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Nausea, Diarrhea in late pregnancy


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My oldest dd still has a month to go in her pregnancy and has had nausea and diarrhea for about 2 weeks.  She's seen her provide who gave her antinausea meds which are not helping much.

Anyone have any ideas as to what she can do? She's miserable and wondering how she can manage this for another month.

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I went through that with my last pregnancy. It started after DH slammed on the breaks in the car & I hit the seatbelt. It started early labor, but the contractions were so light I rarely felt them.  I got monitored a lot and eventually got steroids to make sure DD would be able to breathe. She was born 6 weeks early. She had severe jaundice and had a bit of trouble staying warm, and a heart defect, but otherwise she’s done very well. 

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Assuming she's tried all the oldie but goodie ideas (ginger in any form, constantly snacking, etc...) for nausea, I'll throw out that Sour Patch kids worked for me. And it had to be Sour Patch kids, no other sour candy would do. Also, eating refrigerated fruit and popsicles helped somewhat. 

I hope she's able to find something that helps. 

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Assuming she's not dilating?  It sounds like hormonal changes prior to labor. If she's also weepy and cranky I'd suggest getting off her feet, a couple liters of water a day, and increasing protein.  If the baby is breech and has dropped, some women will get both diarrhea as the wiggly parts settle into the pelvis (as opposed to the smooth head) and nausea as the head pushes up into the diaphragm. 

Agree with ginger in any form, she can also try slowly sucking a spoonful of honey when it comes on - don't try this if she's had high glucose readings.

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For diarrhea that's going on that long, she should definitely test for C Diff. It's an easy test to do. C Diff can get really ugly quickly, and I suspect it could also infect the baby during labor, so request that testing. If the doctor objects, push back because it really is a simple thing to test for. If caught before it gets too ugly, it can be treated.


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1 hour ago, fairfarmhand said:

My oldest dd still has a month to go in her pregnancy and has had nausea and diarrhea for about 2 weeks.  She's seen her provide who gave her antinausea meds which are not helping much.

Anyone have any ideas as to what she can do? She's miserable and wondering how she can manage this for another month.

Has she been tested for listeria? Not even sure it can be tested for but I know it is a serious thing in pregnancy. 

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My friend had horrible nausea during all 9 months of all her pregnancies. She had the medications and would also suggest ginger soda - the fizzies help the nausea too. I've heard of the diarrhea thing can be normal too. There just isn't a lot of space left for "normal" digestion and bowel stuff. Just make sure to keep eating well and lots of small heathy snack/meals instead of the normal 3 big meals. This is TMI but on my last 2 months of pregnancy I just wore the heavy maxi pads to help contain all my toileting issues. 

Also wear a mask if she can handle it (not for COVID necessarily), but just to tone down the smells around her. Or if it doesn't also make her gag menthol (like Vicks VapoRub) just sniff it when the nausea comes on - it's what my mom suggested for me, but for me it wasn't so much nausea and more like there is no place for my food to digest so it would come up without warning.  

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