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45 and SUN---is spring maybe one its way?

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Today felt like a heat wave here. It was 45 and SUNNY. This is 50 degrees warmer than 3 days ago. It was breezy but even with the breeze I was comfortable with my sweatshirt and jeans (and boots for the mud).


I rode my horse for a few minutes today as well. This really makes me wish for SPRING.


Then again...............this is Michigan and we can have snow on the ground in April yet so this is just likely wishful thinking.

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56 and sunny here in NW Indiana, but the wind was blowing a gale. Ds9 and I did go for a long walk down the road, though, and sent stickboats down the rushing rivers in the ditches created from the rapid snow melt.


DD said, "Is this the first day of spring?" I hated to break her heart and tell her that spring is still a loooonnnnggg way off.



Makes me want to move to Arizona, where I see it was 80 degrees the other day.

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ha. it was 46oC here and sunny yesterday. that is around 114oF. it was extremely hot. with a very warm dry wind.

it seems like half of Victoria is on fire. well over 100 houses were destroyed and at least 35 people killed. whole towns were burnt out. boy I wish it would rain. it would be so nice to see some green grass.

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According to Puxatawny Phil, we have more weeks of winter. I think spring is teasing us!

I have trouble getting behind the predictions of a large rodent who, it appears, is kidnapped, stuffed into a stump-like box, then dragged back out to gigantic crowds by men in top hats. I'd be hauling tail back into the box, too, quite possibly biting and clawing said top hat wearing men on the way, just for egregious rudeness.


It was 40-something here today. The kids went out and wallowed in the mud for a few hours. It's supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow. I'm sure it will cool off again, but spring, at least here, is only about a month away.

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