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Well-Trained Bodies January


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13 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I'm finding this is working for me, too. Also, not bringing sweets and other snacks into the house helps! If it's right there in the kitchen, it's tough to avoid snacking. As long as dh brings home sweets I don't really like, all is good! 😊

I like very dark chocolate.  (And I 'need" it when I fly. ;p)  dh doesn't.  So he won't eat it.  😄

I need to get more protein in him.  He's been scrounging for sweets.  Not typical for him.

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I played some fun tennis yesterday for 2hrs, and I've been keeping up with the daily dog walks in the woods. I'm still not 100% consistent with my stretching and strength work, but I'll keep trying! 😉 

More tennis tomorrow, and 3 times next week.

My work has started a winter fitness challenge for Jan and Feb. I'm currently in 3rd place! It doesn't look like I'll move up much, as the leader is really rocking it. I'll just keep doing my tennis and walking, with perhaps some skiing added in if it every snows enough. 

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TKD class last night. Belt testing is coming up in a few weeks. The instructor said that over the next two weeks, they'll start handing out sign up sheets to those students they believe are ready. The instructor must have felt I was ready for belt testing because she had me do my pattern in front of the class all by myself. I can also brag that my whole family were among the first to get their sheets for testing.

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A gentle walk yesterday but the day before was better - I walked a few miles and also helped move heavy rocks and debris from where the storm had dropped them in a land preserve.  I'm cranky and out of sorts and I know I need to move a LOT more than I have been this last week.  I can't bring myself to join the gym/pool because I'd rather use the money for something else.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

I walked with a friend up the den. I was a bit breathless, but my lungs weren't sore. I've not taken any aerobic exercise in a month, so I'm bound to be unfit. 

I'm glad to hear your lungs weren't sore. Your enforced rest was the right choice--good for you. Keep it low and slow until you feel you're back to baseline.

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Too much work stress this week. The last few days I had to use my early morning "me" time to get some quizzes graded, get a review started, enter some grades, etc. I think I snuck in a 10 min dumbbell session Thursday plus the usual fast-rate walking around school. Day 3 of 30 Days of Yoga this morning.

We did get a touch of snow last night followed by freezing rain today. It's 25°F which is very cold for us. No driving anywhere with the ice, and we're supposed to accumulate more today. We live at the base of a hill and our street makes a great sled run. Yeah, not much snow, but the layer of ice makes for fast sledding. Not for dh and I, but watching other neighborhood kids brings back fond memories of our own dds on the hill. But the rain is coming down right now--I have no interest in heading outside!


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We got a huge dump of snow that started last night and continued this morning. Then it stopped and the temps were around freezing. It made for a wonderful walk in the woods with the dogs. We decided to do one very long walk. Then I played doubles tennis in the late afternoon for 2 hrs. 

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I tweaked my back yesterday.  The pain was pretty bad this morning, but ibuprofen has helped.

I walked up the den again, and did a lot of very light household chores to keep myself from sitting for too long. The house looks good!

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I tweaked my back yesterday.  The pain was pretty bad this morning, but ibuprofen has helped.

I walked up the den again, and did a lot of very light household chores to keep myself from sitting for too long. The house looks good!

Aw Laura, I'm sorry you're back is acting up. Hopefully it eases off quickly.

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Productive week, but I really had to drag and push myself.  I did a chair yoga all but one day.  Finally yesterday, I was feeling well enough it actually felt "good".   did a few odds and ends exercises each day, wall-pushups, hip openers, a short core program.  Got my chair massage and leg massage.  the leg massage does seem to help reduce swelling in my ankle. . . sigh.  I did find an ankle rehab workout for after a sprain.  should be more effective than just "write the alphabet with your toes" . . . . I also found a rehab from an MCL injury, looking forward to that one . . . 

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21 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I tweaked my back yesterday.  The pain was pretty bad this morning, but ibuprofen has helped.

I walked up the den again, and did a lot of very light household chores to keep myself from sitting for too long. The house looks good!

Ya for a clean house but boo for the sore back. You can't catch a break.


