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Tackling Tuesday Together, 11.14.23


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Good morning!

  • Trim and finish the first batch of ornaments to hand off tonight
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps
  • history class
  • check over ds's homework/chores
  • help the child figure out how to do a proper vinyasa without throwing his body around
  • dinner: penne with zucchini and ground meat
  • activities back to back until 9:30pm
  • get home around 10, set up everything for the next day
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Today would have been my grandmother's 102nd birthday. Since dh's grandfather lived to a month short of 102, I always wonder what it would be like to still have her here. It would have been hard for her to lose my mother, so I'm thankful she didn't have to. I loved her so much and so many of my memories surround her. We were her only grandkids and meant everything to her. I'm thankful for the legacy of love she and my mother gave me! 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • shower and get ready
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • bible study
  • tidy house
  • my dad comes for us to go shoe shopping
  • meals
  • ladies' game night here at the house
  • prep for school tomorrow
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Good morning! 


Well, I've been battling this dumb head cold off/on since last week. It feels like finally it's turning the corner, for real this time. Hopefully. 

So, my list today:
...get kids up & out on time
...prep for
& go tutor the PreK kid
...help Middle with a project for school
...prep for & go tutor the girls this afternoon
...help DS with a different project for school
...eat dinner, go to fencing (I think I finally feel well enough for that)
...come home, veg out, go to bed 
...somewhere in there, text Grandma
...reply to some emails
...fold clothes??? Maybe
...I think that's all I have today.....

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Good morning! 

Done: Boy to school, put Dh’s gifts out and wished him happy birthday, coffee, mac n cheese cooked, poppyseed chx made, shower and dressed.

Headed to church for Bible study, luncheon, work. Running late!!

Later: tutor two students


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Good Afternoon

  • Scheduled follow up with vet for Friday she continues to do well so thankful. she did run up to the gate and pinched her toe but seems fine. The energy of a pup.
  • Grocery store run. Their specials run Wed to Wed so wanted to get more of the sale items
  • laundry going
  • clean  oak leaves out of play pen,
  • pick up my free 8x10 from walgreens
  • try to do a donation run
  • Start watching All the light we cannot see. It looks interesting and good reviews  


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We finished a four part forensic science lab today. Thirteen hours, you guys.  So basically 13 days because we do an hour a day.  I am praying the next lab is not as long--this one caught me off guard. 

I also clarified with my friend that she will likely need me for work until February/March. So it is nice that I don't necessarily have to look for something before then.

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My afternoon tutoring got cancelled, so I took a longer/better nap. Yay! 

DH isn't feeling great (he had a spicy lunch, and his stomach is not appreciative), so we are staying home from fencing tonight. Will help the kids with more project stuff instead (they have a test on Thurs, board game/research project due on Friday, term paper due on Monday). We are running oversight, making sure everyone gets everything done. 


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Today's jobs:

  • work all day
  • call the power company to request power for the new house for Thur
  • call internet for hook up
  • call trash company to set up service
  • Fill out home insurance company forms
  • fill out Andrew's new school forms
  • laundry
  • keep looking for a washer/dryer
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Home from tutoring. Last student ran late, as I chatted with his mom and we discussed December calendar. 

Had leftovers for dinner. Might need something else, to fill up the corners, like a hobbit. 😉

Moved laundry, started more, folded and put away sheets.

Checked in with Dh about his b-day gifts. All appreciated. Low-key day, but Dh is a low key person, mostly.

Snuggled in bed. Going to read.  

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Typed up cards for DS's board game project -- nearly pulled my hair out, b/c Word is annoying, and then I got it all set, saved it, it "updated" it and I thought messed it all up. DH was able to revert it back to the other version. Whew! 

They have so much due, all together (test, this project, term paper, another assignment) that I'm helping where I can -- typing the things they've handwritten for the prototype that was due today, but have to be typed for full credit for the final version they just found out is due on Friday (and just found out typed was required) seems like something I can do. 

Working on Middle's cards now. DH is helping them study for the test, which is Thursday. Game project due Friday. Assignment due Sunday. Term paper due Monday. 

