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Tackling Thursday Together, 12.21.23


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Slow day here!

  • Tidy the living room
  • finish baking cookies
  • wrap caramels
  • knit one more ornament (last minute addition to the team)
  • get more coffee
  • finish shopping
  • dinner: enchiladas, rice, corn

Dh will take ds to skating class tonight so I can start wrapping gifts.  I just need to finish up things and let tomorrow be family movie and craft night for us all - a nice start to everyone's vacation.

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Good morning! 

Today is dh's birthday. If ds gets off at his regular time, we are going to dinner. Then, he is taking dh to see the Gozilla movie. It will get moved to tomorrow if he has to work late. It's dh's last day and just half. 

I met with a student this morning. 

The rest of the day is Christmas prep and birthday fun!



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Good morning! It was nice to go back to sleep at 6, when I woke up the first time! 

coffee and b’fast ✔️ 
computer chores ✔️ 
wrap gifts
finish cards
visit mom? Called instead

put out all ingredients for Dd and her friend to bake gingerbread cookies this afternoon ✔️ 

dinner is ??
Read and watch some Downton Abbey with Dd.

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Hi guys, happy Thursday!  This week is going by fast!

My kids are on a plane.  I think this is their first flight without me.  They talked their auntie into taking them to some "important" soccer game in Dallas, as a Christmas or birthday gift.  So theoretically, I should have time to do some cleaning / purging their rooms.

But, surprise, a few clients have created some manufactured emergencies, so I have to put the work stuff first.  So we'll see how the day goes.


  • Did not sleep much due to stupid alarms that I set but did not obey.
  • Drove people to the airport.  Had work discussions on the way.
  • A little pup time.
  • Ate fruit, did a little reading.
  • Sent out a couple of work reports.
  • Caught up on emails, social media, electronic school stuff, and calendar.

To do:

  • Send out accounting reports for several entities.
  • Perform online transfers for certain entities.
  • Answer audit inquiries for several entities.
  • Draft government reports for 3 events.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Clean and purge.
  • Whatever else gets done / whatever I'm forgetting.


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Good morning!

Already went to  the grocery store (hopefully last time before christmas?) and ran by both Target & Walmart looking for marbles before realizing I can just take the ones from our Kerplunk game. 

Next up, go tutor the girls for the last time till January after they go back to school. 

Then, left for today:
....make rice krispie treats (2 batches)
....make the peppermint brownies (gifted a mix, taking them to fencing)
...sew if there's time
....nap for sure
....wrap the fencing secret santa gift
....Middle is cooking dinner
....eat, go to fencing
....come home, go to bed

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Made tater tot egg muffins. They are too salty for me, but Dh will probably like them.

Did dome tidying up before Dd’s friend comes over. She’s at a Christmas brunch this morning.

Next up:

Get dressed and pick up some more flour. ✔️ 

Call mom ✔️ 
Call orthodontist ✔️ 
Call pharmacy ✔️ 

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We finished the tree shopping.  Dh and I fully outfitted one kid for winter (a week's worth of pants, shirts, and hoodies) and oldest ds/gf found coats for a handful of other kids.  The tree still looks so full of tags.  We talked to the organizer and they're leaving it up through mid January, so we may grab a few more after the new year.

Coffee is purchased.

I'm sketching out the ornament next and then tackling that.

The living room was next, but I realized most of the junk is ds13's. Guess what we're doing together when he gets home from school?

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Good afternoon!   I've been up since early but haven't had a chance to check in!   

read.  Trying to get thru my zillion kindle books... 

bible (tonight) 

went by Walmart to pick up my grocery order to finish out grocery ordering for Christmas Eve (our big family celebration).

sorted everything.

made biscuits and gravy.   This time I browned the (turkey) sausage, got out most of the grease, put in 2 packages of 2 different brands of white gravy mix, and made it that way.    I'm about to try it.  Dh said it's good.  We'll see, lol.   He may be just trying to be nice.   (It's pretty ok, lol).

planning to go on a golf cart ride through the neighborhood after while.   Will do it again tonight to see the lights.   

at some point, make ds some chocolate bark and put in the freezer for later.  