On 1/13/2024 at 1:05 PM, Ali in OR said:

Too much work stress this week. The last few days I had to use my early morning "me" time to get some quizzes graded, get a review started, enter some grades, etc. I think I snuck in a 10 min dumbbell session Thursday plus the usual fast-rate walking around school. Day 3 of 30 Days of Yoga this morning.

We did get a touch of snow last night followed by freezing rain today. It's 25°F which is very cold for us. No driving anywhere with the ice, and we're supposed to accumulate more today. We live at the base of a hill and our street makes a great sled run. Yeah, not much snow, but the layer of ice makes for fast sledding. Not for dh and I, but watching other neighborhood kids brings back fond memories of our own dds on the hill. But the rain is coming down right now--I have no interest in heading outside!


Here's hoping for a less stressful week for you.

We tried to sled on our snow yesterday but not much luck. We're hoping it's enough today.

On 1/12/2024 at 11:52 AM, knitgrl said:

TKD class last night. Belt testing is coming up in a few weeks. The instructor said that over the next two weeks, they'll start handing out sign up sheets to those students they believe are ready. The instructor must have felt I was ready for belt testing because she had me do my pattern in front of the class all by myself. I can also brag that my whole family were among the first to get their sheets for testing.

Congratulations to you and your family, well done 

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Last week wrap up- 

Short daily mobility

3x short strength routine

9 hours outside/some walks/ some outside work

Steps met every day

I had a busy week. I'm glad to be snowed in and some slow time. Like Laura, I did a fair amount of house work yesterday catching up for the week. 

This week will probably be the same as last but I should have more outside time. No pickleball until possibly next week. The court isn't open. 

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@Laura Corin Hope your back pain recovers quickly! What does it mean when you say, "I walked to the den." Is this a particular location?


I'm still keeping up with my dog walks in the woods and tennis about 3x/week. Stretching and strength work is getting to be nearly daily. Eating habits are good, so that's a big plus. 

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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Hope your back pain recovers quickly! What does it mean when you say, "I walked to the den." Is this a particular location?


'Den' is the local word for a small valley. On the edge of our village there's a protected den with ancient woodland and a loop walk. It's only about 2.5 miles to walk it, but when I'm well I try to take the hill at speed. So that's my standard walk on busy days.

I was in the office today and had no time to walk, so I had a chilly walk in the dark round the village on my return. The forecast is for snow and ice tomorrow,  so I wanted to make use of the opportunity. 

I'm doing the stretches my physio gave me last time I had a similar back problem. 


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5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

'Den' is the local word for a small valley. On the edge of our village there's a protected den with ancient woodland and a loop walk. It's only about 2.5 miles to walk it, but when I'm well I try to take the hill at speed. So that's my standard walk on busy days.


Thanks for the explanation! It sounds like a lovely loop! In my mind, I was thinking perhaps 'den' was a little like 'glen.' Is a 'glen' a small valley, as well?

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No exercise Sunday, and my tummy was off yesterday so all I managed was 10 min on the treadmill. Yesterday was a school holiday (MLK Jr day), and now today we're off because we're still iced in. 16° at the moment. We had full sun yesterday but never got over freezing. There was water dripping off the roof so I know the sun was still melting some ice, but of course it all froze up again when the sun went down. One more bout of freezing rain expected this afternoon and then we'll finally warm up. Will there be any school tomorrow? I'm hoping for a 2-hour delay schedule so we have school but can take it easy in the morning.

Anyway, did my bodyweight circuit x2 and then Day 4 of 30 Days of Yoga.

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17 hours ago, wintermom said:

Thanks for the explanation! It sounds like a lovely loop! In my mind, I was thinking perhaps 'den' was a little like 'glen.' Is a 'glen' a small valley, as well?

You sent me down a lovely rabbit hole.

'Den' is a narrow river valley or ravine, often wooded, and the word comes from the Scots language, which is associated with Lowland Scotland.

'Glen' is a mountain valley and the word comes from Scottish Gaelic, which is traditionally spoken in the Highlands. I think of them as being wide glacial valleys like this.


