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Prism lenses?


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My 22 year old son was just prescribed reading glasses with mild magnification as well as prism lenses.

He has been wearing drugstore glasses to read for about six months, and I finally convinced him to go the the eye doctor.

He said that when the doctor added the prism correction to the magnification while he was in the office it was an amazing difference.

Does anyone have any experience with prism lenses?  I have to admit, I was surprised when he told me about it.  The only experience I have with them is when my friend had to get them because of double vision from cancer mets in her brain.

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My son in law got them last year I think after after several months of double vision. He’s never worn glasses. Eye Dr told him he likely always had double vision, but his brain? ( not sure what he says) was tired and couldn’t deal with it any more. He is in his mid 40s. 

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I have strabismus.  The first time I had prisms in my lenses I could feel my eyes relax.  (I was in my late teens) I had previously had headaches all the time, and they made an enormous difference. 

Edited by gardenmom5
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7 minutes ago, kbutton said:

Has he ever had a developmental vision eval? I think some of the things that prisms are prescribed for can sometimes be helped with vision therapy.

He did VT for over a year when he was 5-6yo.  The guy he saw today is a COVD developmental optometrist.  We picked him because of that.  

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2 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

I have strabismus.  The first time I had prisms in my lenses I could feel my eyes relax.  (I was in my late teens) I had previously had headaches all the time, and they made an enormous difference. 

Interesting!  He said the same thing about relaxing.  

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2 hours ago, KatieJ said:

My son in law got them last year I think after after several months of double vision. He’s never worn glasses. Eye Dr told him he likely always had double vision, but his brain? ( not sure what he says) was tired and couldn’t deal with it any more. He is in his mid 40s. 

That’s interesting.  I didn’t realize that the brain could compensate for double vision.

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1 hour ago, EKS said:

That’s interesting.  I didn’t realize that the brain could compensate for double vision.

Brains compensate for all kinds of crazy stuff. Sometimes they do so by turning off vision in one eye though, IIRC.

My older son had VT for mild strabismus/convergence issues, and he didn’t see double unless his eyes were really fatigued or an object was coming close to his face. When something got close, like a ball, he would see it in strobe-like images and not know exactly where it was.

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1 hour ago, Spryte said:

I love mine. However, for me, vision therapy has made an even bigger difference.

DS had prisms in 4th grade, the year he did VT, and no longer needs them.

Just getting my son to go to the eye doctor was challenging.  I'm not sure I could get him to commit to VT.  I do think this might explain why he stopped reading for pleasure about 10 years ago.

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1 hour ago, EKS said:

Just getting my son to go to the eye doctor was challenging.  I'm not sure I could get him to commit to VT.  I do think this might explain why he stopped reading for pleasure about 10 years ago.

Yes, it could definitely be the reason.

FWIW, VT for me was not in our budget for many years — about a decade. We did it for DS, and then there were braces and more braces and other uncovered health needs and college. I got by with just prism glasses fine. They made it workable for me. Adding in VT this past year has been wonderful, but prism glasses alone were a huge help. My rambly point is that maybe this is enough for now, and in a few to ten years your DS will be ready for VT. Or maybe doesn’t need it at all!

I hope the prisms are a huge help for him!

Edited by Spryte
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