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What books/ documentaries on health do you recommend?


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I am asking here because of the wider audience.  I am trying to pull together a health curriculum of sorts for a 1/2 credit for high school.  I am thinking I learned way more about health through books and documentaries than I ever would through a textbook.  I am one of those eat very little sugar, whole grains, whole foods type of people (this is how I cook for the family) and want my son to know why his mother is so weird in the hopes he too will be weird.🤪

So, what are your favorite documentaries and books about health?  I am thinking documentaries along the lines of "Supersize me" and that type of thing.  Also, books about health.  There was one book that I can't remember the name of which documents why big food lobbies congress so much and how the goal of them is to find out how to make us all addicted to food not good for us (I figured it out--"Sugar, Salt, Fat" just in case anyone is interested).  

Edited by bethben
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It Starts With Food (the book by the Whole30 people).

Check out The Great Courses for the importance of fitness.

Gut and Spark (two separate books, I don't recall the authors) are highly recommend here. 

The Power of Habit. I hear Atomic Habits is a great follow up.


I'll be following because I know I've got some serious holes.

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Even books about how friendship is good for health.  My son is a tad on the spectrum so he could really care less about people and sees no need to get to know anyone.  We had done a lot about romantic relationships and sex ed so I feel like we have that covered for the most part.  I can see some of that being a section anyway, but I have that aspect covered.

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How about anything by Michael Pollan? In Defense of Food, Omnivore Dilemma, Botany of Desire. I think there are documentaries for at least 2 of those on PBS

Cooked is one from Pollan, I think it's on Netflix. There was one we saw a year or so ago called Healed, it may still be on Netflix. It was quite heavy with woo-woo type pseudoscience, but it may give you the chance for some good discussions with your son. 


Edited by Idalou
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How Not to Die and How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger MD are great.  He also has a podcast and a website.    All of his information is evidence based and  his organization is nonprofit and commercial free.   His books are engaging and can be read in small chunks.   I have used his information in doing my own health and nutrition study with my kids.  

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3 hours ago, Idalou said:

How about anything by Michael Pollan? In Defense of Food, Omnivore Dilemma, Botany of Desire. I think there are documentaries for at least 2 of those on PBS

Cooked is one from Pollan, I think it's on Netflix. There was one we saw a year or so ago called Healed, it may still be on Netflix. It was quite heavy with woo-woo type pseudoscience, but it may give you the chance for some good discussions with your son. 


There is a "teen" version of the book The Omnivore's Dilemma. 

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1 hour ago, ealp2009 said:

How Not to Die and How Not to Diet by Dr. Michael Greger MD are great.  He also has a podcast and a website.    All of his information is evidence based and  his organization is nonprofit and commercial free.   His books are engaging and can be read in small chunks.   I have used his information in doing my own health and nutrition study with my kids.  

I was going to recommend these as well.

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I really like UCSF's lectures. Especially Sugar: The Bitter Truth by professor of pediatrics, Robert H. Lustig. This is one that really helped me a lot in understanding the biochemical/physiological effects of sugar, especially fructose. He does make a joke at the very beginning with some innuendo, but the rest is science. 


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10 minutes ago, Kalmia said:

I really like UCSF's lectures. Especially Sugar: The Bitter Truth by professor of pediatrics, Robert H. Lustig. This is one that really helped me a lot in understanding the biochemical/physiological effects of sugar, especially fructose. He does make a joke at the very beginning with some innuendo, but the rest is science. 


Yes! That one is fantastic and he's in a bit of the one I mentioned above, Fed Up. 

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