford our house for a long time. We are right now packing up our house to put it on the market - and expect to sell it whether we have a job to go to or not. If he doesn't have a job, we'll just have to move, blindly, to another part of the country with a cheaper cost of living. That is extremely stressful for me...I don't want to lose my home. Moving to a job in another state is a different story; moving without a job is a different story.


I'm so sorry for going on for so long! I've borne this well for the winter, faithfully, I hope, but today has been a real breaking point for me. If you could just pray, first of all that he would find a job and finally be able to use his talents again! And secondly that we would have wisdom to know what to do next, to know what is best for our family and to discern the Lord's will.


Again, thank you SO much. I'll be watching this thread and joining in prayer for the rest of the requests. One thing this time has done for me is given me a real ache for others going through similar or even tougher times.



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Our financial situation has been dire for the past few years, and this past year was one of the worst we've experienced. Dh is self-employed, and his company has definitely felt the economic pinch. We have no health insurance, and our vehicles are both 12yo with over 200,000 miles each. But God provides, and we have food and shelter and other necessities. We have 2 teenagers, one 14yo & one in college on full scholarship (for which we are very thankful). We would appreciate your prayers, and I promise my prayers for the others who are also struggling.

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While the current economy has had an impact, there has been so much more in the past that has contributed. DH is currently working two jobs--his full-time job is four 10-hour days that begin at 4:30 AM, and he works three days/evenings at his second job. On Thursdays it means up at 4:30 AM and work until 1 AM. On Fridays (his day off from job 1) he works anywhere from 8-14 hours, then gets up and does that again on Saturday. His 2nd job comes mostly from tip income, and you can imagine the impact the economy has had on that. He is exhausted and I have seen a huge change in him.


We have three living children (first baby in Heaven). My two oldest (ds9 and ds11) were both born with congenital heart defects. We have been through open-heart surgery for both of them (ds9 in May 2001, ds11 in Nov 2005), and each have had two other surgeries, for other congenital defects. Ds9 has a chronic, serious cardiac condition that will require more surgery. They will push him to the brink of congestive heart failure before attempting another risky surgery. He is also plagued by debilitating migraines and has some academic challenges. Between seeing our pediatrician and each of my sons' specialists (2 for ds11 and 3 for ds9) it is a constant battle to keep up financially. We must carry the most comprehensive, expensive insurance and still our out-of-pocket expenses are enormous. We have somehow always managed without help, but the burden has been piling up over the past 8 years (when ds9 was diagnosed). The current economy is placing an even greater burden on us. I keep wondering how long we will be able to hang on. House is in terrible disrepair, homeschool budget for next year has been spent to keep us afloat, and the ever-present question is when will ds9 need surgery? While insurance would cover most of it, there are so many other 'costs'--lost income, parking at hospital, meals, etc. We just got through ds9's January appointment and will hold our breaths until the next. His heart has been overworked for nearly 8 years now (cardiologist figured it would hold out for 4-6 years) and the waiting has been stressful. It is difficult to worry about money when you just want to focus on your child's health. I try to take things day by day, but I often worry what's ahead...


And so now I'll stop rambling about myself and let you all know that I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. It is so difficult for so many and I know I'm not alone. Thank you so much for starting this prayer thread. I have always believed in the power of prayer and I feel very grateful anytime I can tap into, and give out, support that one might need.



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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!


Praying the prayer that never fails: May God's kingdom purposes be established in each one of your lives on earth as it stands in heaven! Amen.


Stacia - dh laid off last week (second time in past 7 years) but offered a lowerpaying job with drastically reduced income


TCoppock - dh is unable to continue in the construction industry due to health issues - needs divine direction as to what to do instead; poster needs strength/patience to weather the storm


Brenda in FL - dh laid off mid Jan ('09); pray for strengthened spirits during job search and wisdom to know how to be frugal


RoughCollie - dh is self employed and family is currently operating under 1/3 of regular income which is insufficient to cover basic household needs (mortgage, health insurance, office rent); health insurance is most immediately threatened


Amy in WT - dh, minister of music, has been without a full time job for 1.5 year; currently preparing to sell home but without real sense of what they're to do/where they're to go; health insurance is threatened; pray for healing from past hurts inflicted by previous church, financial/job needs, and divine direction


ereks mom - dh is self employed - business suffering from existing economic conditions; no health insurance; two aged vehicles (+12 yo/high mileage)


Nancy in NH - dh is working two jobs totaling long hours and equalling exhaustion; both children have had major cardiac surgery among others and one child still needs another major surgery; Major medical expenses even after insurance; house in disrepair with no time or money to contend with it; concerns are health of child needing more surgery, financial, physical strength, mental/spiritual peace


Liz CA - need divine direction to know whether or not to hang tough in current position or seek different employment


Sparkle - dh's job is furloughed one day/month (better than originally expected) meaning a 5% paycut. Pray things don't get worse but resume to baseline soon.




