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Saturday Tackling Feb. 3, 2024

math teacher

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Lots to do here today. It's supposed to rain all weekend, so most of my work will be inside.


some schoolwork-done

Amazon order-done

shower and moisturize



clean the bathrooms-done


find something quick to cook Monday-done decided on tacos

list some things for sale-done

wegovy shot-done


clean the kitchen-done

deep clean the kitchen floor

work on the back porch -done

go through a box dh brought from mil's house-done

talk dh into changing a Dr appt so I can go with him

clean out my purse-done

fill rx bottle-done


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Good morning. 

Today is the 10th anniversary of my mom passing away. Yesterday, Daddy told me he felt guilty to be alive. I assured him she would be so happy that he is, as we all are. It seems a long time in some ways but just like yesterday in others. I miss hearing her call me, Darlin'. I miss our long talks on the phone. I hate that she has missed seeing the kids grow into the great young adults they are becoming. She would love that we moved here. I know we aren't meant to stay here, but it surely does hurt when those we love so dearly have to go. 

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Ds is coming down today and will help dh with some outside work. He'll bring laundry, so I'll help him with that.  Hopefully, there will be time for him to play one of the new board games with us.

I'll go up to my mom's grave, put new flowers out, and tell her how much I miss her. 

I've got a lot of grading to do this weekend, but I already have next week's homework and lesson plans done. 

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Good morning, all! 

Today I have:

....dishes -- emptied the dishwasher already, need to load a few things and remind the kids to do so through the day
....make sure my bag is fully ready for school on Monday so I don't have to do it tomorrow
....wake Middle up on time
....take kids to D&D this morning

....come home,  pack for hotel overnight
.....do whatever tidying, cleaning, etc. (&/or assign it to kids) needs doing so the house is in "ready for DH to come home" shape
....decide at what point I'm heading to the hotel, since I am skipping the baby shower after all

....head to the hotel
....somewhere in all of this, be chatting w/DH off &  on, esp once he gets to the airport and is bored 
....hang out and wait for DH to land in the morning

I'm sure there will be more, but.....that's what I've got so far. 

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Oldest ds is trying to get home today.  He got to the airport this morning only to find out United had cancelled his return trip unexpectedly, so now he has no idea when he's coming back.  He's bouncing between his travel service on the phone and the United desk trying to get answers.  Hopefully he at least gets through security and can go sit in the USO soon.  It's looking to be a lot longer day.


  • laundry
  • work with ds
  • tidy up the house
  • decide on dinner....and if anyone is going to be around for it besides ds14 and I
  • knit
  • type notes
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Good morning.

  • DH takes DS to scouts.
  • Start chickpeas.
  • Empty and reload dishwasher.
  • Shower and dress.
  • Make broth.
  • Fill out online application!
  • Exercise
  • Get other address and pick up canned goods (one stop remaining).
  • Time permitting, wash car.


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Whew!  DS25 got a flight!  They gave him half an hour.  The child booked it through security (yay for Precheck!) but doubts his luggage actually is making it on the plane with him.  At least he took note of my own horror stories, where 11 of us flew together for a class and the airline didn't put ANY of our luggage on the plane (and it was also United. Hmm).  We all had worn our boots and packed a uniform in our carry-on, so at least we had something until the bags showed up 2 days later.  He has work on Monday, so at least he is prepared due to his backpack.  This poor kid had his first suitcase destroyed on the flight out and now this on the way back.  He will be so glad to get home, I know.

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@HomeAgain, so glad he got a flight! 

Did I tell you guys about the co-op that contacted me looking for a math/science teacher? The group wanted to meet on Monday next year, and I will have 5 classes on Monday's, so it's not possible. The contact person emailed me last night, and they are willing to look at meeting another day! I'm excited at the thought of teaching in person again and increasing our income next year would be so helpful. 

That would mean I have 5 online classes on Monday/Wednesday. I would go to the co-op on Thursday and have Zoom sessions on Tuesday with those kids. I believe there will be 3 classes at co-op, Algebra 1, Geometry, and either a chemistry or a conceptual physics class. 

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@mom31257 Hugs. I am glad you got to be with your dad. 

Super about the co-op! More income and in-person classes for you and they get a great teacher! 

@HomeAgain If you have iphones, AirTags in checked luggage are helpful for tracking! 

@73349 Nice to have you on the tackle thread today!

@TheReader I know you will be glad to have your Dh home! 

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Today is very leisurely so far, but I will tackle a few things. Got up late, made Ds do chores, had coffee. Laundry is working.

The weather is lovely here today. Sunny and high 50’s right now.

