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What was your best Christmas, Hannukkah, Soltice, Kwanza, etc.... present EVER?

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I was in love with an old horse.

She was 20, skinny, and had rain rot.

But I never noticed how awful she looked - I was in love with her.


I had been loving her for about 10 months when her owner said he wanted to sell her. I was heartbroken. We were just waiting for it to happen, but I would ride her and care for her every day. She loved me, too.


I told her that I would believe in Santa if I could have her for Christmas.


She was sold in early December. I was heartbroken.

My boyfriend bought her back for my Christmas present.


We moved to town and rented a house with an acre. She thrived. Her long time vet came out to see her and was amazed at how good she looked as my horse. I had no idea what he was really talking about because she had always been gorgeous to me.


Tragically, she was killed in an accident this summer. I was 7 months pregnant and had ridden her 5 days prior. She was sweet and gentle.


I had no pictures of her.

My best friend sent some pictures she had taken before Missy was mine - she was skinny and sad looking. Her skin was sagging loosely around her neck and her ribs and hip bones were emaciated; she looked OLD and about ready to die. I couldn't believe it, because before she died she had filled out to the point that even her mane was beginning to shine. And no one in my neighborhood could believe she was 20, they all thought she was 8 or 10.


This Christmas is sad. It would have been our 1st anniversary of her legally belonging to me. But - in my heart - I know that I gave her the best last year of her life that she could have had.


So - sorry mine was sad - but she was the best gift ever.

What was yours?

Edited by Karen sn
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My best present was a little baby pacifier in the bottom of my stocking. I had been wanting to have our second child for about a year and my dh was not really in that place. He put a pacifier and little socks in my stocking. When I opened the pacifier, I just cried and cried. I was pregnant by New Year's! We now have our beautiful 10 year old daughter. Hands down the very best gift I ever got.

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Christmas day 1997 at 5:39am, after three year trying to concieve and one miscarriage, I gave birth to a healthy 8lb 9oz beautiful baby girl.:Angel_anim:

All the material Christmas presents I've ever recieved put together don't even come close to what I recieved that Christmas morning.

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So, we were dirt poor and our Christmases were usually lean. This one year, I come running out of my room with my brother and sister, because we heard Dad's rig in the driveway. He had pens from Disneyland for my sibs and a doll for me. Lmao, her hair was so matted and her dress was dirty and it turned out that he had grabbed her out of a department store dumpster where he'd been delivering. I don't know what I loved more, that my dad made it home for Christmas (unusual) or that he thought of ME, even if my sibs gifts had cost more (hardeeharhar), MY dad had thought of ME.


That horrible thing is in my attic even now.

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My outright, absolutely favorite thing to do around the holidays is to shop for an "angel tree" child. I've done it for years, ever since I've been an adult.


At the church we attended in NJ, we used to "adopt" kids from a program for families dealing with AIDS. The year we moved to Florida, we left in early October. So, I wasn't there to participate.


I got a note from a friend in her card that Christmas letting me know that she had taken a tag from that tree for the first time, because she remembered how much I loved it.


I cried and cried. As a matter of fact, I'm tearing up now.


My husband always says he might as well stop even trying to give me presents now, because he'll never be able to top that one.

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My best gift was our 2nd son born on Dec. 23, 2001. We brought him home on Christmas Day!


My pregnancy with our 2nd had some unusual test results and had extra monitoring, he was higher risk for Down's, and spinal deformities. The delivery was 2 weeks early, his heart rate kept dropping and I kept saying "Something doesn't feel right!". He was a forceps delivery and was a healthy baby!


What a miracle it all was. He will be 7 this year and lost his 1st tooth today!

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He is a sweet, funny boy who always makes me smile. I remember bringing him home and how happy and complete the Christmas felt. He was born just after midnight so we were able to come home at lunchtime the next day and enjoy our sweetie.


Nothing in this world compares with the joy we felt that day, having 2 healthy boys and family all around. Christmas is a great time to have a baby!

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I got an early baby for Christmas! She was due on the 24th, but came on the 8th so we had plenty of time to settle in before Christmas.


And I had always wanted a gray mare, so after I delivered the triplets dh bought me a former show horse, gray. I renamed her Dixie and she is still a fine old gal.


For one birthday I got an ACD. It's like owning a rabid crocodile, but I love her.

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Both of my favorite Christmas presents were dolls.


When I was 8, I got a Madam Alexander Scarlet O'Hara doll. I loved her so much. Almost every day, I would pretend that she was Sarah from The Little Princess.


After I was married, Madam Alexander came out with a Little Princess trunk set. Dh surprised me with it for Christmas.


It feels weird to me that Miss Bossy doesn't play with dolls-just horses.


Fortunately, Miss Beautiful still plays with both my Scarlet and Sarah dolls daily.

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I really don't have an gifts from my childhood that I remember well. What I most remember is going out with my father to buy a present for my mother. It's not that I didn't get gifts - I did. I had a very normal childhood. But my most precious Christmas gift memories are of my father taking me out to pick something for him to give my mother - usually a beautiful piece of jewelry, but I also remember a microwave oven, a kitchen-aid mixer, and picking out pieces of Spode Christmas china. The interesting thing is that my mother alway did resent that my father put no real effort into picking something for her - it was just a duty he fulfilled. And my father remembers my mother being sort of upset about the more practical of these gifts. So neither one of them got a huge amount of satisfaction out of this exchange. I know this now as an adult.


But in my eyes at as a child - and even as a teen - this was a very exciting prospect - choosing something for my Mom. My father always took me with him. I am not sure why my sisters weren't included - perhaps they chose not to go. It was really fun to be in on a secret, and such a pleasure to think my mother would be very happy with a gift.


My father has Alzheimer's now and is in an assistant living facility. I am planning to take a catalog over there this week and have him help me pick out something to order for Mom.

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I still remember the joy of getting a Chrissy doll when I was a child. Oh how I wanted that doll. As an adult it is a tie between my commercial grade Kitchenaid and the Tom Tom.


My favorite memory involving my children was last year. My father passed away in September but I went out while he was in the hospital and purchased 3 webkins and gave them to my kids for him. There very first webkins. My kids now have that last present from their grandpa and they love and care they give those webkins makes me tear up just thinking about it.

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I am so sorry for your sadness. What an amazing thing for your boyfriend to do for you, is he still your boyfriend?


My best any present EVER was when my parents remarried.....eachother. They divorced when I was 6 and remarried when I was 10!!!!




Yes he is. We were also trying to get pregnant and did....in December.

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