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This a year of outdoor toys for Christmas! Getting a pickleball set for us as a family. Getting Ds a lacrosse rebounder and balls. Getting Dh a net so he can hit golf balls in our back yard. Ordered all from Amazon in the last week.

Dd is not very sporty; though she does enjoy dancing. Ordered her Blackwing pencils and a two step sharpener tonight. 

I might actually be almost done with Christmas shopping! 

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Hi guys!  Late to the party.

I'm posting to vent about my kid.  She is so difficult when she doesn't want to do something I think she should do.

Today it was attending the marching band awards ceremony.  It's their senior year - this is the last marching band event ever, and they recognize each senior briefly.  Marching band was a lifesaver in 2020 and continued to be fun for at least 3 years.  Now this year apparently it's uncool.  (Though it's apparently the most popular extracurricular by far at their school.)  I still insisted on going to the event.  Before the event, kid painted her face like a minion and then claimed she couldn't wash it off.  We almost had to stay home because of that (I think that was the intent), but my other kid figured out a way to fix that, so we ended up going, but arriving late.  OK no biggie.  Multiple times my kid got dramatic and begged to leave, got too loud and even worked herself into tears a couple times.  She permanently hates me for the 2 photos I chose to provide for their "then and now" slideshow.  As of now she is still not speaking to or looking at me.

I am so over this crap.  Like anybody cares about those photos that were displayed for seconds on a screen.  (And they were the best photos I had ... not my fault she refuses to ever let me take a decent photo.)

I am seriously questioning whether she is mature enough for things she expects me to let her do.  Or as her sister said, "how are you gonna get through life??"

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7 minutes ago, cintinative said:

@SKL, that sounds so hard. Does she struggle with anxiety at all? Because sometimes that sort of avoidance behavior can be anxiety driven. 

I mean we all get anxious.  I hate going to a lot of things.  But decent, caring people will manage to sit through a one-hour event that is important to someone who is supposedly important to them.

The previous day was her soccer banquet.  I didn't care as much about that one because she was only in soccer 1 year, but it was important to her, and she even demanded that her sister (not in soccer) attend, which sister did without complaint.  She then left me to sit alone (with people I don't know) as all the girls were sitting together.  OK fine, I get it, it's all great.  The soccer thing was 2.5 hours vs. 1 hour for the band thing.  We had to provide food for the potluck.  None of that is fun for me, but we all did it because it was important to her.  So the next day she does the above.  Seems pretty selfish to me.

Today, predictably, she demanded a "mental health day" off school because she's still not over the trauma.

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10 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

@TheReader  Sorry for the heavy load of schoolwork for your guys! Will they be done early in Dec and get a good, long break?

They finish early/mid Dec, yes, and then a good break until mid-January.  It's partly due to their history prof getting behind the syllabus, and then deciding "oh! the game project should be due before Thanksgiving!" and suddenly allllllll the steps of it were due one after another.  And then a VERY work-heavy Geology class. 

They'll do okay, and the break will be very welcome! 

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34 minutes ago, SKL said:

I mean we all get anxious.  I hate going to a lot of things.  But decent, caring people will manage to sit through a one-hour event that is important to someone who is supposedly important to them.

The previous day was her soccer banquet.  I didn't care as much about that one because she was only in soccer 1 year, but it was important to her, and she even demanded that her sister (not in soccer) attend, which sister did without complaint.  She then left me to sit alone (with people I don't know) as all the girls were sitting together.  OK fine, I get it, it's all great.  The soccer thing was 2.5 hours vs. 1 hour for the band thing.  We had to provide food for the potluck.  None of that is fun for me, but we all did it because it was important to her.  So the next day she does the above.  Seems pretty selfish to me.

Today, predictably, she demanded a "mental health day" off school because she's still not over the trauma.

Also - this is how she got us to stop going to taekwondo, and church.  Makes the whole thing so miserable for all of us that we won't ever try that again with her.

But she has no problem doing what interests her, and demanding that we come along for the special events.

Seriously wondering if she's gonna pull this crap about going to college next year.

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