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I rowed over 45,000 meters last week, and have stayed on point with my eating. My weight is slowly inching down, so that’s encouraging. I have my meals planned out for the rest of the week, so should stay good. But this Saturday, I’m going on a vacation with my sister for a week, so all eating and exercise bets are off. We will do a lot of walking, but I do not intend to avoid all sugar like I have so far this year. I’ll get back on the case when we get home. 

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I've been doing most of the dog walks on my own the last few days as dh isn't feeling well. It's beginning to tire me out, along with the tennis. 😉  I have tomorrow free from tennis, then 5 days in a row. I think I'll be napping a lot this weekend! 

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OK, I finally went to my yearly physical yesterday and apparently everything I've been doing to lower my b/p is working.  It was actually lower than this time last year, 111/78. I've quit coffee and caffeine down to one cup of chai in the early morning, eliminated alcohol, reduced salt, eat a chunk of frozen banana every day, drink hibiscus and other herbal tea to maintain hydration every day plus aged garlic, magnesium, fish oils, and B12.  While I haven't gone all in for exercise yet, I am going to ramp that element up starting today, as she cleared me for anything that doesn't hurt.  I secretly think that quitting coffee was the biggest of these.

So today I will go up another mountain and look for snowy owls which will be about 4 miles plus some elevation.

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9 minutes ago, Eos said:

OK, I finally went to my yearly physical yesterday and apparently everything I've been doing to lower my b/p is working.  It was actually lower than this time last year, 111/78. I've quit coffee and caffeine down to one cup of chai in the early morning, eliminated alcohol, reduced salt, eat a chunk of frozen banana every day, drink hibiscus and other herbal tea to maintain hydration every day plus aged garlic, magnesium, fish oils, and B12.  While I haven't gone all in for exercise yet, I am going to ramp that element up starting today, as she cleared me for anything that doesn't hurt.  I secretly think that quitting coffee was the biggest of these.

Well done!

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I flaked on going to the gym on Monday--we were doing respite care for our teen's younger sister and I literally forgot that I had agreed to meet someone at the gym early. Yesterday I had a MAT adjustment and nothing else--I was discouraged by knee pain after grocery shopping and didn't make myself do any exercises. I'm in a massive limbo while I try to decide between lubricant injections or surgery and it's made it hard to engage as I ought.

Today, though, I did make it to the gym first thing and pounded hard. It was good to be there and I'm glad I went. Tomorrow I will have a huge long PT evaluation and then go to gyrotonics. Next week I'll meet another knee doctor and then decide which doctor is The One and which course of action to take. 

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Today I will take a gentle walk with hiking friend and another with dd.  Hiking friend is recovering from her inner ear problem so needs a flat trail and slow pace.  Dd is also recovering from surgery so ditto.

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It's been such a messed up week. The initial snow/sleet/freezing rain event was last Saturday, then super low temps kept everything frozen, then more freezing rain Tuesday night. We were out of power yesterday and I did not exercise at all (and I realized everything I do involves power--treadmill, videos). It was also just dark and cold. Too icy to walk outside. Our district will say "school Wednesday. Delayed start, No, canceled. School Thursday. Delayed start. No, canceled." So home again today. They actually had an apology of sorts at the end of the message saying they know everyone wants to get back to normal but side streets and sidewalks still have too much ice for safety. But I did get my sluggish self onto the treadmill for 30 min today--needed some cardio even though Thursdays I usually do dumbbells. And I'm heading out of the house for the first time since Friday for a grocery run. We need some produce!

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I had the long PT evaluation and was a little discouraged. All the exercises they assigned are light and easy, and I do sooooo much more at the gym. 

Also gyrotonics today, which was soothing and peaceful and challenging and wonderful. I always leave there feeling so much better. 

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TKD class last night. Dd has a concert an hour away early this evening, plus her lesson, which means we are all leaving the house this afternoon. So, probably no exercise today. I should be able to squeeze some in tomorrow.

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Hello, I haven't participated in these posts in a while but it's definitely time to get back to it.    

