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Anybody else been sick more than usual this fall?

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Yes! I had back-to-back colds around Thanksgiving and a sore throat since-- nothing bad, but morning and evening tickles. It has been since my teens since I've had this many colds in one season. Most of my mommy years have been relatively healthy.


A 24hr. stomach bug bit a couple of members of my family; everyone has had at least one cold since Nov.


Our handwashing habits haven't really changed so I don't know why we have been sick so much. I'm just chalking it up to a couple persistent bugs in our area.

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consider more vitamin d




<<When you think about it, the flu and cold season is indistinguishable from the vitamin D deficiency season. Every autumn, as vitamin D levels plummet, the incidence of colds and flu skyrocket. After vitamin D levels bottom out during the darkest days of the cold and flu season, vitamin D levels rise again in the spring and the incidence of colds and flu steadily decrease until they virtually disappear during the vitamin D rich summer. It may be quite simple. Your body's innate immunity, especially the production of innate natural antibiotics called antimicrobial peptides, goes up and down every year with your vitamin D levels. (Acquired immunity is quite different, those are the antibodies you slowly develop after an infection or a flu shot.) Maintaining summer-time vitamin D levels in the winter—by taking adequate amounts of vitamin D (5,000 IU)—may help prevent colds or the flu by stimulating innate immunity. Preventing some of the one million deaths in the world every year from flu related illnesses is exciting enough; an equally exciting possibility is that large doses of vitamin D may be useful in treating the flu—as well as other infections.>>







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I've had 2 sinus infections so far. I ususally get 1 per season. DDs have been sick almost since october with various things, including a sinus infection, a mild stomach disturbance (diarrhea, off and on, for about a week, no other symptoms) and a virus that ran through their eyes. That thing started on Friday and was goign to take her in Monday for Pinkeye, but it worked it's way through both eyes by then. DH has been also been fighting colds. I'm hoping that since we will be somewhat sequestered over the next 2 weeks we might be able to kick all of this stuff.

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Yes, my family has been sick pretty much continuously since about Sept. We have had colds, the flu, ear infections, strep throat, some horrible virus and bronchitis. I don;t think that there has been a single week that at least one of us was not sick and so have no actually getten completely better before coming down with something else. I usually get sick this time of year and my hubbby was sick some last year but my kid hardly ever get sick so yes, I think that this year must be worse than normal.

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It certainly seems worse this year. We have had lots longer colds this year, or maybe they were back to back colds with no break. I know 4 kids with pneumonia.


I *had* 4 kids with pneumonia! We spent more time in the doctor's office this fall - dh and I included - than we've spent there in the last 5 years combined. It has been a major demoralizer for me, and cause for being way off our regularly scheduled program!


And now, winter. Ice storm tomorrow. And again on Friday.


Forget the vitamin D, I'll be making cookies :001_smile:


(Actually, now that I've learned this, we'll up the d!)

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Yes. Im never sick, but since Oct. have had some horrible coughing thing that lasted a few weeks, and then some tummy issues, and now for the past week and a half have had something that involved tons of congestion, sore throat, and Im so tired...oh and pink eye. I thought it was from stress...my mom was dx with Leukemia in Oct, and then my older brother died a few weeks ago...and then our car broke. Its really been non stop.

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YES!!!! We are typically a very healthy family. Usually we'll have one illness every other year or so. This fall, we've had two terrible colds, fevers, and a stomach thing. (We got the stomach thing right after I told my mom that I felt lucky that we never got stomach things. So, I really asked for it, I guess!)


I've started using hand sanitizer again when anyone has been out of the house.

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I have been totally well since March. What happened to me was that I had, essentially the SAME sinus infection for over a year. Every two months, my doctor would give me the SAME antibiotic for it. I was getting sick constantly. Finally, in March, I got a cough that just would not go away and en ER doc gave me an powerful antibiotic. It cleared my sinuses and I have been well ever since!


My point is, if you are having back to back stuff, you may want to see a doc and make sure it is not the same issue that just didn't clearly resolve the first time.