Scripture that quickens in my spirit as I ponder these needs - let's agree on them together (and do share any others that come to your mind!) for "the Word of God is mighty and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds"! (This list will grow with time as the Lord lays verses on our hearts.....)


"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."


Hope - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!"; "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future; you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart and I will be found by you, declares the Lord." "I put my trust in the Lord, in His word do I hope." "But, as for me, I will always have hope - I will trust you more and more."


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


For those needing direction: "I will guide you and direct you, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will instruct you and show you the way that you're to go." "Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a still small voice behind you saying, 'this is the way. walk ye in it'." Finally, "My sheep know my voice. The voice of another they will not follow."


Needs: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."


Praise: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"


(BTW - use biblegateway.com to find the references if desired; for time's sake I've not looked them up. :-)

Edited by Sharon in SC
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My prayers are with you all. The Lord has blessed us beyond belief and I can see now that job decisions my husband made years ago that I did not agree with (but he made them anyway) were all the work of God. He led my husband to the right place, the right career that is not, at this time, in jeopardy. I forget sometimes to be thankful for this, but in times as hard as they are for many right now, I am all too thankful. At the same time, I know that we are not exempt from these things and that, at any moment, we could very well be the ones needing financial prayers. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to each and every one of you. God bless!

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I am praying for everyone in this thread.


We are feeling the pinch, too, but it isn't as bad as it could be. DH, as a state worker, was scheduled to be furloughed 2 days a month, equaling a 10% pay cut, but he just got a partial reprieve...now it looks like it will only be 1 day a month. I never thought I'd be rejoicing at a 5% pay cut, but considering the alternative :tongue_smilie:


Amy, I feel for your situation. My dh is a part-time music minister as well, and, boy, is there a lot of politics and behind-the-scenes drama that goes on! It does take away from the joy of serving sometimes. I'll pray for you.

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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!


I pray that God's glory be revealed in each one of your lives in greater measure and that He will enlarge our hearts to recognize and receive it when He does!


"Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"

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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!


Word for the day:

"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus." Amen!


Praying for each of you! :grouphug:


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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


Praying for you!


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"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


Praying the prayer that never fails: May God's kingdom purposes be established in each one of your lives on earth as it stands in heaven! Amen.


Stacia - dh laid off last week (second time in past 7 years) but offered a lowerpaying job with drastically reduced income


TCoppock - dh is unable to continue in the construction industry due to health issues - needs divine direction as to what to do instead; poster needs strength/patience to weather the storm


Brenda in FL - dh laid off mid Jan ('09); pray for strengthened spirits during job search and wisdom to know how to be frugal


RoughCollie - dh is self employed and family is currently operating under 1/3 of regular income which is insufficient to cover basic household needs (mortgage, health insurance, office rent); health insurance is most immediately threatened


Amy in WT - dh, minister of music, has been without a full time job for 1.5 year; currently preparing to sell home but without real sense of what they're to do/where they're to go; health insurance is threatened; pray for healing from past hurts inflicted by previous church, financial/job needs, and divine direction


ereks mom - dh is self employed - business suffering from existing economic conditions; no health insurance; two aged vehicles (+12 yo/high mileage)


Nancy in NH - dh is working two jobs totaling long hours and equalling exhaustion; both children have had major cardiac surgery among others and one child still needs another major surgery; Major medical expenses even after insurance; house in disrepair with no time or money to contend with it; concerns are health of child needing more surgery, financial, physical strength, mental/spiritual peace


Liz CA - need divine direction to know whether or not to hang tough in current position or seek different employment


Sparkle - dh's job is furloughed one day/month (better than originally expected) meaning a 5% paycut. Pray things don't get worse but resume to baseline soon.


