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school name?

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Our school name is Trinity Christian Academy and our school motto is: Be kind. Work hard. Have fun.


We school name is very similar to a private hs group that we were part of in CA. My kids decided we needed a motto and a school mascot. They decided on the motto, but they we never able to agree on a mascot. LOL!

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Well we've had 3 names. I'll start out by saying that it's not required by our state but we like having a name. Our first was Evanlu Academy, which I got by using the first 2 letters of each childs name. They HATED it :tongue_smilie:, So then we moved on to Voyager Academy, which was ok, and my dh picked it because we loved the show StarTrek Voyager and felt like "explorers" in education. Well then we found out there really is a voyager academy out there (I believe in NC) and it's not a homeschool, so the kids asked if they could pick our name. After some time for them to think they decided on Fawkes Academy, which they picked because they love the Phoenix in Harry Potter. So that's who we are now. Fawkes Academy, our motto is Soaring through Home Education and our mascot is a phoenix. I even had shirts made up through zazzle.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Our homeschool name is Alte Veste Academy. I chose it because the name perfectly encapsulates my main reasons for homeschooling and my philosophy of education.


My dad was in the Army and I spent most of my childhood in Germany. In the 6th grade (in a Department of Defense school in Furth, near Nurnberg), I had the best teacher in all my life. In those days, we were still in one class with one teacher all day long. He was big into nature study and frequently took us on day hikes to Alte Veste, a nearby natural area. We each picked a tree at the beginning of the school year, measured it, studied it through the seasons, etc. We would take regular trips and stay all day on that hill, doing all our studies and eating lunch out in nature. That teacher is in the top 5 of my list of reasons for homeschooling. The fact that I know my kids would never have an experience like that in public school was one of the first reasons I began to consider keeping my kids at home. I realized that I was the only one who could ensure that they get that kind of experience.


He was a great teacher in so many other ways also. He always challenged us yet we always were interested and having fun. Also, we didn't get grades. Each of us was given a weekly assignment sheet on Monday and we had until Friday to accomplish everything on it. We were given a great deal of freedom but a great deal was expected of us at the same time. It was a wonderful year.


Incidentally, Alte Veste was a a major battle site of the 100 Years War. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alte_Veste) and translates to Old Fortress, I believe. I don't remember knowing that at the time but it's pretty cool to know now!



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(OurName) Classical Academy and sometimes (OurName) Classical High School and sometimes (OurName) Classical Home School.


When I started homeschooling, we didn't have a name. My ds was in middle school at the time. By the time he was in high school, we chose the more formal name based on the fact that it would end up on his transcript and diploma someday. WHen my middle dd was 5, she wanted a name for "her" school too. The three of us brainstormed and came up with The Magic School House. Education is a magic that opens minds and excites imaginations.

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When we began officially home educating in California(1988) one filled out an affidavit and was considered to be a private school. We were to be listed in the state directory of private schools and needed a name. I chose "Four Horizons Christian School" because at the time I had 4 dc and it seemed that they were all headed in different directions.

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Ours is Bolivar Academy. I needed a name on the form letter I used to withdraw ds from the school district and, lacking creativity and being Venezuelan, went with the tried and true. On the plus side, it sounds good now and will wear well through high school. It only sounds ironic to other Venezuelans who know just how many things are named after Bolivar.

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I usually just look out the window, and name our school after whatever I see. We've moved several times, so we've had different names: Desert View Academy, Cactus View Academy, and Mountain View Academy. Most recently, we moved to a street that has the Spanish name, Del Sol Ct. So, I'm toying with the name Eclesia Del Sol. I like the sound, but it sounds like we're sun worshipers. We're not, so I haven't made any official changes.


Of course, the only thing I have that needs a school name is my Borders teacher card, so it's not imperative that I have a very official name.

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Ours is Frontier Christian Academy. My dc's all have western type names and we decided home education was a new frontier for us since we didn't really know anyone who had or was home schooling at the time.


We picked out several though and let the dc's vote. They were the ones who insisted on Christian being part of the name. Now, you not only know my school name but also the source of my screen name!!


Now my avatar, that's just the way I feel most days! If one of us is off, we all come tumbling down.

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Orange Blossom Academy...


We were driving in an area with a bunch of new construction and laughing about the names of the new housing developments, then started playing around with what ours might have been when it was built (in the 1960s).


We are in an area that used to be strong in the citrus industry; and we are a block away from a new hiking/ biking trail currently in progress, called the Orange Blossom Trail.


Plus we only have girls, so the flowery thing is not a problem!

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Ours is Ancora Imparo School for Girls. It translates as "I am still learning" or "still I am learning", is is a quote of Michelangelo late in life. I saw it on a plaque for sale in a magazine and I chose it because I realized I was learning right along with dd and I want to instill in her the love of learning new things.

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How did you pick your Homeschool name? And if you don't mind me asking what is it?


Percival Blakeney Academy is named after the true identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel, which is one of my favorite literary characters. He has traits that I'd love to see my sons grow up with.


I was just tickled that my dh bought me a sign with the school name a couple months back. I'm listed as headmistress.

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Our school name is Helen Rose Turner Achievement Academy. This is named after my grandmother who always made education a priority for us. Our school mascot is a lion. We chose this because of scripture reference to Jesus being the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Our Motto is "I am...I can...I ought...I will..." (borrowed from Charlotte Mason). Our school colors are purple and gold. My oldest dd picked the colors.


We don't use our school name for anything, except for some really cute shirts that I had made for them to wear on fieldtrips. :001_smile:

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