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5th grade 22-23 planning thread


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English: Rod and Staff 5 skipping the writing lessons 

Writing: Writing Strands 4, copywork, and dictation

Spelling: Rod and Staff 5 

Reading: CLE 6, and Memoria Press guides for a few books 

Math: still thinking through this, I have mostly made my own program borrowing from programs. I think I might just continue doing this. We will finish Hands in Equations and fractions next year. We have Zaccaro books, we will finish over the summer. 

History: Veritas Press doing it ourselves

Latin: Keep Going with Latin

Greek: Elementary Greek 1 

Geography: Trick Geography 

Bible: CLE 5, and homemade memory work 

Typing: I need to find something to teach typing skills, haven't figured that out yet. 

DS wants to learn coding, so I need to find something for that. Dh is going to need to take this area over as he knows that stuff and I know nothing about coding. 

Lots of read alouds and free reading 

Extras: piano lessons, art, basketball, running, chess, possibly tennis. Piano is the only thing that is year round, the rest all take turns during the year. 


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5th grade ds will do:

A Beka Arithmetic 4

A Beka Language 4

A Beka Cursive Writing Skillbook

CLP Building Spelling Skills 6

Lost Tools of Writing with US History historical fiction (along with big brother)

Building Thinking Skills (finish 1, start 2)

Science Journal based on non fiction reading and various activities

Bball, piano

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Math: CLE 5 with some extra C-rod work to help solidify things. We are dealing with some learning issues. 

Language arts: CLE 4 skipping the writing,  Sequential Spelling 2, IEW Ancients, and Fix it grammar 2. We also read through a little MCT. 

History/Lit/Geo: TOG year 1 with SOTW 1 as a spine. 

Science: first semester Botany. Combo of Quark, TGTB, and McHenry. Second semester begin Zoology with Quark, a few TGTB units, some lyrical science songs, maybe some crafty things from Getting Nerdy with Mel and Gerdy. Zoology will roll into the following year, so this is just the first half. 

Foreign language: Getting Started with....Latin/Spanish

Music: Cello and Piano with some music theory. Hoping to get back to orchestra. 

Art: Drawing with Mark Kistler and some Meet the Masters. 




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Bible: I think we'll just read through Egermeier's storybook Bible this year for all three kids since parts of it will tie in with our history curriculum.

Math: Singapore Math 5

Language Arts: Wordsmith Apprentice, All About Spelling 5, finishing cursive and then adding in Word Roots Beginning, as well as some readers I'm still picking out. I thought about Fix It Grammar 3, but they changed the order of the stories so he'd just end up doing Robin Hood again like he's doing this year. 

History/geography: History Quest Early Times, including activity book. Not sure how much of the copywork we'll end up using from it.

Science: REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry

La Clase Divertida level 2 for Spanish

Scholastic newspapers

Hopefully gymnastics

I'm still looking into the "Let's Make Great Art" series for art. Not sure about music yet. I might look into public school for art/music but not sure if it will be possible.

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MFW Creation to the Greeks

Science in the Beginning (with MFW)

Saxon 6/5

IEW SSS 1A and Fix-It Grammar, CLE LA 500 OR TGTB LA 4 (He likes TGTB, but he retains CLE... since I'm adding Fix-It, I'll drop one or the other)

Spelling - not sure. I have Spelling Power, but prefer workbooks for him

Abeka Read & Think Skill Sheets 5

Pentime 5


Piano lessons, track

Also, he goes to a homeschool enrichment program that includes art, music, PE and Spanish. 



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Math : Finish CLE 6 and start Rod & Staff 7

Science:  God's Design for Life 

English/LA: Rod & Staff 6 with Spectrum Writing as a supplement

History:  A Child's History of the Church by John Mason Neale

Spelling: Building Spelling Skills 5

Reading: CLE Reading 6, maybe some Memoria Press guides

Music History: A Young Scholar's Guide to Composers by Bright Ideas Press

Foreign Language: Elementary Greek 1 by Memoria Press 

Piano Lessons


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New plan!