Joanne - dh just lost his tech support job; family needs greater income to survive and issues with ex husband need to be resolved and brought to justifiably profitable solution




Scripture that quickens in my spirit as I ponder these needs - let's agree on them together (and do share any others that come to your mind!) for "the Word of God is mighty and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds"! (This list will grow with time as the Lord lays verses on our hearts.....)


"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."


Hope - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!"; "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future; you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart and I will be found by you, declares the Lord." "I put my trust in the Lord, in His word do I hope." "But, as for me, I will always have hope - I will trust you more and more."


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


For those needing direction: "I will guide you and direct you, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will instruct you and show you the way that you're to go." "Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a still small voice behind you saying, 'this is the way. walk ye in it'." Finally, "My sheep know my voice. The voice of another they will not follow."


Needs: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."


Praise: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"


(BTW - use biblegateway.com to find the references if desired; for time's sake I've not looked them up. :-)

Edited by Sharon in SC
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Sharon -


The verses you have quoted in this thread have been very meaningful and helpful to me today as I have read through them. My DH was laid off in July and is still seeking employment. We trust in the Lord to direct his steps and we have been able to financially survive on savings and severance thus far. God has blessed us through this season in many many ways and is using this situation to draw us nearer to Him. It has also given us the opportunity to teach our children first hand about trusting in the Lord. My DH has been steadfast, but there are days I fall back to worrying instead of faith. The encouraging verses you quoted were just the lift my spirit needed today. God is using you as an encourager. Thank you!


To others who have asked for prayer in this thread, I will pray for all of you. These are tough times, but we serve a mighty and faithful God.

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Sharon -


The verses you have quoted in this thread have been very meaningful and helpful to me today as I have read through them. My DH was laid off in July and is still seeking employment. We trust in the Lord to direct his steps and we have been able to financially survive on savings and severance thus far. God has blessed us through this season in many many ways and is using this situation to draw us nearer to Him. It has also given us the opportunity to teach our children first hand about trusting in the Lord. My DH has been steadfast, but there are days I fall back to worrying instead of faith. The encouraging verses you quoted were just the lift my spirit needed today. God is using you as an encourager. Thank you!


To others who have asked for prayer in this thread, I will pray for all of you. These are tough times, but we serve a mighty and faithful God.


Thank you for sharing this. We'll keep on keeping on in the name of the One who holds all things under His control!




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"May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." Ruth 2:12



Praying the prayer that never fails: May God's kingdom purposes be established in each one of your lives on earth as it stands in heaven! Amen.


Stacia - dh laid off last week (second time in past 7 years) but offered a lowerpaying job with drastically reduced income


TCoppock - dh is unable to continue in the construction industry due to health issues - needs divine direction as to what to do instead; poster needs strength/patience to weather the storm


Brenda in FL - dh laid off mid Jan ('09); pray for strengthened spirits during job search and wisdom to know how to be frugal


RoughCollie - dh is self employed and family is currently operating under 1/3 of regular income which is insufficient to cover basic household needs (mortgage, health insurance, office rent); health insurance is most immediately threatened


Amy in WT - dh, minister of music, has been without a full time job for 1.5 year; currently preparing to sell home but without real sense of what they're to do/where they're to go; health insurance is threatened; pray for healing from past hurts inflicted by previous church, financial/job needs, and divine direction


ereks mom - dh is self employed - business suffering from existing economic conditions; no health insurance; two aged vehicles (+12 yo/high mileage)


Nancy in NH - dh is working two jobs totaling long hours and equalling exhaustion; both children have had major cardiac surgery among others and one child still needs another major surgery; Major medical expenses even after insurance; house in disrepair with no time or money to contend with it; concerns are health of child needing more surgery, financial, physical strength, mental/spiritual peace


Liz CA - need divine direction to know whether or not to hang tough in current position or seek different employment


Sparkle - dh's job is furloughed one day/month (better than originally expected) meaning a 5% paycut. Pray things don't get worse but resume to baseline soon.




Scripture that quickens in my spirit as I ponder these needs - let's agree on them together (and do share any others that come to your mind!) for "the Word of God is mighty and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds"! (This list will grow with time as the Lord lays verses on our hearts.....)


"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."


"May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." Ruth 2:12


Hope - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!"; "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future; you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart and I will be found by you, declares the Lord." "I put my trust in the Lord, in His word do I hope." "But, as for me, I will always have hope - I will trust you more and more."


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


For those needing direction: "I will guide you and direct you, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will instruct you and show you the way that you're to go." "Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a still small voice behind you saying, 'this is the way. walk ye in it'." Finally, "My sheep know my voice. The voice of another they will not follow."


