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Tackling Saturday Together


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Good morning!  

I had some caffeine yesterday afternoon, and I was wide awake very late last night. Also, I couldn't sleep late. 

Since I was awake late, I finished all my to-do lists for summer. I didn't do the meal plan because I didn't want to  be in the kitchen making noise. 

  • breakfast (dh going out to get us something)
  • coffee
  • devotion
  • laundry
  • meal plan and grocery list
  • shower and get dressed to go out
  • shopping
  • lunch and dinner
  • tidy house
  • dust/floors
  • clean bathrooms
  • watch something and relax
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Our town is having its summer fest today. The parade has been rerouted because of road construction so the new route is a block away and we will be able to see it from my backyard. So we may sit outside and watch that this morning.  The fireworks have moved locations and we may be able to see them from the backyard as well. My dog will not be happy and will be hiding inside. 

I was gifted some decorative garden fairy doors and figures so I need to find a spot on one of my trees to put them.


harvest lettuces from garden for dinner salads

organize back closet- fill more boxes for donations

clean bathrooms






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Good morning!  On the list today:

  • violin
  • wash sheets (ds had a bloody nose last night)
  • clean his mattress (same reason)
  • mow the lawn
  • dishes
  • sweep the paths
  • laundry
  • banking
  • make dinner

I don't need to make lunch; dh was kind enough to do that at 5am while he was making his own to take to work.  I should make a cake or pie for after dinner tonight, if ds hasn't eaten all the berries and cream.  We tend to be homebodies on the weekends in the summer since we live in a high tourist location and don't want to deal with the traffic, so I'm definitely not going off anywhere today.  It should be a pretty relaxing day.

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Hello again! I am back. Finally had my 6 (really 7) week post-op appt and am cleared to (mostly) return to normal activities. I do still have a 10# weight limit atleast through August. But I can work out and vacuum etc. 

Today's list...

Breakfast ✔

Work 1 hour✔

Plan next week✔


Check budget✔

File papers, post grades✔

Weed garden

Paint last wall in boys' bedroom✔

Spaghetti for dinner✔

Edited by Brittany1116
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Hi guys.  It's gonna be a busy and people-filled day.  I almost don't want to think about it.  😛


  • Slept, yay!  LIke really all night long.
  • Kid2 to horse riding.
  • Pup stuff.
  • Cleaned the kitchen and one bathroom.
  • Various discussions about plans.
  • Made appointments with the chiro for July.
  • Emailed kid's boss re days off in July.  Not sure if this is gonna piss her off or not.
  • Wordle (5), nerdle (4), quordle (8), worldle (1 without google).
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • Working on waking Kid1 up.

To do:

  • Client work ... mainly finish revising a contract for review.
  • Need to take Kid1 shopping for work pants.
  • Assemble work permit etc. files for both kids.
  • Hoping to get both kids some work training in the afternoon.
  • Big family dinner at our hotel in the evening.
  • Overnight at our hotel with some family members.
  • Don't forget to set lots of alarms to drive Kid1 to work in the morning!
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Sounds like everyone has a good  Saturday lined up. I love ordinary Saturdays with routine things. 

I slept in, had a nice b’fast, made the bed, fed the dog, sewed a button on a pair of shorts for Ds, and packed a lunch for him.

Pausing now to regroup and think. This is the first not-crazy-busy day I have had in weeks. 

Things that must be done: 
(I need to make sure they happen, but not necessarily do them all.) 

general pick-up and tidying ✔️ 
vacuum ✔️ 
bathrooms cleaned ✔️ 
grocery ✔️ 
electronic chores 
return library books ✔️ 

Go to a meeting in the early afternoon. ✔️ 

We are going to friends’ home for dinner, so I need to prep a green salad and some fruit to take. 

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Good morning, everyone. It's nice and sunny here today, and I need to do a lot of things!! The plan:

Get the wallpaper liner up

Write a couple checks/put one in the mailbox

Water the plants and birdbath

Work on the deep clean list-try to mark off 3 things


Finish cooking things that I don't want to spoil while we are gone

Cut my nails

Lotion all over

Weed some in the flower gardens

Work on next year's plans

Work emails


Feet need some TLC


Download another book to my phone for next week


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  • Good morning!

We've been somewhat productive so far...


  • visiting nurse
  • 2 loads of laundry
  • all bathrooms cleaned
  • vacuum and mopping done
  • furniture dusted

We stopped for a break, and I made omelets.    After another cup of coffee:

  • find a carpet cleaner, small one, for dog messes
  • finish laundry
  • dinner out, belated birthday celebration me and ds1
  • read, relax

Have a great day!

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