Math:  Singapore Primary 6 Standards

Language Arts: Michael Clay Thompson Town Level - grammar, writing, vocabulary, poetics, literature 

Spelling: Rod & Staff (finish grade 4, move onto grade 5

Science:  tbd 

History/Geography - Memoria Press Geography I 

Foreign Language: Minimus Secundus 

Pentime Penmanship

😀Laying down the rails companion lessons in habit training - much needed 



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This is really early stages planning for me. She will be doing some of this on her own (or with me) and some with brothers who will be 1st and 3rd grades.

Math: BA 5. Probably finishing by March, so looking into AOPS pre algebra or Jousting Armadillos and series. I'll get both and probably give her the option.

Science: Science Mom Chemistry and then Biology, most likely. We are currently doing Earth Science, and it's a favorite

History: Modern American and World History using volumes 7-10 of Hakim's History of US and Volume 4 of Bauer's Story of the World

Language Arts: I'm planning on this being a year to really focus on writing. She'll either be done with or just finishing up All About Spelling level 7, and she's a fantastic reader. I'll give her a few options including Mosdos Press and Junior Great Books and the Mensa List for literature. She'll also probably compete in our area's reading bowl like she did this year, which will mean reading and then studying in minute detail 10 new middle-grades type releases that are nominated for our state's book award. This exposed her (and us) to some surprising new books this past year, so I'm looking forward to that. For grammar and writing, I'm still looking through what we have. It may be Well-Trained Mind stuff, Michael Clay Thompson stuff, or a hodge-podge, but we are going to finish 5th able to write solid paragraphs with ease and have some facility in writing several paragraphs that go together. (goal, anyway)

Foreign Language: We've been slowly doing French for Children Primer A from CAP. I'm hoping to do that a little more consistently next year. Little brother was supposed to be joining in, but it was a bit too hard this year.

PE: Probably some soccer and weekly gymnastics or other full-body sport like ninja training. 

Music: Church music, hopefully bells and piano in addition to choir. All of that will depend on whether the "worrying about Covid is over" strategy works or backfires.

Bible: Telling God's Story years 3 and 4, probably

Art: Probably should do something with this. 

Extra curriculars: Scouts (Webelos2/AOL and crossing over to BSA), whatever else comes up

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On 2/18/2022 at 11:30 PM, bluemongoose said:


Language arts: CLE 4 skipping the writing,  Sequential Spelling 2, IEW Ancients, and Fix it grammar 2. We also read through a little MCT. 




@bluemongooseThis is a very similar LA lineup to what I'm considering next year. Have you done this workload before? Is it pretty doable?

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3 hours ago, happynurse said:

@bluemongooseThis is a very similar LA lineup to what I'm considering next year. Have you done this workload before? Is it pretty doable?

happynurse: I have done this workload this year with him and similar with his brothers as well. I use this partly because they have dyslexia and need a lot of review to remember things. I use Sequential as a quick spelling review daily (it has easier words than his CLE). MCT is great for introduction and review of Grammar terms. The story style and colors really work for the way his brain thinks. I also like the vocabulary and poetry books. However, I do not do the written work in MCT as that is too much of a challenge for him. I read MCT aloud to him. CLE is his basic grammar and spelling instruction. We skip the writing portions since we do writing with IEW. He does most of CLE independently. IEW works really well holding his hand and giving him more confidence in writing. IEW is a mix of together and independent work. FixIt we love because he can learn to look for errors without me nagging him about his own work, something he really needs help with as he makes a LOT of errors with his dyslexia. It is really helping him learn to double check his own work. We do Fix It together. He also has a lit book he reads that is tied to the era we are studying in history. That is done independently.

Our schedule looks like this:
Monday: MCT reading, Sequential, Fixit, KWO in IEW, CLE assignment, Lit reading
Tuesday: MCT reading, Sequential, Fix it, style work in IEW, CLE assignment, Lit reading
Wednesday: Sequential, Fix it, begin rough draft in IEW, CLE assignment, Lit reading
Thursday: Sequential, Fix it, finish up rough draft, type, turn it in for editing for IEW, CLE assignment, Lit reading
Friday: Sequential, fix any mistakes in rough draft and turn in final draft for IEW, CLE assignment, Lit reading

All of LA takes about 1-2 hours. It is closer to 2 on writing days, especially if he is struggling to write (often for him unfortunately). 