Needs: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."


Praise: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"


(BTW - use biblegateway.com to find the references if desired; for time's sake I've not looked them up. :-)

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Sharon, thank you so much for keeping this thread going! It's been such an encouragement to me.


Some verses that have helped me this weekend:


Psalm 27:13-14 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."


The whole Psalm is wonderful, but I especially love those ending verses! They'll be going on my fridge momentarily.


We need prayer in particular that the jobs my husband has currently applied for will respond positively and want to interview him. Thank you. On a praise note, the Lord has provided for us wonderfully over the past two weeks, in ways we had never expected. Friends have unexpectedly dropped off grocery store gift cards (several friends, none knowing each other!), parents sending unexpected monetary gifts, a utility bill unexpectedly lower than it should have been -all are helping us make it through this month and the next. Praise the Lord! I keep all of you on this thread in prayer and pray the same might happen for all of you. God is in control!

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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!


Praying the prayer that never fails: May God's kingdom purposes be established in each one of your lives on earth as it stands in heaven! Amen.


Stacia - dh laid off last week (second time in past 7 years) but offered a lowerpaying job with drastically reduced income


TCoppock - dh is unable to continue in the construction industry due to health issues - needs divine direction as to what to do instead; poster needs strength/patience to weather the storm


Brenda in FL - dh laid off mid Jan ('09); pray for strengthened spirits during job search and wisdom to know how to be frugal


RoughCollie - dh is self employed and family is currently operating under 1/3 of regular income which is insufficient to cover basic household needs (mortgage, health insurance, office rent); health insurance is most immediately threatened


Amy in WT - dh, minister of music, has been without a full time job for 1.5 year; currently preparing to sell home but without real sense of what they're to do/where they're to go; health insurance is threatened; pray for healing from past hurts inflicted by previous church, financial/job needs, and divine direction


ereks mom - dh is self employed - business suffering from existing economic conditions; no health insurance; two aged vehicles (+12 yo/high mileage)


Nancy in NH - dh is working two jobs totaling long hours and equalling exhaustion; both children have had major cardiac surgery among others and one child still needs another major surgery; Major medical expenses even after insurance; house in disrepair with no time or money to contend with it; concerns are health of child needing more surgery, financial, physical strength, mental/spiritual peace


Liz CA - need divine direction to know whether or not to hang tough in current position or seek different employment


Sparkle - dh's job is furloughed one day/month (better than originally expected) meaning a 5% paycut. Pray things don't get worse but resume to baseline soon.


Drama Queen


Dooley - DH is a freelance video engineer with next to no work since December; living off small savings but with their eyes on Jesus to meet their needs.




Scripture that quickens in my spirit as I ponder these needs - let's agree on them together (and do share any others that come to your mind!) for "the Word of God is mighty and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds"! (This list will grow with time as the Lord lays verses on our hearts.....)


"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."


"May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." Ruth 2:12


"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14



Hope - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!"; "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future; you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart and I will be found by you, declares the Lord." "I put my trust in the Lord, in His word do I hope." "But, as for me, I will always have hope - I will trust you more and more."


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


For those needing direction: "I will guide you and direct you, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will instruct you and show you the way that you're to go." "Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a still small voice behind you saying, 'this is the way. walk ye in it'." Finally, "My sheep know my voice. The voice of another they will not follow."


Needs: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."


Praise: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"


(BTW - use biblegateway.com to find the references if desired; for time's sake I've not looked them up. :-)

Edited by Sharon in SC
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Sharon, thank you so much for keeping this thread going! It's been such an encouragement to me.


Some verses that have helped me this weekend:


Psalm 27:13-14 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."


The whole Psalm is wonderful, but I especially love those ending verses! They'll be going on my fridge momentarily.


We need prayer in particular that the jobs my husband has currently applied for will respond positively and want to interview him. Thank you. On a praise note, the Lord has provided for us wonderfully over the past two weeks, in ways we had never expected. Friends have unexpectedly dropped off grocery store gift cards (several friends, none knowing each other!), parents sending unexpected monetary gifts, a utility bill unexpectedly lower than it should have been -all are helping us make it through this month and the next. Praise the Lord! I keep all of you on this thread in prayer and pray the same might happen for all of you. God is in control!