I recently went for my yearly physical with a new doctor and my cholesterol is super high, plus I've had some aches and pains that seem at least partially due to not enough movement but was confounded by injuries that were keeping me from certain things, plus being home on holiday break, which always leads to more sitting.  

I have gotten back into daily yoga in the morning.  Right now it's about 25 minutes but I plan to work up to longer.   We joined our local Y and are going there as a family 3-4 weekdays.  

Dh does all the cooking so we've been discussing what changes to make to what we eat.  It's already pretty good, main things are portion control, less cheese/dairy.  We already don't do much red meat but need to cut down on pork more.  

I rejoined Weight Watchers since that does work for me for tracking, plus I'm going to start a notebook writing down everything - what I eat, how I exercise, how I feel/aches/pains since I seem to have reactions to certain foods.  

All things I should have been doing for a long time already, but these new numbers (plus an awareness of my age) are a bit of a wakeup. 

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3 hours ago, knitgrl said:

TKD class last night. Dd has a concert an hour away early this evening, plus her lesson, which means we are all leaving the house this afternoon. So, probably no exercise today. I should be able to squeeze some in tomorrow.

It's not very deep, and thankfully pretty light, but shoveling snow definitely got my heart rate up today.

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Day 5 of 30 Days of Yoga this morning. It was pretty short--less than 20 min I think. I should probably do more--definitely doing a lot of chores. It's still cold and rainy, so outdoor walk is not enticing. Snow/ice is super slow to disappear in 36° weather, even with the rain.

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It is extremely cold here, single digit wind chills, and cold makes my old injuries (ankle, knee, wrist) hurt a ton so no walking outside for now.   Did a bunch of work at work yesterday and went up and down stairs about 8 times.  

Dh does all the cooking in our house but now that I said I want to really change things, he's gotten fully on board.    Pork OR red meat once a week, more vegetables, more fish, less sweets/junk food.    He wasn't willing to make the change when he started on statins, etc. but now he is so that's good.   

I started a notebook to keep track of not just food/exercise/etc.  but also how different things make me feel - headaches, joint aches, etc since I seem to react to a lot of different foods with some level of inflammation.  

We are making a lot of changes, but I feel like they aren't drastic changes, just modifications with less of some things (junk) and more of other things we are already doing.   Hopefully that makes it easier.  

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I've been away to the city for dd's concert and walked quite a bit there in freezing temps so felt good about that.  Unfortunately fell right off my diet wagon (mmmm, city food!) but will climb back on today. 

All kids will be gone for a week starting tomorrow, then younger dd home, then all kids away until Easter which will do good things for my physical health routines but nothing good for my head and heart.

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I've got dog walks this week. Dh normally runs her in the morning but he's visiting his parents. I don't like walks in the dark but at least it wasn't raining. And it's better than the treadmill in some ways--lots of natural incline intervals! Almost no snow is left, but there are still branches down, mostly small ones at this point. 1.5 miles in 24 minutes this morning.

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Last week wrap-up:

Step goal every day; 6 days of mobility; 2 days of strength 20 minutes each-

14 hours of outside time- this was an accomplishment with our weather last week. I was at the edge of what my gear could handle some of the days. The wind chill has been terrible. The temps are supposed to be much higher this week but lots of rain. Today is freezing rain so I'll probably be staying inside today but I'll dig out the raincoat for the warmer days with regular rain.

Today- 30 minutes of strength- bodyweight lower body

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Just checking in. I have been very busy, but I am exercising consistently 5 days a week. 30 minutes of cardio on the exercise bike set at medium grade difficulty, and 20 minutes of stretching and working with hand weights. I am doing my REI kayak conditioning exercises again. As usual, no weight loss. I am done worrying about that. If I ever dropped a pant size, I would fall over stunned! The goal now is just to try to increase strength, work that heart, and gain more flexibility. I need to work on sleep habits. I just am not resting well, waking up several times a night, and melatonin is not making a dent in the problem. 

In order to not get bored, I cue up a t.v. show to watch while riding the bike.

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