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Am I the only one who can't talk on a cellphone and DRIVE?...

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I just can't do it. I can't concentrate on two things while driving....no way. And from what I see out on the road....I can't be the only one, LOLOL!


I also do not think it makes a difference using Bluetooth (hands-free) either. I know if I am having a conversation (not just small talk) with the passenger....I find myself feeling the same as if I was on a cellphone, LOL!


I do think some people are better at it than others.....LOL.



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Apparently not as there is a big push right now by the National Safety Council for banning all cell phone use in cars. Even hands free versions. They say that cognitively, hands free cell phones are just as distracting. When I first started driving it was hard to talk & drive at the same time, but it's become more natural with kids in the car. But somehow, I don't think they can ban talking to kids/passengers in the car.



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I just can't do it. I can't concentrate on two things while driving....no way. And from what I see out on the road....I can't be the only one, LOLOL!


I also do not think it makes a difference using Bluetooth (hands-free) either. I know if I am having a conversation (not just small talk) with the passenger....I find myself feeling the same as if I was on a cellphone, LOL!




I agree with you - I'd still be too distracted, even with hands free.



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How about texting while driving? Here in CA they just passed a law that made texting while driving illegal. I still can't believe that people actually attempt this!



People are insane. I have seen people driving down the road while on a laptop computer, or reading or drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette and talking on a cell phone. My brother is an OTR driver and he has seen people do things while driving that wouldn't be legal if they were parked!

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How about texting while driving? Here in CA they just passed a law that made texting while driving illegal. I still can't believe that people actually attempt this!


It's also illegal here to drive while talking on your cell phone unless you're hands free.:)

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just this past year in NJ it became illegal to talk on your cell phone while driving, The fine is up to $250. No way will I ever answer my phone, I always pull over to a safe place to answer it. The only reason I do this is that the only people that have my cell phone number are dh and my kids so it would be one of them calling and they only call if it is IMPORTANT.

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It is so dangerous to use the cell phone while driving. I do chat often, but it's with the headset. I'm not coordinated enough to hold the phone, turn the steering wheel, change the radio station, and drink soda simultaneously. Something's gotta give! ;)

Honestly, I wish others would stop believing that the incoming call takes precedence to the immediate task of driving. Texting is the worst. Anyone remember the national story last year--five graduating cheerleaders died in a fiery crash b/c the driver was texting. I was almost hit on a hairpin turn recently by a teen texting instead of paying attention to the road.

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I can do it on the freeway, but not in town. But I don't do it.


The headset only helps some people a tiny bit. The issue isn't really whether you have your hands free, it's about the concentration. Talking to a passenger isn't the same thing usually because they can see the road also, slow down or shut up if something is happening, give you cues to what is going on, etc. But on the phone, they just keep carrying on with no idea what you're seeing and dealing with.

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I could do it like so many, but wont because it isn't safe. I don't put on makeup, eat, read, text, watch movies or some of the other things drivers do while driving either.


I just can't do it. I can't concentrate on two things while driving....no way. And from what I see out on the road....I can't be the only one, LOLOL!


I also do not think it makes a difference using Bluetooth (hands-free) either. I know if I am having a conversation (not just small talk) with the passenger....I find myself feeling the same as if I was on a cellphone, LOL!


I do think some people are better at it than others.....LOL.



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