Amy, praising Him for the many blessings described here and trusting for the right job to come along in His time! Sharon

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Hi all, please add us to your list!! DH is a freelance video engineer, we have had next to no work since December, living off small savings. Though, it doesnt matter how bad it looks, the Lord will prevail. He has seen us through other difficult times and we will see His hand in this one too. I will print this page out and pray for all you other ladies and your families. He will NEVER leave or forsake you!

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Hi all, please add us to your list!! DH is a freelance video engineer, we have had next to no work since December, living off small savings. Though, it doesnt matter how bad it looks, the Lord will prevail. He has seen us through other difficult times and we will see His hand in this one too. I will print this page out and pray for all you other ladies and your families. He will NEVER leave or forsake you!


Done! :grouphug: and blessings, Sharon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Praying the prayer that never fails: May God's kingdom purposes be established in each one of your lives on earth as it stands in heaven! Amen.


Stacia - dh laid off last week (second time in past 7 years) but offered a lowerpaying job with drastically reduced income


TCoppock - dh is unable to continue in the construction industry due to health issues - needs divine direction as to what to do instead; poster needs strength/patience to weather the storm


Brenda in FL - dh laid off mid Jan ('09); pray for strengthened spirits during job search and wisdom to know how to be frugal


RoughCollie - dh is self employed and family is currently operating under 1/3 of regular income which is insufficient to cover basic household needs (mortgage, health insurance, office rent); health insurance is most immediately threatened


Amy in WT - dh, minister of music, has been without a full time job for 1.5 year; currently preparing to sell home but without real sense of what they're to do/where they're to go; health insurance is threatened; pray for healing from past hurts inflicted by previous church, financial/job needs, and divine direction


ereks mom - dh is self employed - business suffering from existing economic conditions; no health insurance; two aged vehicles (+12 yo/high mileage)


Nancy in NH - dh is working two jobs totaling long hours and equalling exhaustion; both children have had major cardiac surgery among others and one child still needs another major surgery; Major medical expenses even after insurance; house in disrepair with no time or money to contend with it; concerns are health of child needing more surgery, financial, physical strength, mental/spiritual peace


Liz CA - need divine direction to know whether or not to hang tough in current position or seek different employment


Sparkle - dh's job is furloughed one day/month (better than originally expected) meaning a 5% paycut. Pray things don't get worse but resume to baseline soon.


Drama Queen


Dooley - DH is a freelance video engineer with next to no work since December; living off small savings but with their eyes on Jesus to meet their needs.


SnowWhite - dh needs a new job by the end of May when his current job (just reduced to max 10hr/week) expires


Heather in Savannah - immigration dictates they leave the country in 30 days; pray for strength, wisdom, encouragement, and jobs




Scripture that quickens in my spirit as I ponder these needs - let's agree on them together (and do share any others that come to your mind!) for "the Word of God is mighty and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds"! (This list will grow with time as the Lord lays verses on our hearts.....)


"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."


"May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." Ruth 2:12


"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14



Hope - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!"; "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future; you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart and I will be found by you, declares the Lord." "I put my trust in the Lord, in His word do I hope." "But, as for me, I will always have hope - I will trust you more and more."


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


For those needing direction: "I will guide you and direct you, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will instruct you and show you the way that you're to go." "Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a still small voice behind you saying, 'this is the way. walk ye in it'." Finally, "My sheep know my voice. The voice of another they will not follow."


Needs: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."


Praise: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"


(BTW - use biblegateway.com to find the references if desired; for time's sake I've not looked them up. :-)

Edited by Sharon in SC
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Just visiting again so that I may hold in my prayers all those in need. I have been uplifted by this thread and the prayers and thoughts of all here are helping me to remain faithful.


I must share a bit of good news, for which we are so thankful. Earlier this week, another person was let go in my dh's office. I could see how discouraged and concerned he was. That night I reminded him that we need to be thankful that he is holding two jobs right now (no matter how difficult that is for him) and that we cannot give up on hope and faith. The last thing I did that night was pray for my husband, that he would be relieved from how overworked he is (working so many extra hours, because he fears for his full-time job) and for some relief of the worry I know he is carrying around. The next morning he called me to tell me that he had received a bonus! His company has not been doing well for months and had announced no bonuses this year. God had answered my prayers. I prayed for my husband to be released from his worry and God delivered. While we do need the money and I'm thankful for it, I am so much more grateful to see DH feeling more relaxed and less concerned about losing his job. And I continue to pray for all those here that are in need of the same.

