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Yesterday, I got the best haircut I've ever had


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Yesterday, my DS3's girlfriend took me to her hair stylist, since mine seems to have vanished off the face of this Earth, and she gave me the best color and cut I've ever had. Truly, it was amazing...until today. I washed it this morning and, of course, all the great style from her blowing my hair dry yesterday is gone. I am so inept when it comes to styling my hair that it's almost a waste of money to get a good cut because I'm just going to make it look like crap. It's so frustrating! There should be a hair styling for dummies book for people like me.

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I wonder if your Ds3's girlfriend might have some tips for you, since she knew the great stylist.  YouTube would probably be helpful, as well.

FWIW, one time I was able to book an appointment when my stylist had a last-minute cancellation, but it was for a longer time slot than I usually need.  Since she was going to charge me for the time slot, regardless, I asked her to pretend I was 12 and teach me how to do everything needed to care for my hair.  She did, and we videoed it using my phone, so I can watch again when I've forgotten.  Very, very helpful.

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Like most new skills, it takes practice. It is so so easy to give up. I want to encourage you to keep trying. Every day. Even if you're not going anywhere that day. Some days it will turn out better than others. But with practice it will start to be better on most days. You saw how great you looked with the new hairstyle, so don't give up! Don't just say "I'm going to let it grow long and wear a ponytail every day".  You can do this. It's not rocket science, but believe me, it takes practice. I don't know if you work outside of the home or at home all day, but either way, build the time into your day to take care of yourself and PRACTICE. You can do this!

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Thanks everyone for the great advice. My biggest regret now was not taking a picture the day I got the cut so I'd have something to refer to when trying to get it right myself. She showed me a several things as she went along but I feel so clutzy when I try them. One thing I do need to do is get a better brush. Mine is too small and getting one bigger might help me get this right.....or at least closer to right.

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

This is the reason I have had either a short pixie or long hair for most of my life. My years with a bob just didn't fit with the amount of time I spend outdoors and my lack of interest in hair care.

Lol. I've not made it to a pixie it it keeps getting shorter. My hair is super thick and wavy so being long it would just always end up crazy and in a ponytail. My only hack is to keep it regularly cut so I can fix it. Then I just wash it once a week. If I fix it good once I just have to touch it up after that. Dd curled my hair on Christmas. It took maybe 10 minutes. I spent 5 on it yesterday. Today it was good enough brushed it. I got tips from the hairdresser and daughter goe to do the haircut I liked. But I'm not the super done up type.

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