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Tackling Thursday Together! 11.9


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I have packed a lunch, made coffee, put a chx in the oven, taken out the kitchen trash, and almost failed the Wordle.

Boy is at school; he is doing a good job getting up and a good job driving. Nice to have some things to be able to commend him for. 

Overcast and warm here. 

Electronic chores ✔️ 
Prayer meeting ✔️ 
Figure out dinner ✔️ 
Visit mom ✔️ 
Dog to vet for nail trim ✔️ 
AHG tonight ✔️ 

Read ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!  I have one last ornament to knit for this batch, and I'm hoping to finish today before making a prototype design for the next batch.

  • watch Raisin in the Sun/knit last ornament
  • prep for test (essay questions, open book, need to cite sources)
  • exam
  • ds's laundry
  • dinner: undecided.  I will figure that out later
  • possibly go to Walmart.  DS has decided that the shoes we actually care about making sure are the proper fit and support for his feet are not his preference, and the awful pair of slip ons I bought for him this summer to ruin at camp are his favorite thing ever.  They have no tread.  I'm not sure they have much of an upper.  But I'm about to go replace them.  And while I'm at it, get a pair of Crocs that he has been really wanting.  Weirdo.
  • begin doing the analytical work for RitS



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Good morning!

Dh works at the charter school tonight, so it's mostly a solo day. 

  • food for dh's day
  • exercise
  • emails that need to go out first thing
  • bible study
  • shower/get ready
  • coffee
  • 3 Zoom sessions
  • guy coming to look at our kitchen lights (considering replacing them)
  • some school work
  • tidy house
  • pay bills/update checking
  • watch something and relax


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Hi all! 

Today I'll be mostly resting - I have been fighting a cold (had 2 kids out on Monday, 4 out yesterday!) and I think a day of rest will finally let me kick it. I hope. 

In between, I need to work on some school stuff for DS/with DS, get the kids up & out on time, and toss dinner into the crockpot (baked potato soup). 

I will probably stay home from fencing tonight so that I'm fully better by Saturday (I am going to stay the night with my grandma on Saturday). 

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Hi, happy Thursday!

I'm struggling to focus on something I was supposed to finish "overnight."  Nothing new about that.

Some drama this morning about slowness and sass in one of my kids.  I really think certain adults have too much appetite for drama.  I also acknowledge that certain kids need to learn when to shut up.  Two certain people frequently conspire to make my mornings un-peaceful.  😕

I think I need more coffee, vitamins, and maybe other things, to have enough energy to fight the good fight.  I find myself avoiding confrontations that I probably shouldn't avoid as a parent.  But ... I don't have time to think about that right now.  I have clients waiting for stuff.

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We are at Disney World and we are all sick.   UGH!  I stayed home from the parks yesterday and slept most of the day.   DH and A went to the park yesterday.

We are feeling better today but plan to only go for a few hours.   We have APs so it isn't like we spent the $165/day it costs to get in, but still.


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Good (late) morning!

I have a backache today and tried to get up early but my back wasn’t having it, lol.   I’m resting outside with coffee and pups.  The weather is perfect here in s Georgia!   



supper: chicken and stuffing with carrots.

attempt to put together inverter machine.   Will be great for my back, I think.  

I had planned to start Christmas baking today, but that’s not happening.  


fix cats house 

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2 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

@HomeAgain Oh, that is a good movie.

So I'm actually not watching the Sidney Poitier version.  Because I'll be analyzing both the script and the adherence to intended set design over the next few weeks,I choose a more amateur performance from a playhouse.

I do love a lot of Poitier's films, though, and I may do a comparison later to see what the director emphasized from the stage version for his film.

For the rest of the day:

I checked on my quiz.It is currently open and I can take it after lunch.

Ds's clothes are clean for tonight and towels are in the wash.

Dh is making lunch so I could begin to annotate the script

3/4 of the ornament is done. 

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Hope everyone that is sick start feeling better- soon!

Went grocery shopping different store since yesterdays trip didn’t work.

we have seasonal temps this week- I like the cool weather. 40-50 degrees is great

2 meetings done.

Requested Christmas lists from both ds. Some of what they want is so specific that I couldn’t pick it out.  Only 44 shopping days left!






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Exam done.  Thank heavens I take copious amounts of notes and write down page numbers during lectures.  4 questions took me over an hour to answer with citations, and I'm still not sure I'll get full credit on the fourth. 

Dh grocery shopped while I was in the test.  DS13 is asking me to consider going to a theme park this weekend.  My brain has quickly run through the list: weather (bad), time to get there (long), and desire (short).  We'll go in the spring/summer.

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Have slept off & on all day, and am feeling some better, but not enough to tutor in the morning, I think, so texting that family and letting them know (they'll be fine with it)

DH helped me get the potato soup going so my germy self wasn't in charge

I helped DS make note cards for his history game project thing and helped him brainstorm how to have the game function

DH is going to fencing, but not staying after

I will be home with my potato soup, a comfy couch, and either TV or video games, haven't decided yet. 

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