Nancy in NH

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Could you please add my family to your prayer list? We purchased a business in November and we have lived off savings since then. Things are going very slowly and we are getting close to the bottom of the barrel. We expected the winter to be slow, but with the economy it has been even leaner than projected. Your prayers for increased business and sales would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

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My dh will find out today if he will be laid off. 1200 people nationwide are being let go today, from the company he works for. If he is let go, Immigration dictates that we must leave the country within 30 days. So packing an entire house, and finding temporary housing "back home" until our tennants lease is up will fall on my shoulders, along with trying to find a job for myself after being out of the work force for 13 yrs. I am feeling very weighed down with the load. I am clinging desperately to God's promise of "Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."



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I will post this in case there are those who would like to take advantage of an opportunity to be prayed for by fellow WTMers who have a heart to intercede on your behalf during these trying times. Please post in this thread if you either 1) would like to serve as an intercessor and/or 2) have a special need related to these trying economic times that you would like to have us pray for.


:grouphug: and many blessings to all,



P.S. I will treat this much like the Homes for Sale thread I've managed the past 9 months. By posting to this thread you will receive automatic followups. As updates are provided on individual needs, I will update the list accordingly thus keeping the thread alive and those participating informed regarding new or changing needs and, most importantly, praise reports!


Praying the prayer that never fails: May God's kingdom purposes be established in each one of your lives on earth as it stands in heaven! Amen.


Stacia - dh laid off last week (second time in past 7 years) but offered a lowerpaying job with drastically reduced income


TCoppock - dh is unable to continue in the construction industry due to health issues - needs divine direction as to what to do instead; poster needs strength/patience to weather the storm


Brenda in FL - dh laid off mid Jan ('09); pray for strengthened spirits during job search and wisdom to know how to be frugal


RoughCollie - dh is self employed and family is currently operating under 1/3 of regular income which is insufficient to cover basic household needs (mortgage, health insurance, office rent); health insurance is most immediately threatened


Amy in WT - dh, minister of music, has been without a full time job for 1.5 year; currently preparing to sell home but without real sense of what they're to do/where they're to go; health insurance is threatened; pray for healing from past hurts inflicted by previous church, financial/job needs, and divine direction


ereks mom - dh is self employed - business suffering from existing economic conditions; no health insurance; two aged vehicles (+12 yo/high mileage)


Nancy in NH - dh is working two jobs totaling long hours and equalling exhaustion; both children have had major cardiac surgery among others and one child still needs another major surgery; Major medical expenses even after insurance; house in disrepair with no time or money to contend with it; concerns are health of child needing more surgery, financial, physical strength, mental/spiritual peace


Liz CA - need divine direction to know whether or not to hang tough in current position or seek different employment


Sparkle - dh's job is furloughed one day/month (better than originally expected) meaning a 5% paycut. Pray things don't get worse but resume to baseline soon.


Drama Queen


Dooley - DH is a freelance video engineer with next to no work since December; living off small savings but with their eyes on Jesus to meet their needs.


SnowWhite - dh needs a new job by the end of May when his current job (just reduced to max 10hr/week) expires


MotherMayI - newly purchased business (Nov, 08) is slow; family is currently living off of savings; pray for increased business/sales


Punkinelly - dh faces a 6% cut in pay which will be difficult in the face of an already tight budget


K-FL - dh's business is suffering, debt is mounting; house is up for short sale for 1/2 of mortgaged amount; praise is the family is being allowed by the mortgage company to reside there for now to avoid vacancy of the dwelling; one child ready for college but needs financing


Scripture that quickens in my spirit as I ponder these needs - let's agree on them together (and do share any others that come to your mind!) for "the Word of God is mighty and powerful to the pulling down of strongholds"! (This list will grow with time as the Lord lays verses on our hearts.....)


"Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."


"May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." Ruth 2:12


"I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:13-14



Hope - "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for God who promises is faithful!"; "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future; you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart and I will be found by you, declares the Lord." "I put my trust in the Lord, in His word do I hope." "But, as for me, I will always have hope - I will trust you more and more."


"I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 16:8


"Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." Deut 33:12


For those needing direction: "I will guide you and direct you, I will counsel you and watch over you, I will instruct you and show you the way that you're to go." "Whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a still small voice behind you saying, 'this is the way. walk ye in it'." Finally, "My sheep know my voice. The voice of another they will not follow."