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It certainly seems worse this year. We have had lots longer colds this year, or maybe they were back to back colds with no break. I know 4 kids with pneumonia.


Dc started taking vitamin D and fish oil a few weeks ago. How long does it take to have an effect? Or do they need more?


The links I sent have dosing info.


generally, the supplemental amounts correlated with optimal blood levels are higher than is typically considered normal for D intake.


I'm taking 4000 IU right now.


My 62 lb'er is taking about 10000 IU per week....1,000 IU per day then an extra 1000 IU three days per week. My 40 lb'er is taking 1000 IU per day.


it takes weeks to months to bring D levels up to optimal so it's likely too soon for you to see effect this early in supplementation.




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YES! Until this autumn/wintery-time I would have said we're Never ill! We have been S.i.c.k! this fall. I had ascribed this odd phenomenon to the fact that we've taken our first real steps out of the Ivory Tower this year. That is to say, we've never really run with the institutional school crowd. This autumn, though, my daughter was in a play in our community theatre with lots and lots of schooled kids. As the sole homeschooler, she was the germ magnet. She got everything . . . and so did we. Poor kid. She had stomach virus, flu, cold, larangitis . . . poor, poor, thing. It was a hard autumn. But she loved every minute of that theatre experience and wants to do it again. sigh . . .

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I'm going to look into the vitamin D supplements too - thanks!


At first I was thinking that we've been sick more this year because we have two kids in extracurricular activities now...but it does sound like it's not just us, and that whatever is going around is more persistent than normal, too.


I hope that we (and you!) get better and stay well for Christmas!

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Us too. I've had pneumonia twice, my husband and oldest son had bronchitis, my oldest daughter a terrible cough, and my youngest daughter croup. I thank God that our little baby hasn't gotten this terrible bug. He's had a little cough, but not to the extent the rest of us have.


There have been several cases of pneumonia in our church too! Also, same as others have said we *never* (well, of course, hardly ever) get sick. This year, I cannot say that anymore.


What's going on here?

Edited by JenniferB
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Hubby has been sick for 2 weeks swith cold and sinus infection. I got it and I RARELy get sick.

I am thinking the VitaminD would help DH who goes to work int he dark and comes home i n the dark. Thanks for posting that!


Definitely! The Harvard Nurses Study has indicated that nurses who work nights have higher br ca rates than nurses who work other shifts. No one really knew what it was.....it's looking now like it's the vitamin D. Melatonin is certainly involved as well, but vitamin D mostly likely dramatically more so.



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Since September, I've had three colds. My dh was sick with a bad cold that kept him home from work for a week. Both dds have been sick 2 or 3 times. Did we just get really unlucky, or is there more going around this year than usual?



Yes! I have had 4 head cold/sinus infections, 1 nasty bout of a stomach bug in which I threw up TWELVE times and had diarrhea, and 1 episode of a flu-like illness with fever, headache, and body aches. I don't think I have ever been sick this much.

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Yes, my family has been sick pretty much continuously since about Sept. We have had colds, the flu, ear infections, strep throat, some horrible virus and bronchitis. I don;t think that there has been a single week that at least one of us was not sick and so have no actually getten completely better before coming down with something else. I usually get sick this time of year and my hubbby was sick some last year but my kid hardly ever get sick so yes, I think that this year must be worse than normal.


Yes, that describes us. Usually, we maybe all get a one cold a year. My dh and I have been sick for over a month. He just got antibiotics for a double ear infection and sinus infection. My kids have a nasty virus that give you a fever and aches. Both dh and I had that earlier in the week. I am ready to set off a lysol bomb in my house.

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Try 6 straight weeks of coughing and first sinus infection in over 10 years. Littlest one had MRSA, flu-like virus, a cold and yeast infection all at once in early Nov. And we HAD to go to Florida to take my husband to a conference or loose $2,000 on a plane ticket. It worked out though and we had fun in spite of all the above.

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