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Tuesday Tacklers 10.3.23


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Good morning!

Dh is off to school with his breakfast and lunch. I need to get a shower and get ready for the day. 

  • shower and dress
  • Bible study
  • some prep for classes 
  • grading
  • 3 Zoom sessions, possibly a 4th
  • 1 in-person student
  • meet board members to go put out quilt exhibit banners
  • contact the possible 4th student about the time to meet
  • meals
  • prep for tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

It was a busy weekend, but I'm back!  So far today:

  • Fold the laundry
  • study and last minute notes
  • read more of Elizabeth Fry's memoirs
  • History exam
  • 10,000 steps
  • take ds13 to his mess of activities and bounce from one to another from 6:30 on.
  • collapse about 10:30pm and do it again tomorrow.

Dh is off and doing the grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking this week.  We both have a full schedule of school, though, and the regular stuff going on.

And just putting this here so I don't forget this week.  DS extras:

-picture day today

-p/t conferences tomorrow before skating (need to pack a lunch to eat in the car so I am not going several hours without eating)

-field trip Friday (need to pack substantial lunch for ds)

-scouting event all weekend/possibly.

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Morning, all! 

Today I have:

....kids up & out on time
....make sure I'm ready for the PreK kiddo
....go do the PreK stuff

....come home, double check kids' homework schedule, get that sorted
....remember to have DS download his teacher's edits and work on continuing his novel for Creative Writing
....see about getting DH to get DS's own email logged in on his laptop, so he can then take over using his own vs. needing to go into ours
....remind DH/DS to sign their new patient stuff for an appt tomorrow
....prep for tutoring tonight - type the rest of the notes, type a brief summary so it's not just "here's a play by play of each thing we did each day", prep the materials for today
....check in w/my mom -- stepgrandma is in the hospital
....check in w/my friend, send out the latest updates (her DH is doing well, just waiting on the right liver to show up)
....veg out,  rest
....go tutor the 2 girls tonight 
  moved to tomorrow due to a conflict on their end
....come home, eat, go to fencing
....come home, veg out, go to bed

Also, maybe deal with a potentially sticky email/situation with my directors at co-op.  We've had ants showing up and infesting the trash (which it's my duty to drive around to the dumpster), and I hit on an idea to potentially avoid this, which was just blatantly shut down when I brought it up. As that was my 3rd week in a row of ant bites, killing ants in my car, etc. (and now 2nd week of being told they'll spray for ants), I let them know I won't be taking ant infested trash in my car anymore, but will continue taking the non-ant infested trash.  I never heard anything back after that, so......?  We'll see if I get a reply or not, and if so, figure out what else to say.   


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Had a rough time getting Ds out today. But he’s at school now til after football. Whew!

No cream for my coffee…😢


Bible study at church ✔️ 
Return shade to Lowe’s ✔️ 
Tutor one student
Call Tracfone 
Set up a time to call a teacher 
Email mom ✔️ 

Work on getting furniture reset in Dd’s room tonight. My guys will be tired at that time of day, but it needs to be done. Need to investigate if I can do the bed myself.

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3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

@TheReader Ants! 😱😱😱 Nope, no how, no way!

thank you for that!  

Yep. The method so far each week has been load the unaffected bags into the big black bag that comes down. Shake/tap off the ants from the bag(s) that's affected, as best we can. Toss it in the big black bag, tie it up, toss that in my car on top of the other ones already there (I collect from outside 2 adjacent buildings), drive around to the dumpster, unload that asap, hope no ants have gotten lose in my car or on me.  So far, every time, I've had to kill one or two, and end up with at least one ant bite. 

The first week I was fine with it -- this is Texas, we're in drought, ants are going to show up (they come in looking for water). i figured, now they/we know, they'll spray and the ants will move somewhere else.  Three weeks on......and my suggestions for helping to avoid it shot down???? Yea, no, I'm done with that. Sorry, not sorry.  So, either they'll reevaluate my (very reasonable, likely to actually work) suggestion, or they'll spray, or both, or someone else can take ant trash in their car, b/c I am not.  I already deal with leaky bags most weeks, which is bad enough. 