Needs: "For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless."


Praise: "Now to Him who is able to do immeasureably more than anything that we can ask or imagine, to Him be the glory and the praise!"


(BTW - use biblegateway.com to find the references if desired; for time's sake I've not looked them up. :-)

Edited by Sharon in SC
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My dh will find out today if he will be laid off. 1200 people nationwide are being let go today, from the company he works for. If he is let go, Immigration dictates that we must leave the country within 30 days. So packing an entire house, and finding temporary housing "back home" until our tennants lease is up will fall on my shoulders, along with trying to find a job for myself after being out of the work force for 13 yrs. I am feeling very weighed down with the load. I am clinging desperately to God's promise of "Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses knowledge will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus."





:grouphug:, Heather. "In the name of Jesus, we pray that God's Kingdom purposes be established in Heather's and her family's life today on earth as they stand in heaven. Father, your word says that You can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. If it be your will for her dh to keep his current job, we thank you that NO ONE will be able to take it from him. In your mighty name, we pray, Amen!"


Heather, do keep us posted.

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Could you please add my family to your prayer list? We purchased a business in November and we have lived off savings since then. Things are going very slowly and we are getting close to the bottom of the barrel. We expected the winter to be slow, but with the economy it has been even leaner than projected. Your prayers for increased business and sales would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!


:grouphug: You're on the list. Do keep us posted....meanwhile, we praise the name of the Lord that you have peace in the midst of your circumstances and that God's will be done in your business!

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Just visiting again so that I may hold in my prayers all those in need. I have been uplifted by this thread and the prayers and thoughts of all here are helping me to remain faithful.


I must share a bit of good news, for which we are so thankful. Earlier this week, another person was let go in my dh's office. I could see how discouraged and concerned he was. That night I reminded him that we need to be thankful that he is holding two jobs right now (no matter how difficult that is for him) and that we cannot give up on hope and faith. The last thing I did that night was pray for my husband, that he would be relieved from how overworked he is (working so many extra hours, because he fears for his full-time job) and for some relief of the worry I know he is carrying around. The next morning he called me to tell me that he had received a bonus! His company has not been doing well for months and had announced no bonuses this year. God had answered my prayers. I prayed for my husband to be released from his worry and God delivered. While we do need the money and I'm thankful for it, I am so much more grateful to see DH feeling more relaxed and less concerned about losing his job. And I continue to pray for all those here that are in need of the same.

Nancy in NH


Praise the Lord! Thank you for taking the time to share. We know that God loves each and every one of us equally and we can look for Him to care for others just as He has shown His hand in your life. Rejoicing with you!!

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so please pray that we would be able to trust God for direction and provision. I was thinking today about how God created the planets and placed our earth in it's perfect position....any closer to the sun and we the earth would be scorched, any further and it would be icy...so since He was able to work out those amazing details, I suspect that my life should be pretty easy for Him.

Thanks everyone.



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We are in a peculiar position as well and would love your prayer for direction in either toughing it out where dh is or getting into something else.

Thank You!


Dh has interviewed with a company from Washington State. Please pray for guidance.

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so please pray that we would be able to trust God for direction and provision. I was thinking today about how God created the planets and placed our earth in it's perfect position....any closer to the sun and we the earth would be scorched, any further and it would be icy...so since He was able to work out those amazing details, I suspect that my life should be pretty easy for Him.

Thanks everyone.




I'll put you on the list, now, Heather. God's already begun to sustain you as clearly evidenced by your post. May He totally undergird you by the right hand of HIS righteousness!!

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Thank you so much. My dh was told yesterday that he and all of the other salaried workers will be getting a 6% pay cut. We were already struggling. Ugh. I guess this is where I begin selling everything that is not nailed down. LOL My biggest fear dh losing his job and losing the house. I need to look to Jesus, whose provision is not dependent on dh's job at the newspaper being secure.


I'll be using this list to pray for others, too.





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Thank you so much. My dh was told yesterday that he and all of the other salaried workers will be getting a 6% pay cut. We were already struggling. Ugh. I guess this is where I begin selling everything that is not nailed down. LOL My biggest fear dh losing his job and losing the house. I need to look to Jesus, whose provision is not dependent on dh's job at the newspaper being secure.


I'll be using this list to pray for others, too.






:grouphug:, Mary. Your family has been added to the prayer list!

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