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What do you think of guided hypnotism for dealing with smoking, anxiety, etc?

What do you think of guided hypnosis?  

  1. 1. What do you think of guided hypnosis?

    • It's hooey!
    • It's worthwhile.
    • I've tried it and it worked for me.
    • I've tried it and it didn't work for me.
    • I would never try it.
    • I'd try it.
    • Other.
    • Sorry, I posted too many options--don't click this one!

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Having heard that it has helped many people a great deal for a number of things - smoking, anxiety, pain management - I would certainly give it a go before (or as an adjunct to) more invasive therapies that have potential bad side effects.


As Pam said, I think the level of success depends on the person. And, frankly, even if it is a placebo effect in the successes, does it matter? If the person is successful in whatever they're trying to manage only because they believe the therapy will work, well, that's really good enough for me. ;)

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I have a thing about hypnotism. A spiritual kinda thing ~ that is to say, I oppose it. Which isn't to say I don't think guided hypnotism can work. Just that I wouldn't pursue it or advise others to pursue it. If someone I knew wanted to stop smoking, I'd tell that person to....


...stop smoking.


Revelatory, I know.;)

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It worked wonders for my brother. After smoking for over 40 years, and trying everything, and even succeeding for a couple months at a time, hypnosis was the first thing that worked for him. He went to a person who specializes in helping people stop smoking. He went to her office three times, I think. And, he got a special relaxation gizmo (called Sirius) that incorporates lights and clicks, through opaque glasses and the headphones of a portable CD player, while you listen to relaxation recordings on CD. She made a couple special CDs specifically for him.


Anyway, he's been totally smoke free for over nine months, and has no problems with cravings. Anytime he has a craving, he just squeezes the flesh between the thumb and index finger of his left hand, and the craving goes away. He also chews on straws, but that wasn't part of the hypnosis thing.


Anyway, he doesn't even need the relaxation gizmo anymore. Hasn't used it in months, and has no desire to smoke.


I have never smoked, so I've never used it personally, but I've seen the positive effect it had on my brother. I would recommend it highly to someone who had a real problem quitting. Of course, it depends on who is doing the hypnosis. This lady had had such a positive experience with hypnosis helping *her* quit, she decided to help other people by teaching them to use it.

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I believe that if 'you' believe it will work; then it will work.


But, I don't know anyone that has used it and I haven't used it, although it is something I have thought a lot about.


None of your poll options specified this, so I didn't vote, but I really think the person has to believe it will work and have an open and willing mind.

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Sure I would try it. I think hypnotism is kind of a misnomer though- at no stage does anyone come under the power of anyone else or anything. Its just a relaxing process where the concious mind relaxes and the subconscious is more open to suggestion- such as its time to give up smoking! Ihad an uncle who has since passed on, who swore by self hypnotism- he would go to the dentist and simply not have any pain numbing injections or gas or anything- he would self hypnotise instead.


However I gave up smoking after reading Alan Carr's Easy Way to Give up Smoking, and I highly recommend that book. I know many people who gave up after reading it. Thats all you do- read the book.

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Haven't read the other posts yet...


I voted "other". I can't imagine ever trying this for myself. (Actually, I "kind of" did - I was a subject in a nightclub hypnotist's comedy act, and he gave me a post-hypnotic suggestion regarding losing weight - did nothing.)


But my grandfather attended one of those hotel seminars put on by a hypnotist, and did a session to stop smoking. And after 40-50 years as a smoker (he started when he was 12) he quit cold turkey, and never smoked again. I happen to believe that his legendary stubborness had more to do with his success than the hypnosis, but there could be something to it...

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at no stage does anyone come under the power of anyone else or anything. Its just a relaxing process where the concious mind relaxes and the subconscious is more open to suggestion- such as its time to give up smoking!


Exactly. There is no "mind contol" or devilish messages involved in theraputic hypnosis, LOL. You are always in control. Honestly, I look at hypnosis as a gift from God. He designed our minds and bodies to work this way. I'm very grateful for this tool. :)

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I believe it works. I just believe it's inappropriate and dangerous. These are spiritually/faith related beliefs.



I agree.


Also, my dad did it when we were young to quit smoking. It worked -but- it also drug up things from his childhood that he wasn't ready to deal with and caused a lot of problems in that reguard.

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I have a thing about hypnotism. A spiritual kinda thing ~ that is to say, I oppose it. Which isn't to say I don't think guided hypnotism can work. Just that I wouldn't pursue it or advise others to pursue it. If someone I knew wanted to stop smoking, I'd tell that person to....


...stop smoking.


Revelatory, I know.;)


I don't mean to hyjack this thread, but Colleen's advice reminded me of this hillarious video clip.

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