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Good morning!

get animals fed





doctors appt

kroger pickup

Trim trees front yard

find out who does acupuncture and call

maybe get Covid/flu shot at Walgreens but hoping my dr will be able to do it at my appt


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Good Morning

  • Groceries ordered and will pick up
  • laundry going
  • dishwasher going
  • drop of books sold at post office
  • pick up rx at walgreens
  • Delta is acting normal so hopefully all is well
  • Ds has a checkup with oral surgeon this afternoon to see if the sinus perforation healed from wisdom teeth removal
  • clean leaves and acorns from area and set up outside dog play yard


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Home - PreK went well

We're getting some great rain! We actually have a straight up *flood* watch even.....may mean no fencing tonight; we'll have to see. 

Dropped off the goodwill stuff. Thought of a possible way to rearrange some things so may work on that (closet stuff)

Also fighting a random headache.

Need to check w/DS about costume pieces and get stuff ordered when he gets home. 

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@WildflowerMom and @TheReader, praying for the headaches! 

My 2:00 rescheduled for Thursday, so I contacted the possible 4th meeting today. They scheduled for 2:00, but the student started on her online practice test and is doing great. The mom went ahead and paid me anyway, which was nice since I didn't ask for it. 

So that leaves me with a little break before I have to go out to do the banners. 

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Howdie, happy Tuesday!

I've probably been taking it too easy since I am past yesterday's "Big Deadlines."  I have a lot to do in order to catch up on some old things & be ready for the next Big Deadline.  But it's nice to be lazy sometimes.  (It's different from procrastinating under stress, if that makes sense.)

I have some decisions to make.  To some people, the most important decisions are what to do for my upcoming birthday.  This is irrationally difficult for me every year.  I don't like the same things other people like.  Sigh.  It will be a school day, and my kid will have an "away" soccer game taking up the entire evening, so that punts the "dinner out" part until the weekend.  I'm trying to figure out how to get out of that too.  😛

So what should I do ... it's probably too late to schedule things, but how about - chiropractor, massage, walk in the woods, and a very light work day?  And nobody bickering or being judgy or prickly?  Can we do that for just one day?  As for cake, I already said I just want 1 pumpkin roll.  Not the usual "but Kid1 wanted cupcakes and Kid2 felt like we needed a cake and I saw these pretty cookies and I also got pumpkin roll kuz that's what you wanted."  I will end up eating 90% of whatever they buy, because other people just take a taste and move on, but I have childhood poverty issues with wasting food.  So ... they said they will honor this wish.  We'll see.

Shame on me for whining about stupid things.  😛

I guess I should call the chiro and see if there's an opening for that day.

ETA:  it's a nope at the chiropractor.  😕  Should have called a lot sooner.

ETAA:  I did get an appointment for a massage, yay!


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Tutoring kids texted, we're bumping to tomorrow b/c one has an appointment today. Also mom sent the spelling words, so will print that and get it ready. 

had a nap, feeling a bit better, so that's good. It hasn't been super rainy here, so will check the street maps but fencing should be "on"

talked to Mom; stepgrandma has cancer, surgery tomorrow, they're heading over in the morning to be there. 

I think I'm going to work on the closet some more now that i have time; I did fold clothes earlier. 

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Studying done

Exam done.  I think I did pretty well on it, but we'll see.  It was all essay questions.

I stopped by Joann's to see if they had small embroidered numbers.  They do not, only large ones.  I guess I'll be ordering some from Amazon instead.

Laundry is not folded, Fry's memoirs are not finished. I am only at 3500 steps. I need to get ds fed soon and then take off again, but I'm hoping to at least take my knitting with me so I feel somewhat accomplished tonight.

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got the bulk of the closet swap around done - we'll see if I like my idea once I live with it for a bit -- I  moved my pajamas and sports bras into the closet, on the shoe shelf. Put the shoes into the empty drawers (decluttered tons of workout garb I don't use anymore, not that my sports bras took a whole drawer!).  My thought is that I dress in the closet anyway, and if I have to run back to the bedroom for something, sometimes the dogs have followed me in, leaving the bedroom door open. This way, all the things I need to dress are in the closet. 

I'm debating moving undergarments over too, but am short one little bin thing for the closet shelves, so will find another one and then make the full swap. I'm also thinking this will let me move my jewelry boxes off the top of the dresser, into the drawers, and leave the top more clutter free and I can move my ceramic flowers back into my room (since they have to move during Oct to Dec/Jan/Feb anyway, b/c of holiday stuff that goes where they go). 

Middle is cooking dinner since that was the plan before tutoring got swapped around. 

I am relaxing for now. 

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