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Girls were chatting and messed up the cookie dough. Thankfully at the very beginning. I cleaned up and they are at the store getting more butter. This Gingerbread cookie recipe requires paying attention. 

Thankfully, there is no rush and I have no plans to cook dinner tonight. I suspect we’ll eat out. Doing the budget now and leaving funds for that. 

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Home from tutoring 

DH is finally feeling well again - whew! 

Had lunch and a *long* nap (2 hours!!) - bliss! 

Checked some online social media stuff and discovered the person I'm gifting in our secret santa is out sick, so not going to show up. Rethinking the food part of the gift - not sure it will keep until he's able to pick up. So, I think I'll delay that till next week/after the holidays and bring that part when he comes back. 

(I can't ask, b/c....secret santa)

so....that frees me up to sew and do just the peppermint brownies, and do the rice krispies later/another time. Yay! 


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Good Afternoon

  • Time with pup at park. She is getting better at trying new areas, not as timid
  • stopped at walgreens to pick up last minute items
  • ds said new dishwasher made a different chime and had a code on the panel. Need to check into this. I have the worst luck with dishwashers.
  • had 2 zoom meetings today
  • will try to drive around looking at light displays tonight

@mom31257Happy Birthday to your dh



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Re-read the info from fencing, and our coach stopped and got assorted baked goods, so decided not to do the brownies, either and instead spent the afternoon sewing. Got the quilt top (from the block of the month) put together and the skinny inner border put on. All that remains now are the pieced border blocks and finish that up - the fabric for the blocks is in the Month 10 I have, and Month 11 is the final month (I'll pick it up tomorrow when I go to grandma's) and has the fabric for setting that border/putting it all together & finishing. Wahoo! So over the weekend I can work on that, and I'll hopefully get it quilted & everything next week and that will be one entire thing off of the "UFO" list! Yay!!!

Helping/supervising/watching Middle cook dinner and wrapping my fencing present and getting ready and then we head out in a bit. 


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I sent out a good chunk of work, but I still have a lot more to do, and I'm tired.  😕

I called the car fixit place.  The needed part is still on "national backorder," and now they say they have no idea how long it will be.  It's been 2 months already.  What's really going on?

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The ornament is on its way to the kid.

Dh made the main part of dinner.  We get a 4 person meal kit, which is usually fine for the three of us that hare home at any given time.  But they are often too light for four people and definitely not enough for 5, like tonight.  I made the sides to stretch it out to a 'loaves & fishes" meal.  I have a full portion of beans, rice, and enchiladas left over for tomorrow.

I'm too tired to wrap tonight.  I think I'm going to sit here and watch tv while dh and ds are gone.

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We didn’t go look at lights tonight in the golf cart.  We’ll go tomorrow night when it’s just a bit warmer.  I’m a weenie with cold weather, lol. 

We tried to take a nap but the dogs were being crazy-town and then our neighbor came over and brought us a sopapilla cheesecake.  That was a welcome interruption!   Dh can’t stop grazing on it.  

now we’re watching some gold hunting show on Netflix and I’m hoping to get to bed earlier tonight with meds for my neck.  

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Ds did get home in time for us to all go out. 

Dinner was good, and they said the movie was very good and I should have gone to see it. 

I went shopping and found a few more items. I'm mostly done, but I have all of tomorrow to get anything left and all the food in for Saturday. 

I decided on soup, chili, and a baked potato bar for lunch. The second meal will be breakfast for dinner. I'll make a breakfast casserole late Saturday night so I can pop it in the oven late afternoon. I'll fry bacon and make some crescent cinnamon rolls that always turn out very good. 

I'm going to change into comfy clothes and watch something. 


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