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My sister and I watched Mama Mia last night.

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And we loved every single minute of it! We laughed, we cried, we sang along and had a ball. Can't wait to watch it again!


I wish my dd could see it but no way. It has raunchy moments that are a delight but not for the eyes and ears of my 12 year old.

Meryl Streep is beyond wonderful. There are no words. She just IS.

Pierce Brosnan can't really sing but that was in no way an issue for us, I would still love him. He can carry a tune, he just isn't a singer.

See it, love it, have fun.

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A friend of mine, who didn't really know much about it, and her 12yo dd, were invited to see it this summer by another woman, who was taking her 10yo to it - again, because the 10yo had loved it so much.


The mom of the 12yo came out of the theater a little stunned. I think she learned the lesson of previewing for herself and not assuming that just because someone she knows quite well was ok with taking a 10yo, that it would be ok for her family.....

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I loved it, but I went to high school in the 1970s when ABBA was hot. Plus, I was a Pierce Brosnan fan when he was on Remington Steele. Dd, 13, saw it, but was clueless to some of the raunchy stuff (really!), but had I known I wouldn't have taken her. Actually, my mother took us. If you grew up in the 1970s, you can tell what song's coming next, which was part of the fun.


Pierce Brosnan cannot sing well, but he is the hottest man in the movie, IMO. I've also been a Meryl Streep fan since back when Sophie's Choice, etc, came out in the theatres. But Colin Firth, I can take him or leave him.

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I asked for it for Christmas (my only gift). I know nothing about the movie, except the cast and the music. That is all I need to know. Pierce Brosnan (swoon), Colin Firth (swoon), and Meryl Streep (in middle or early high school my bff's father said I looked like her - check my pic on the family photo thread and see what you think) all in one movie - yeehaw! I discovered ABBA the summer of '79 while staying with my cousin in Belgium. Oh the memories!

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Guest janainaz

I saw it with my sister, too. Talk about a movie that just makes you feel so good and alive. I can't say enough good things about it - I thought it was A++++++. I loved watching Pierce Brosnan in that bell-bottom outfit with the belt buckle that said "Sam" on it. I still smile when I think about him wearing that.

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I saw it this summer with 2 girl friends. It was wonderful, and I loved the movie also. It was morally corrupt, LOL, but so was Beaches and I saw that movie over and over and over when it came out.


But will somebody please explain the ending? I was having such a ball watching it, not wanting it to end and then Colin Firth was all of a sudden...well, I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but if you have, what WAS that about? Came out of nowhere, did it not? It totally ruined the feel-good ending for me.

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I saw it this summer with 2 girl friends. It was wonderful, and I loved the movie also. It was morally corrupt, LOL, but so was Beaches and I saw that movie over and over and over when it came out.


But will somebody please explain the ending? I was having such a ball watching it, not wanting it to end and then Colin Firth was all of a sudden...well, I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but if you have, what WAS that about? Came out of nowhere, did it not? It totally ruined the feel-good ending for me.


Yes, it did seem to come out of nowhere, didn't it? I'd blocked that out, I guess, but when I thought about it it did make sense because (spoiler alert--don't scroll down if you haven't seen it)






































She was the one and only woman he ever "had," so what happened with him at the end explains why she was the only woman he ever slept with. But, no, I didn't expect it.

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