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Anybody else doing school today? Or am I the only one?

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We took off Tuesday, to recover from a 5-day trip up north for my Grandma's birthday. I think, "Sure! We'll just school Wed-Sat! No biggie!"


As my 4-year old says, "It's a biggie, all right."


NO one is motivated. Especially me. I'm skipping some stuff, but we HAVE to get history discussions done and science as well. Plus - we're leaving to go to TN to visit dh today - so there's that.


Someone kick me the next time I say we're doing school on Saturday.

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I've done school on Saturdays. In fact today we probably will do at least one thing. I approach it with the idea that learning is just something we do as part of our lifestyle. Also - I've talked to moms of kids in ps who have said that their child was writing a report or some other homework on a Saturday. So I remind my kids of that! (Though I notice you mention a 4 year old - they wouldn't be doing homework on a Saturday.)

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Due to my dh's work schedule, we frequently do Saturday school, sometimes Sunday school too. It just depends. Like Jean, I try to promote learning as a lifestyle and frequently tell my dc that "knowledge knows no schedule." As a matter of fact, I just posted on my blog that that's why the Weekly Updates are so hard for me, because we do stuff all the time, so the weeks just kind of meld together.

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I did some review before ds was allowed to run and play. We usually do something early in the morning, a bit of the 3R's.


This is why I'm keeping it a secret as long as possible that kids aren't supposed to school on Saturdays:tongue_smilie: If my dc were in ps, I'd be doing much more intense work on Sat's;)


Oh, and if you are schooling on Sat so you can do fun stuff other days - I'd be sure to emphasize the fact that other kids will be sitting at desks while they get to travel.

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We always have school on the weekend. Sometimes we have one day of the weekend as a "regular" school day, but we usually split it up and do a bit each day. My kids are young enough to be blissfully unaware of what schedule the rest of the world follows, so it's never an issue here.

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We took off Tuesday, to recover from a 5-day trip up north for my Grandma's birthday. I think, "Sure! We'll just school Wed-Sat! No biggie!"


As my 4-year old says, "It's a biggie, all right."


NO one is motivated. Especially me. I'm skipping some stuff, but we HAVE to get history discussions done and science as well. Plus - we're leaving to go to TN to visit dh today - so there's that.


Someone kick me the next time I say we're doing school on Saturday.


Oh, you are definitely not alone, my friend. The weekend can routinely be school days for us depending upon, primarily, how much the kids got done earlier in the week. [We do have lots of fun/academic activities that can pre-empt the bookwork - ballet, piano, string instrument lessons that we do as a family (all four of us participate in an orchestra), family workouts at the YMCA, and church fine arts]. The way I explain it to the girls is this - if you get all of your work done M-F, you have Sat/Sun off. If you don't, then we must take the weekend to get "caught up". It helps to look at it like this - work that carries over to the weekend just means we enjoyed our weekend time earlier in the week. :)


On that note, the girls and I are headed to B&N shortly where we like to study when having to study on non-traditional school days. It makes it "feel" more fun. :D

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We took off Tuesday, to recover from a 5-day trip up north for my Grandma's birthday. I think, "Sure! We'll just school Wed-Sat! No biggie!"


As my 4-year old says, "It's a biggie, all right."


NO one is motivated. Especially me. I'm skipping some stuff, but we HAVE to get history discussions done and science as well. Plus - we're leaving to go to TN to visit dh today - so there's that.


Someone kick me the next time I say we're doing school on Saturday.


I'm not. I'm at the library with dh, wasting time on the net.;) But some of our dc have a little school scheduled into their Saturdays. Weekends are very flexible for all of us here.


Hope you trip goes well.

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Saturday is a regular school day for us most of the time - as I prefer to do errands and fun activities while the rest of the world is in school/work mode - cuts down on crowds.


We did school last Sunday afternoon - and I did like having MOnday off. I could get used to it since the afternoon is shot. I've been pondering it......

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We will sometimes do some stuff on Saturday but usually I will know ahead of time if we are running that far behind and save the fun stuff- science experiments, history activities, read alouds, educational movies, etc for Saturday so my kids don't notice that extra "work" as much.

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We took off Tuesday, to recover from a 5-day trip up north for my Grandma's birthday. I think, "Sure! We'll just school Wed-Sat! No biggie!"


As my 4-year old says, "It's a biggie, all right."


NO one is motivated. Especially me. I'm skipping some stuff, but we HAVE to get history discussions done and science as well. Plus - we're leaving to go to TN to visit dh today - so there's that.


Someone kick me the next time I say we're doing school on Saturday.


My kids all have different schedules. The 12yo takes Monday and Friday off; the girls take Saturday off. The 14yo does whatever he wants when he wants.

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