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Please feel sorry for me...

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Please do not preach, or tell me how lucky I am, or to make the best of it...I know all that and just want friends who know that I will behave well but that inside I will be dieing.


I have to go sit with my bio family for the next three hours. They are all crazy. For some really dumb reason I felt compelled to say yes to this outing. I have not spoken to my mom in a month because of her last hysterical fit in my house in front of my children. My sister - the tyrant - is hosting us to a live production of A Christmas Carol and bought the tickets and will be IN CHARGE of all of us. I have to go solo with my four dc because dh (who would have helped as buffer) had to go in to work, Oh, my sis is POd that my dh isn't going even though he has to go to work today - OBLIGATORY.


I would get drunk except that I have to drive. (That is said in jest)


I may throw up though.

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Ugh, that does not sound fun at all. Do you have to interact much with them? Or will the production take up all that time. I hope you make it through it okay. Stop somewhere for a treat with the kids after you leave to reward yourselves for making it. :grouphug:


( I hope it sounds sympathetic, it was meant to. I am sorry. I hate yucky uncomfortable situations and yours seems to be that and more)

Edited by Mom2legomaniacs
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Hm. I'm going to tell you the one thing which you didn't list as an option.


I'm going to tell you to not go. Stay home.


Don't feel 'compelled for some reason'.


I bet you I know the reason - I diagnosed it for someone else closer to Thanksgiving. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showpost.php?p=659200&postcount=9


You're suffering from Norman Rockwellosis and Hallmark Greeting Cardosis.


These are conditions which are characterized by an irrational sentimental desire to connect with (capital F) Family.


Symptoms include saying 'maybe this year it will be different', 'it is family, after all' even as your logical brain catalogues abuse and emotional trauma.


(capital F) Family in this context has no connection to reality and is instead an abstract construct created from a variety of maudlin and mawkish sources, and often depicted in sentimental greeting card advertisements and saccharine Norman Rockwell paintings.


Stay well and peaceful, whatever you decide to do.

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Concentrate on the performance. Try to stay in well lighted public areas at all times! Tell them that you have an appointment right afterward (don't tell them that it is an appointment for the treat that Mom2legomaniacs suggested). It's ok if they are PO'd that you have to leave right afterward. (After all, it could happen for even reasons you have no control over - like your dh having to work!)

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Hm. I'm going to tell you the one thing which you didn't list as an option.


I'm going to tell you to not go. Stay home.


Don't feel 'compelled for some reason'.


I bet you I know the reason - I diagnosed it for someone else closer to Thanksgiving. http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showpost.php?p=659200&postcount=9




Stay well and peaceful, whatever you decide to do.


BTDT and I completely agree!

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I am so grateful for all of the encouraging posts. I read some before I walked out the door. It was unpleasant but I did get through and will remember Hornblowers words for the future!


My mother did start a bit of a scene in the lobby of the theater (!!!) but I whispered that I WAS NOT having it and she piped down! My sister tried to guilt me about not going out to dinner after (UGH) but I held my own and did not go.


I also listened the to great advice for a treat with my poor dc. We went for sushi & gelato after!


Can't thank you all enough!

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I am so grateful for all of the encouraging posts. I read some before I walked out the door. It was unpleasant but I did get through and will remember Hornblowers words for the future!


My mother did start a bit of a scene in the lobby of the theater (!!!) but I whispered that I WAS NOT having it and she piped down! My sister tried to guilt me about not going out to dinner after (UGH) but I held my own and did not go.


I also listened the to great advice for a treat with my poor dc. We went for sushi & gelato after!


Can't thank you all enough!


Sounds like you managed things very well. Good for you for treating your kids afterward! Glad it's over.

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