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Covid data(?) question

happi duck

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3 minutes ago, happi duck said:

I can't figure out how to Google for this information.

Are there enough stats available to say "if everyone were vaccinated the covid death rate would be X"?

(I realize we'll never have 100% vaxxed and no prediction would be perfect.)


You could probably figure out the percentage of people who are currently dying (who are vaccinated) because they are immune compromised and that would be somewhat comparative.  But some people are dying because of medical mistakes due to overcrowding, so I think the all cause death rate would drop also, so it wouldn’t be an exact number.  And car accidents would increase because more people would travel. 

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If everyone in the world were vaccinated, then the bigger thing would be that the virus would really struggle to gain a foothold to have an outbreak in the first place. So the death rate if you got Covid wouldn't be any different than the odds for any given person who's vaccinated. But there would be dramatically fewer outbreaks. And potentially even an actual end to Covid.

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6 minutes ago, athena1277 said:

I would look at Israel to get some idea of that. They have nearly 100% vaccinated.  They still have Covid.  A surprising number of people were getting Delta considering how many were vaccinated.  I’m sure there were some deaths from that, but I haven’t seen any recent numbers.

What vaccines were used in Israel?  I am wondering if that makes a difference between USA and Israel.

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1 hour ago, athena1277 said:

I would look at Israel to get some idea of that. They have nearly 100% vaccinated.  They still have Covid.  A surprising number of people were getting Delta considering how many were vaccinated.  I’m sure there were some deaths from that, but I haven’t seen any recent numbers.

Israel isn’t really that close to 100% vaccinated; it’s more like 80% of eligible people, or 60something percent of the total population 

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Today's NYT vaccination tracker shows 62% of the Israeli population is fully vaxxed (roughly the same as NY and Washington state, and lower than Massachusetts, Maine, or Vermont). The percentage of adults that are vaxxed is higher — according to this article  83% of the adult Israeli population has had at least one shot, and the 17% that haven't had any shots account for 65% of all serious cases.

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Also, isn't it the case that nations around Israel aren't vaccinated? The stats on Our World in Data currently have Palestine at 27%, Lebanon at 21% of population. They're having outbreaks for the same reason that highly vaccinated states like Massachusetts are having outbreaks. The world isn't impermeable - people travel. And the vaccine rates aren't good enough yet - there are pockets of resistance and groups that can't be jabbed yet.

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