Meal planning ✔️ 
Christmas stuff to storage
Thrift store drop ✔️ 
Some driving Ds to things?
Set up new humidifier
Library ✔️ 
Long walk with the dog 


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24 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:


@HomeAgain If you have iphones, AirTags in checked luggage are helpful for tracking! 

On our next vacation, definitely.  DS has been a little trusting but I think that'll change after this trip.  He's carrying his important things, though, so there is that.


Worked with ds14.  Apparently set notation is "stupid". 😄 By the end of the time he had come around to its usefulness, but still isn't a fan.


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Good afternoon! Dh woke up super grumpy- tha we weren't going to breakfast as he said last night and we can't do anything fun. I Left him alone to do hit's morning shower, dressing, etc. and greated him cheerfully.  He always gets very irritable when he is very anxious and he is a perfectionist like the rest of us and has a new planetarium show about Serius.   I gave him a series of choices of what we could do, and he agreed to breakfast and also trying a new place nearby us that has indoor putt-putt,  


  •  Morning meds
  •  Having a nice discussion about A Canticle for Lebowitz, the Maslow triangle and it's meme (I don't agree w the triangle because it puts morality at the top, which led to Yuel Harari, How much I disagree with him including his latest talk at the WEF.  That led to DH discussing all the people in hiis Sunday school  class who agree w what any so- called expert or speaker says , even if completely contradictory.
  • Next a difficult putt-putt game only 6 holes but it was in the dark, and hole 6 was basically impossible 

To do

  • d
  • do one load laundry 
  • Keep up w meds
  • Make chicken hearty soup for dinner
  • Call local al pharmacies
  • CARE for pain
  • Go to astronomy show
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Ran by the grocery - we were out of eggs, fruit, etc. - and also picked up some lunch/snacks/stuff for DH & I for tomorrow


House is as good as it needs to be before I leave

Snacking, talking to DH again, and will head to the hotel about 2:30 or so (check in is 3:00, so no sense going earlier than that); DH & I will chat &  such again once I'm settled over there

Oldest is picking up the D&D kids and cooking dinner

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Okay, talked to DH, decided it's silly to go to the hotel so early, so will still send Oldest to pick up the kids while I do a little extra cleaning, we can eat dinner together, DH will get all boarded, and I can go to the hotel then. 

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Earlier this afternoon I decided on dinner for the next two nights: sesame chicken/noodles with vegetables and chili/baked potatoes.  Gave everyone the menu.

Dh ate a frozen pizza (he's on night shift so all messed up), Oldest ds's gf took ds14 with her to pick up big ds.  The three of them decided to go out to dinner.

Oh, well. I am so over trying to cook for people right now.  Next week will be better - back to everyone's normal routine schedules and at least one other person willing to eat.

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@mom31257The anniversary or angelversary dates can be difficult. Both my parents and sister have passed and I miss them no matter how long it’s been.

Few loads of laundry done

Still watching the defensive driving course. Hope to get it done this weekend

printed off vehicle insurance cards and took photos of them for easy access. Need to remember to put the print outs in the vehicles. I like paperless bills but need to remember to print these cards since they aren’t mailed out anymore


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I didn't get to call pharmacies. Laundry sorting and prep took a while.  Then even longer w stain rwmover until I realized I was in a lot of pain sitting on my couch. Althouhh it was a bright sunny day, lo5s of rain is coming tomorrow and litscof joints hurt. 

Changed air filters which were so very dusry due to kichen remodel but opened the wrong sized one for the ibe that needs changing the lleast office. So I had to do Instacart order along w m8re yogurt, that dh used and I had bought to make virgin pina colada.

Made most of dinner soup

Attemded a very interesting lecture about CAR 2 therapy online and thrn did quiz they use on the test subjects caysecyou have to be severe anc anyond w above a 10 is severe. I got 54.  I guess I am doing very poorly.

Then ate tasty soup and got ready to go to the planetarium show Dh is doing on Sirius.


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Been doing a bunch of relatively small personal tasks all day.  Getting my tax info up to date, some house cleaning, online shopping, laundry, etc.  I'd like to chip away at a nice list of other things before calling it a night.  Should really be doing some client work too ....

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Today ended up being a good day with ds coming down. I did laundry for him and cooked lunch and dinner. That definitely made me have good thoughts of my mom. She always wanted to cook for us when we came, and I do the same for our kids. She would be happy that I love taking care of them so much! Ds played a game with us after dinner, and she enjoyed games. 

I've done a lot of grading, recording, and emailing. It is a lot of work, but I give students individual feedback on all of their work they turn in.  

Next up is getting ready for bed and going to sleep. 


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