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Vision for kitchen renovation


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We moved into our current home in October 2020. It has great bones, built in 1930. We've been taking down wallpaper (so many birds on the walls!) and repainting. We put a new roof on last year. It's finally almost time to tackle the kitchen. I am having a really hard time envisioning pretty much anything. I am terrible at stuff like this. But we have almost no counter space, almost no cupboard space, and DH and I are hoping to do something this winter with it. 

We are not up for a $50,00+ renovation, so I'm trying to think creatively. I am really 100% fine with practical and functional. We don't need fancy. The "beams" on the ceiling are fake, hollow plasticy material and those need to go. The breakfast nook area has great built ins but is mostly being used for storage at the moment. We don't have a pantry or anything like that. The metal bookcases were supposed to be temporary until we had more cabinets. I'd rather our food and pots/pans be in cupboards if possible. 

I'm attaching pictures - please excuse the mess and the fan. It's a million degrees here today and I'm trying to keep the house reasonably cool. 

Any thoughts on how we could fix the kitchen? First picture is coming in through the dining room. There are four doors. I think we could close up the one to the left of the refrigerator. 



Edited by AmandaVT
trying to fix pictures
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Exciting times! I looked at tons of photos of kitchens online to get some ideas. For additional counter space, do you have enough room to add an island (even ready-made movable one, like IKEA sells). We had one for our first kitchen and it was really nice. 

I can't actually see any of your attachments, though. 

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2 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Exciting times! I looked at tons of photos of kitchens online to get some ideas. For additional counter space, do you have enough room to add an island (even ready-made movable one, like IKEA sells). We had one for our first kitchen and it was really nice. 

I can't actually see any of your attachments, though. 

Try refreshing - they uploaded as a weird extension at first and I had to take screenshots and re-upload. Hmm - it's about 12x12, so not a huge space, but I thought maybe a small island in between the kitchen and the breakfast nook area may work?

1 minute ago, mommyoffive said:

I am horrible with this stuff too.  HORRIBLE.  Do you need the eat in space in there?  

We don't need the table in there, no. Currently, it's a fruit bowl holder and occasional small appliance holder (sometimes the mail ends up there too). I have to move the toaster when I need more counter space, so it usually ends up on that table if I need to roll out pizza dough or something. 

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This is exactly the stuff of my daydreams.

I love your built-in china cupboards and the table and chairs. They look so appropriate and comfortable there.

We’re gradually working on an old house too. One item that I bought years ago and have loved is an old Hoosier cabinet with an enameled counter that can pull out or be pushed almost all the way back. It’s flexible, heat proof, able to be cleaned, and perfect for storage (the cabinet part) and work space that’s there when you need it but disappears when you don’t. Kind of like these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoosier_cabinet

Obviously this is a matter of taste. 😁

 I’m dreaming of finding (and affording) an old butler’s pantry cabinet like these 😍😍😍https://www.pinterest.com/pin/oak-pantry-storage-cabinets-ideas-on-foter--149604018850354073/


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Looks like a narrower kitchen that is almost like a hallway?

How about:
1. photo 3 -- replace that metal shelving between the 2 doorways with upper/lower cabinets and a counter top, and install electrical outlet there so the appliances on the counters by your sink can go there -- like a little serving buffet almost -- and dishes, mixing bowls, cookware, etc. could go in those new cupboards

2. photo #4 -- then you would have freed up existing counter space by the sink for food prep near the sink & stove, and all of your spices and frequently used food items for food prep could go in those cupboards for easy access

3. photo #2 -- I can't really tell what's behind the metal shelves that are next to the table -- is that a window overlooking an outdoor porch, or a glass door to another room of the house? If the later, could that glass door be removed, and the space behind be converted into a nice-sized pantry?

4. replace low hanging light with a ceiling fan + light, so you can cool air in the kitchen without needing a giant floor fan taking up space 


Agreeing that the built in china cupboards on either side of the radiator, and having "nook" table & chairs look nice there, since you can't really take out the radiator and AC unit from the window to create another cupboard/counter top there...

Edited by Lori D.
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I would make upper cabinets go all the way up (get rid of soffit).

Consider moving fridge to between the 'door openings'... then add full pantry next to fridge (fridge deep--so maybe no counter top just bottom to top deep cabinets) -- add upper/lower cabinets where fridge is currently (making corner so block off the door)--counter appliances go there.  This would make it more of a true galley style-- but  sacrificing 10-12 inches of floor space would give you TONS more storage...

Is there any wall in mudroom that can take cabinets?


Is there a way to get a rough sketch of floorplan? 


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I like your cabinets, they’re charming. You need more. Since it seems like you need pantry space most, I’d either put traditional upper & bottom units where the metal shelves are, or possibly pantry units, or maybe even a wall of upper cabinets only where the metal shelves are. Maybe put a microwave drawer in there too, or if it’s not in the budget and you’re concerned about littles, incorporate a space for that to get it off your counter. Since you’re unlikely to like the price of custom cabinet doors that match, mismatch on purpose and choose an accent color you like. 

I’d knockout the cookie cutter trim over the sink, ditch the roosters, and replace the countertops with something historic like soapstone. I’d do a black and white diagonal checkerboard floor with a 4-6” black tile trim around the edges. Like the hallway at Chilton in Gilmore Girls. Though I might consider shades of slate instead of marble if that’s real slate in the next room. 

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Take a look on marketplace as people will get rid of cabinets cheap/free.  

I would between the two doorways, build a nice pantry/storage out of cabinets.  Going from floor to ceiling. I can’t tell size well but it looks like you have enough room for an island.  Take a look around and see if there are any local people who could build a custom island. A friend just had one built. Hers is the size a of dining room table for 1500.  Lots of storage and it looks fantastic.  

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I love doing practical! To keep it simple without removing walls etc- I would move the fridge to replace the metal shelf unit by the doorway with the brick/stone flooring. Then add base cabinets, countertops, and top cabinets to the ceiling - to the right of the fridge and wrapping around in an L shape until you get to the dining room doorway.  This will give you a decent stretch of countertop, even if it is L shaped. You would close up that doorway by the broom and step stool. Also put a cabinet to the ceiling over the fridge for a look of continuity.  It will also hold deep, large items.

On the other side of the kitchen, I would get rid of the old fashioned soffit that hangs low, and install cabinets to the ceiling.

This should be pretty inexpensive and easy since it’s not any major work. Mostly cabinets and countertops, and closing up a doorway.

what is on the other walls of the little eating nook?  I see a couple windows and two corner builtins.  What’s on the walls we can’t see?  Any place to add a wall of cabinets to use for more pantry space or less used cookware?

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Wish I had an Apple Pencil, but these photos are what I was saying aboveIMG_6770.thumb.png.fe890b15404c0b5d1fcdb210b31ea1e2.pngIMG_6771.thumb.png.bb55a22d2ee41d6f61aa99c80a31d686.png. Sorry it’s sloppy. 

and then of course, replacing the soffit and cabinets on the sink side with cabinets that go to the ceiling.


Edited by matrips
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