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The little free library is haunted!!


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Yes. We installed it a few months ago as a memorial that I could do something with regularly. 


We're getting quite a bit of turn over, especially for books, and many are coming back, as well as some being added. It was slow over the summer, except for a couple of neighbors, but has picked up now that school is back in session and since it's good weather for families to go to the park. We have several regulars who come by daily or close to it and trade out books-mostly families with young kids who walk to the park. I had three little girls knock on the front door to thank me for the books, and a few others have called out when they see me outside. It looks like most of the kids using it regularly are on the younger side.  


I stocked up on books for the next few seasons/holidays at the big used bookstore when we drove back from dropping L off at school and I'll do the same thing when we go out there for Thanksgiving.  One thing I discovered at the used bookstore is that board books are super cheap there, so I've been getting board book versions of common children's books, which also have the advantage that they're really durable. 

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2 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

We added the bench for that purpose. And then I added a cushion because the iron is pretty, but not comfortable 🙂 

It looks great!

We have a bench beside ours too.  And our little library location also  just happens to be a school bus stop for high school students .  So they have a bench and books while they wait for the bus.  Win-win.

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16 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

So cute.  You must get such a kick out of seeing people get their books.

It really is fun. It’s also neat to see comments on local social media. One of my piano students at the center once came in talking about a Star Wars book he found “at the little library”-and I don’t think he realized it was my house!

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