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Math:  Finish Saxon 5/4 (just started) and possibly 6/5. He's math-minded but he seems to have skipped over some foundational skills so we're trying to go back and fill those gaps. I'm hoping to transition to Beast once he's back "on level" since I think it would work well for him. 

Composition: Writing & Rhetoric 3 & 4

Grammar: Z&B GUM 

Science:  probably interest-led, maybe.  

History:  History Quest Ancients. He previously was reading CC with my oldest son, but I think that is a tad above his comprehesion level, so I'm going to pair him with his sister to restart the history cycle. 

Geography & Lit: Exploring the World Through Story (Level D) 

He begged to go back to public school this year after winter break, which we allowed, but it's been a waste of time academically. The only good element is all the social time he's getting. He's very happy being around his peers every day. We're going to be moving at some point in the next few months, and then I'd really love to find a good hybrid/community school so the kids can go 1-3 days a week. The hope is to satisfy this kiddo's social needs with his academic needs at home. 

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My middle kiddo will be in 5th. 

Math: AOPS books - she'll probably have a bit of Intro to Number Theory to finish up, then on to Geometry

Latin: first half of Wheelock's

Science: Younger brother will be doing Adventures with Atoms and Molecules, and I'm planning to have her tag along with that but do additional reading and writing. In the past I've always had her with older sister, but older sister is doing an outsourced class and there's no way to make that work given middle's age.

Social Studies: interest-led year - she wants to focus on the ancient river valley civilizations. She's also interested in learning about different forms of government. I haven't figured out resources for either of those things yet.

Writing: Writing & Rhetoric books 11-12 (assuming 12 is released by then - they seem to be pretty on target with release dates so I expect we'll be fine there)

Reading: mom-selected novels. I don't have a list worked out yet.

Bible: The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study, volumes 3-4

Music: piano lessons, children's choir

This year she has been doing Russian on her own with Russian Step by Step. She can continue that if she wants to.

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Maths: Math in Focus 5

Grammar: Well Trained Mind


Literature: Will likely continue reading various books in our collection then writing reports on them. I'd also like to include some more classical books in the list for next year as well.


Spelling: All About Spelling


Writing: Inconclusive. We've been using Zaner-Bloser Handwriting but might look into other options.


Science: Real Science Odyssey Physics


History: Story of the World, would like to find a good civics course as well that talks about government on the local level and society.


Health: Inconclusive.


Foreign Language: Inconclusive. We've been using Duolingo but it's about time for something a little more formal.


Computers: Continuing learning Windows, typing.com/typingclub.com, learning various programs such as MS Office.


Music: Piano lessons via Playground Sessions, recording in DAW, synthesiser programming, we also do a music appreciation class going through a lot of different music together.


Art: Inconclusive.


PE: Swimming, Soccer at home

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Let's see...

Math- Singapore Math

History- Story of the World

Science-a mix of stuff we already have as well as Considering God's Creation.

Language Arts- IEW and TGTB LA

Latin Lite- loosely pull from resources I already have, Minimus, Song School Latin, etc.

Art- outsourced, 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Math: Math mammoth 5

LA: Well ordered language; Writing and Rhetoric 3/4

languages: still thinking. This kid likes languages. Maybe Latin for Children B, or I might go ahead and move him to Cambridge 1 now…he’s doing well with TalkBox/Duolingo French and wants to add a curriculum or at least more reading. He’s talking about Korean next…

Science—not sure yet 


literature—some myths and retellings, family read alouds, and books he chooses

piano w/Hoffman Academy; guitar w/Dad; taekwondo

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Continue AAS

Fix It 2

W&R - she's in the middle of book 3 now, so we'll just keep going

Homegrown science - ecosystems, ecology, paleontology, and chemistry

finish up Song School Spanish and move onto The Fun Spanish

Evan Moor Daily Skills Geography

Human Odyssey volume 1 + reading list

Building Thinking SKills & Mind Benders puzzles

Vocabu-Lit workbook

Artistic Pursuits

Once a week PE class at the local private school

Speech club

Maybe drama troupe? haven't decided about this for her or not yet

Piano lessons

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My 5th grader is my 3rd daughter. Mostly it is doing the next thing. We school year round so she'll finish and start various levels throughout the year.

