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birthday ideas needed for my 22 year old daughter


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My daughter's birthday is coming....she just got married about 9 months ago (so they received LOTS of gifts recently) and they live in a tiny apartment, so she really doesn't need "just one more thing" to sit around...even her kitchen is nicely supplied.  She likes to sew, but I don't...do I don't know what she might like.   She is still in college, so  gift card might be handy....but sort of boring....so...if you have any creative ideas, I am all ears.  Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Baseballandhockey said:

Some kind of date night for her and her husband?  Movie gift card and a restaurant gift card?  Gift card for an activity they'd like?

Depending on your budget, this or a weekend getaway for them or membership to a museum or concert or theatre series they might enjoy.

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Tickets to a concert, play, amusement park, or "tourist" experience of some sort.

For a tourist experience example, about an hour from where I live, there is a historic train ride from a small village/town (pop less than 1,000) that goes about 40 minutes out to a ghost town. They have themed rides like a murder mystery or the train gets "robbed" and they serve a BBQ'd dinner in the old church before returning to the small village. Depending on the theme of the ride, they narrate different historical facts about the area and the rail line.

You might be able to find something like that near where she lives. Not necessarily a train, but a fun touristy type of experience.

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At that age, college and right after a marriage…. I would give cash. My standard bday for the older kids is 75-100. With the cost of everything being so high, I would go high if you can afford it. She can use it for a date night, sewing, decor…. Whatever. Or just a bunch of tiny splurges like Starbucks and study snacks. 

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What type of sewing does she enjoy doing?  Clothing? Household items?  Quilting?  Is this something she is experienced in or something she is just beginning to explore?  That would guide what would make a nice sewing-related gift.

What is she majoring in?  If she is getting close to graduating, something career related may be nice.

While she is not in a major metropolitan area, many college towns will have a number of community education classes or events such as concerts or plays sponsored by the university that tickets to could be nice.


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Spoonful of Comfort  does fun gifts. We just sent my mother in law the Italian Wedding Soup gift basket. Every time we've sent this, people are over the moon excited. 

Or a subscription to Snack Crate would be fun if they like snacky things - every month is a different country!

Edited by AmandaVT
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