Math: Beast Academy
Spelling: AAS
Writing: Outlining/narration DIY
Grammar: Growing With Grammar
Literature: DIY reading list
Geography: Draw the World
History: Story of US, Story of the World audio, and DIY informal history
Science: completely informal. Lots of books, kits, stem enrichment classes, etc.
Piano: Hoffman Academy

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Math - Abeka 5

History - SOTW, continue 4. Probably

Latin - Finish GSWL and go on to KGWL

Spanish - Lessons

Music - Lessons

Grammar - maybe Fixit, maybe more MCT, maybe something with diagramming.

Writing - IEW, not sure if I should do theme book or SWI

Spelling Workout

Science - I need help with this. Would love to combine with grade 8 child next year, but maybe should combine with grade 2 child? No ideas and I need to research.

Geography - need to get back to consistency. Love Troxel Geography Songs and Draw the World.

Art - seems impossible for me to do during the school year. Sigh. Just hoping to do a lot of art this summer.

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7 hours ago, Spirea said:

I need help with this. Would love to combine with grade 8 child next year, but maybe should combine with grade 2 child? No ideas and I need to research.

If it helps, I'm planning to do Real Science Odyssey Chemistry next year for my 5th and 2nd grader since that's the grade range they recommend it for. 

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  • 2 months later...

My fifth grader is the one who resists every.single.thing all day long (though we've had a good three weeks with the stack-the-work method... maybe that'll work next year, too?). I don't feel a huge burden to make his work fun, because he resists it, fun or not.

Math: Mathematical Reasoning by Critical Thinking Press, 4 pg per day (first math curriculum he hasn't fought tooth-and-nail)

Math Practice: Math Sprints by Singapore Math, 1 pg per day & Beast Academy, 2 pg per day

Spelling: Sequential Spelling (doesn't love it, but no longer resists and I'm seeing his spelling improve)

Grammar: Fix-It Grammar Level 1

Writing: IEW Myths and Fairy Tales (I'm teaching this in a coop)

Spanish: Finish Flip-Flop Spanish 1, possibly do Flip-Flop Spanish 2 (super gentle and slow, but he likes it)

Literature/History/Science: Paths of Exploration by Trail Guide? (this looks so DO-ABLE compared to all the work I put in last year, just for him to resist and fight at every SINGLE point)

Family Shakespeare with Big Sister: Macbeth and The Tempest (he may fight me nearly every part of the day, but he likes Midsummer Night's Dream this year)

Lots of biographies in the afternoon... he loves them. And, of course, a read aloud going with with Mom at bedtime. 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/29/2022 at 8:04 AM, lucyintheshadowlands said:

Math: Math mammoth 5

LA: Well ordered language; Writing and Rhetoric 3/4

languages: still thinking. This kid likes languages. Maybe Latin for Children B, or I might go ahead and move him to Cambridge 1 now…he’s doing well with TalkBox/Duolingo French and wants to add a curriculum or at least more reading. He’s talking about Korean next…

Science—not sure yet 


literature—some myths and retellings, family read alouds, and books he chooses

piano w/Hoffman Academy; guitar w/Dad; taekwondo

A few changes…

1. He asked if we could please try Beast Academy (his younger sister uses it), so I’ll let him try it out but not sure yet if we’ll switch or supplement or end up sticking with Math Mammoth…

2. Language arts still the same, grammar + Writing & Rhetoric 3&4

3. Going with Latin for Children B, French for Children A plus continuing TalkBox/Duolingo French and adding some reading 

4. He’ll actually have science at our co-op, looks like it’s going to be anatomy. He’s also going to have a fun geography/world cultures class at co-op. 

5. still ancients for history, using Picturesque Tale of Progress as our family spine. I’m still deciding on his literature booklist and our family read aloud lists.

His extras are the same (plus summer swim team), except sometime this year he’ll switch from Hoffman to a local piano teacher.

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